Saturday, August 2, 2008

Life is full of distractions. CH1101 and MA1101 are two of them

I was so exhausted i slept with my jeans. haha. Anyways, like i said i had lunch with the ladies yesterday. Nina picked me and Wadiah up. And we weremostly updating each other. and si Nin might leave earlier to UK than si Wadiah.We both hope she gets through with the process. While they chatted, i just watched them while drinking and ocassionally looking outside just like any one would do, a normal action. But Nin went, "si tiqah ne ada ne dipikirkan nya..apa ko pikirkan tiq.."

Haha well. I guess i cannot hide from them. was it obvious that my mind is full of something? Or is it just you ladies..who know me that much. There is a lot in my mind and i am trying hard to push it aside. trying to do so by making myself busy.

I need distractions. And goodlooking footballers and unissa undergrad isn't working.

perhaps 4 hours of chemistry 1101 every monday morning can distract me from these things in my mind. and yes. Its a core course =/ just like bio. (a core course). maths is our minor course. everything is fixed. No one can say anything or perhaps drop anything. On the bright side, i don't have to choose between maths and chem since i am taking both courses this semester. hahahaha. booo orang yang memilih major minor. kami kena pilihkan. And my optional something. You won't be surprised. Haha and thank god husrin is taking the same course with me even the optional. Ada jua dangan belari ke lecture room and menangis kalau kepayahan chemistry and maths. i just hope i can go through with both chemistry and maths. Thank god elaine and the rest are in bsc chemistry programme and si sahlan and byl are in bsc maths programme. Atleast, i know where to go to if they drive me nuts. bah gotta go to dibah. Its BBQ time.

Life is full of distractions....but not all of them can really distract you.