Thursday, August 28, 2008

My car's first scratch.

Yes. hari hari ku sungguh sibuk. I can't say i am busy with classes because in some days i only have a few or none at all like yesterday and still i can hardly find a time to go online like i used to.

Last two days i didn't even get to send mum. When i texted her to ask if she's going, she called and said, "di kapal udah." ceeh. That night i dragged my bro to the clinic (for my aching foot) since nada org dangani and it was on the way to the clinic that my mr white hit the 1000 km! gehehe. So as you can guess i can drive faster now. =D


I didn't have any class at all yesterday but i went to uni anyway for some discussions and an event with our new VC, Dr Zulkarnain. And wednesdays are eca days. We don't have any bio lecture yesterday (unlike the week before where the prof said, "you all don't look like sportsmen to me", and continued having a lecture though it is prohibited to have any on wed afternoon. ppfffttt.) I entered a club meeting but i just want to watch. In the end, I find it kind of fun so i will most probably continue with it. It ended quite late though because someone made a public dedication =p =p. i had to run with my aching foot to chancellors hall from fass and rush to the airport to pick mum up. Awu... sasak ku i can't join because i am not free anymore. bek jua ada burger king aha.

And i scratched my car! My first scratch. Damn that kereta (yang warna putih jua). That car was parked so faking close to me but that other car got scratched pretty bad compared to me aha. sapa suruh sukati paking.

Owh this is important. read this: i noticed that some people are just damn annoyed when some bloggers blabber about their daily lives like malam ini saya pergi ke bla bla bla. I am annoyed too with excessive mooshy stuffs (you might've noticed i am an emo. aha) but this blog is for my best buddies who are miles away from me and who will be miles away from me. We didn't get to talk to each other as much as we used to. So for their sake, i will blab about my daily life... just to make them sure that the ones who stayed here make brunei alivee. and Dayangku Siti Bazilah- make a blog dang! and to those in canada.. aha aku mau liat cana usul canada.

owh there was a moment when i was sad yesterday about staying here while my best buddies are and will be away to uk, china, aust and NZ. Macam they get to experience new places like dalian negri ala italy and get to be roomates with russian =(. Jeles ku jua mun kan d pikirkan. i realise mum has been trying to comfort me lately. bawa makan apa. we even bought a dvd player (because dvd player ku rosak) yang dpt karaoke. A sign that i can now buy karaoke equipments. ada plang ya becakap.. 'nda lagi banyak dangannya kesana kemari' msa adi ku mental aku kan bawa ya nanti mliat music recitals apa sama ochestra.

haha. bah. out ku. i want to surf about Gram reaction.. positive negative bacillus yada yada. haha. We have to hand in our practical report. oh.. sapanah lab partner(S) ku: ada si Bibah, Kimah and Pajrini. haha. bh. salam.