Thursday, December 24, 2009

Always, and always will be..a traveller.


Tanah jawa, here i come.

See you when the school reopens. Loves T.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Because of you


I like Ga hee/Kahi but ofcourse i like the blond girl (without bangs) voice too. Suka suka. hahaha

You left me speechless.


To onemanga readers, i never knew Bloody monday is an interesting one.

Friday, December 18, 2009

A new dawn.


One: What had past is a lesson for the future.

Two: Whining doesn't bring anything but failure.

Three: Others may talk bad about me, but i must not talk bad about others.

Four: Talk less, give more.

May all these be achieved. Amin. Happy New Hijrah year!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Oh dear.


Oh dear.

She told me "there would be more risks than the benefits". Now, i know what she meant. What torture this will be. If you're not yet.

Ps- I have passed the letter to the HQ. Still waiting for the call.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Drugged and updates.



One thing i like so much about antibiotics is that, that make your skin looks good and the pain is gone. Other than that, hmm i guess i had consumed an unhealthy dose of antibiotics this year (i remember the doctors prescribed antibiotics three times because of my persistent sore throat...ofcourse all at different time of the year) and now 2 more for my gums. In case you're wondering this years birthday isn't the greatest because i endured one week of pain on my gums and jaw during the final exam week and i couldn't even eat anything right. So i googled to see if i should see the doctor. And i did. Turns out i had gum infection and pus was oozing out from the site of my 'difficult extraction' (as quoted from the dentist) and again, i got my injections and they cleaned it out and inserted some bitter thread-like substance in the home in my gum and i'm good with my antibiotics. because i can eat! hmm but at times it still bleeds. i think i lack the right nutrients.

Anyways. THANKS a million to those who greeted. and thanks for the prayers too. I shall remember that. and also to the one who called. =) Thanks too for the gifts.

please do not kiss and tell dear. I 'd rather what i had to say and pour out from my heart stays. I don't want the weather to be more terrible than it is now.
And happy belated birthday Ridha (5th dec) and Nikki (9th dec) and advanced birthday K (11th).

and my music

This also hooked me up! WOWSA. like watching this can make you a lesbian like a while (if you're a girl) haha. I like Kahi (i believe she's the one in the middle from 0.07 and the one with the awesome rapping) After school Because of you.

And my TV
i'M HOOKED with 90210. And still waiting for new Gossip girl. Korean drama- Cinderella man is nice, but i like brilliant legacy (the story line is brilliant!) more. AND city hall is a bit boring at first but seriously, if you just had the patience to watch it until the first few episodes, its actually funny and addictive. And DRAMAS- Japanese drama Kare naru spy is funny (penyeluru lah ceritanya) I'm starting to watch psych too. I like solving-kinda movies okay. And i've been getting fun stuffs from history and geographic channel too. siuk ah haha.Yes i watched all these because i'm a superwoman who has a lot of time to watch TV and not to study.


Gossip girl going manga? Hahah i hope MY chuck bass is still hot even as a cartoon.

exams? no need to ask. I might have errr terkandas 2 papers meaning i hope i'll make it to a passing mark for ODE and for Genetics. AMIN. And algebra too. Okay i'll be MIA for a bit until i felt like i've rested enough. Besides i still don't have wireless at home and with 2 brothers to compete for the internet, i dun stand much of a chance. Loves.


Friday, December 4, 2009

Ed makes charity so sexy.


If there is anything that can un-depressed me, its either jacob black, Chuck bass and everything in between.

ed aka CHUCK BASS makes charity so sexy. So does kellan.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I want to be..... =)


I guess that 4 days training did pay off. I mean, you don't have to remember everything they taught you, nor will you remember all (because the 'moral of the stories' are a lot) but most of the time...when you're nearly 'off tracks', the things they taught us really did come to us.

And its day 2 from the 'ordeal' in dentist. Urgh. The injections are making my jaw hurt right now really bad. we've always taken for granted the nerves and vessels around the jaw and you think one teeth moving just because there is 'less bone support' doesn't hurt. IT DOES. like seriously. They tried to save my teeth with less bone support as indicated after xray (pasal they missed that part) and yet it hurts like my jaw is going to fall off. I mean, when they told me i might go into surgery for that yesterday..i was thinking that might not be bad at all... i won't feel anything anyway, its better that having to open your mouth for almost an hour while two doctors try to save that bit. But now when all the numb is gone, and i still have the teeth they succeeded in saving.. it hurts. The painkiller didn't work that much. =( I hope tommorow it'll be okay. i can talk normally and smile widely. Amin. (yes even smiling hurts)

4 more days to you-know-what and i will be MIA okay. i might even shut my phone off. Because while growing up is interesting, aging is not. And i feel the latter. I don't want you to remind me how old i am. Yes. If you haven't noticed, i have a problem with growing old, because i realize that means i have less time in the world to do the things i have not done. And anti aging cream doesn't usually work that well. Okay bye. Salam

In pain.

Friday, November 27, 2009



You know its fun to stay up late with friends at UBD while studying and having our occassional 'iklans' and talking about stuffs (which are most of the time rated R) Its nice to have their company. Exam was aweful. Its always aweful but the great thing is (cross out the fact that i did not know AT ALL a few questions worth 10 marks each) that i did not regret even if there were a lot of mistakes here and there because i've cast aside sleeping and did the best i could.

Regret is a terrible feeling. Thank god you have friends who are truly friends to lift you up for the next exam. For Plant and Animal phylo, i hope my friends who have been studying with me all night long since last week at UBD and i, will pass. Amin. Only god knows how terrible we felt during those study sessions.

Sometimes you think you know a person but then they act differently than you thought they'd be. People act differently in different environment just to jaga hati. I am honestly an open and not so good of a person, but i've never been this open about some 'stuff' (that you'd honestly never think i'd know) with anyone, other than them. Good thing is, they don't judge (openly) because they've come to understand, that is how i am. Mystererious words i am putting here. hahaha but lets say you've put inside your mind that i am some nerd who studies hard and stays in a 'shell'. Let it stay that way in your mind, until i decide to drink super power and crawl out of my shell to open myself up to you and probably dance to cascada at the foyer.

There is more to life than internet (or no life at all since the exam started) so forgive me for not checking my emails of facebook. i am watching new moon before my other exams. And i've got a surprise for people next year.

You know i love you. But do you love me too?


Friday, November 13, 2009

MIA from the internet world.


I drafted this way back then. I just publish it today.

You know, i'm getting better and better at this... being MIA thing. Its like my thing. haha I know i have not entered MSN for a while, checked my emails and my blog. So sorry but i have been busy. (if i wasn't, i was watching TV- Glee and Gossip girl) But seriously, this last two months of the semester have been VERY hectic. So let me go through it slowly yes? Since here goes:

Brunei Music Society presents Vienna Mozart Trio. A simply simply amazing trio. Beautiful music- feels like its telling us a story. Thanks to Mr and Mrs Dalman for putting up with my constant sms for tickets. And also to Peifen, Annie, Nora, Mai and BIllah for joining. Next one will be Sudanese music (in December).

UVC joins green Projects- UBD Forest Rehabilitation. UBD area had serious forest fire problem last few months and this project aims to rehabilitate the area, get it back to the way it was before. It consist of many smaller activities. And UVC was there most of the time! Thanks to all who came. You all did a great job. Remember, even a small contribution matters.

Naik trak (iski) to the UBD nursery after collection of saplings.

Soil digging and getting rid of sapling and seedling of acacia (invasive)

Another magical night. Prague Chamber Ochestra. I went with Peifen this time and we were __ seats away from the stage. Listening to live ochestra isn't the same as listening it through any music player device. All proceeds that night (yes all $80,000) goes to Pusat Ehsan and Learning ladders society, so every money spent is spent worthwhile.

Seeing is believing fundraising event. Thanks to Billah's aunt from RBA frequent flyers section for sponsoring us with 10 tickets. (each worth $20) I auctioned for a picture, Scroll down =p.

UVC Beach Cleaning campaign. Thanks to everyone who made the event run smoothly.

UVC members who attended the activity.

Gala night!!

Bj and I with Maudena (the AR of UBD estate and mastermind of UBD tree replanting project- green project)

Note the comittee pass. Suddenly, i became one of the backstage people helping stage manager (as KEPAL). 6th Nov was the rehearsal at polo club, and it ended around 10++pm. Had school the next day (kepisan) and had the real Gala event the next day too, on 7th nov 2009. Being backstage was hectic, it was hot, and tiring chasing for performers. But you get to meet the artist backstage and see them being nervous.. so its cool. Especially, the Korean Culture Club who did an amazing job dancing! (you should see Hadri and Sahlan dancing to korean songs... gila. kami teriak2 plang di belakang) I told you you guys will do fine. Congrats to Sham, to group si Fuad (KEPAL leader) band and TNC for being in top 3 for UBD talent show. I can honestly tell you, UBD has got talent. The gala ended at around 12++

The next day, Dr Nurol, dean of students invited us as representatives for UVC for event with Minister of internal affairs. Sorry for the rest. I mean if we hadn't inform you. It was last minute and they only want 2 rep from UVC. Kami show face plang saja =p and makan but seriously we do feel guilty just showing our faces and listen to the presentation. I guess we biologist are used to hands on work and field work instead of just showing courtesy.

With Bazi (mpp for HSE) and Pn Zalina.

Added to collection, 2 painting i bought back in Hongkong (the other ones are from China and the colour pensil art was from Frankfurt, Germany). I told you i appreciate art.

I know, my work table's a mess.

And Exam. I'm trying my best to survive this (i.e PASS THIS because biology in ubd is just so F hard. esp animal.) I hope i pass animal. really. pass everything lah. Amin. Okay. By. back to being MIA. Salam

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It feels heavy sometimes.



Well, now is the time of the semester when we battle with our own emotions and negative thoughts about the upcoming exam. While realising that you're getting old, and life is no longer those days when you play carah tiang. Instead, life is about making a difference to the world. Okay maybe thats abit too much. Maybe instead, life has gone from merely sweet lolipops to the bitter taste of seeing how your friends and YOU have grown. Some people grow to be responsible people. Some people grow while kiss-ass-ing their way up. Some people are friends because they feel comfortable with each other. others are friends because they gain benefit from each other. Hey... since when is it this tough?

Everytime i fear about whether i can go through this semester or not, i keep asking, what lies ahead of me. And its only getting difficult. Life when we're kids are like a festive, only everyday. We all are hypocrites if we say we hated politics, because life is one when we get older. There are circles within circles. What you will become 5 years 10 years or 20 years later, is shaped by what you try to become now. What will i become? I don't know. Huhu. I still feel like i have done nothing special in my life. I hope i hope, tommorow, or the day after, i will someday, make something special out of my life.

Hmm. Anyways, the NBT classic Prague Chamber Ochestra was a blast! Just like the Vienna Mozart trio last few weeks ago. =) I just hope that someday, i will go to that ochestra or that concert again with some friends i miss.

And i have been struggling to finish my reports. yeah we're just so near to exam, but theres still some reports to finish. wish me marks for the next rat dissection. I am terrible at dissection. =( and hmm. somethings in my mind. i can't say it out aloud because you just won't believe me if i say i feel that way. You'd just say, no thats not going to happen or no you got it wrong. I did try to say to some people, they just shed it off. I somehow feel so distant from the people i know very well. Never mind.

Somehow. deep inside my heart... you don't know what i'm holding.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Its the time when i start fearing if i could make it through the day or not.


I am pretty upset.

I've been trying hard to tell myself i can get through the day, and the next and the next. I've been doubting if i can even go through the semester. And yet... the only words i get from others is how to do this, how to do that, have you done this, have you done that... when i can't even convince myself that i can make it through today or even tho whole semester. Let alone finish all the assignments. Huhuuu. Sometimes, when you can't offer a little soothing word, a little space would do.

I did shed a tear or more. Can't help it anymore. I can't stop thinking about this and that and that. Seriously, i've been a very very bad student neglecting, procrastinating (well i've always done that though) but the end, i hope i pass all my subjects this semester. Amin.

Current place: With ummi UBD buat report. It rained for both of us today.


Friday, October 23, 2009

We fear what we don't know.


One of the other reasons why i respect Dan Brown and Paolo Coelho, both integrate spiritual knowledge in their books, without forgetting to respect other religion. Read The Lost Symbol and you'll see what i mean. Somehow, we seem to be reminded about our own Lost symbol. Yes. I finished it =p

I'll be volunteering again with Fen today at the Asean Food Conference. I find it somehow interesting that all these professionals (who are atleast at masters degree level) gather and talked about food safety and how to increase food yield. Its somehow the science part of supporting global sustanaibility and hence, the MDG goal of reducing hunger by half, may actually be achieved!

We had lizard dissection last time which i know i have done terribly but since Dr C said it was better than the last one, so i guess, that'll do. I was nervous, duuh, i had a immense fear of lizard. But on the way to the lab early in the morning, i remembered what they taught us in lestari, We fear what we don't know. And so i told my self just that. The lizard is a creature, with somehow bautiful internal organs, but we just don't know. So i think, i have come face to face (almost kissed it because i was too focused on tracing the veins and arteries) with my fear. Ofcourse, at first we used latex gloves, we sorta lose that since drawing while wearing gloves is difficult. Next dissection, Rat.

My aim this semester is to start atleast reading something for the exam, One month before the exam. It is ambitious but with the terrible work i have done for my coursework, its the only thing sane to do. So please help me remind me this.

Lastly, 25cents can feed a child, and that is lesss than a cup of coffee. So feed a child. go to..

Donate to feed the hungry

Ps- Oh and the donation to Phillipines victim fund and Indonesia earthquake was opened, few weeks ago. Please do donate.And remember the unfortunate.

Salam. With Love. Atiqah Rad.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A billion for a billion.


This is powerful! Check here for the statistics and see how many children has probably succumbed to death by hunger.

Donate to feed the hungry

A billion for a billion. You can fill the red cup too.

You know you see me with my body moving out of control


Gimme music, now I need it
Gotta loose it, wanna move it
Faster, louder, keep it going all night
I can take you to the limit
Move it how I like
Bodies poppin' never stopping
Feelin' free like I'm alive
I become a wild thing (yeah uh huh) i know that
I become a wild thing (yeah uh huh) so what?
This music makes my heart sing (yeah uh huh) you know that
I become a wild thing (uh oh oh)

I know you see me with my body moving out of control
I know you see me, don't you know that I got body control
This beats electric baby, shockin me right down to my soul
I know you see me I got b-b-body control
(I got body control, I-I I said I got body control)

I can move my body, body
You know I like to party
Tell the DJ girls are ready leave that beat to drop
I can take it to the limit move it how I like
Bodies poppin' never stopping
Feelin' free like I'm alive
I become a wild thing (yeah uh huh) i know that
I become a wild thing (yeah uh huh) so what?
This music makes my heart sing (yeah uh huh) you know that
I become a wild thing (uh oh oh)

I know you see me with my body moving out of control
I know you see me, don't you know that I got body control
This beats electric baby, shockin me right down to my soul
I know you see me I got b-b-body control (2x)
(I got body control, I-I I said I got body control)

Give me a minute
I'm on a mission so listen
I got the fire, I'm wild
I never tired, don't stop
No I never slow down whether you like it or not
I'm gonna shut down the spot
I'm taking over the top

I know you see me with my body moving out of control
I know you see me, don't you know that I got body control
This beats electric baby, shockin me right down to my soul

I know you see me I got b-b-body control (2X)
(I got body control, I-I I said I got body control)

leigton meester music fangirl.

Evacuate the dance floor!


Makes you wanna dance!

Love it.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Living with meaning.


To live in a world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering in a great library without touching the books. The secret teaching of all ages. - first few pages of Dan Brown new The lost symbol

The first proper fiction book, i've ever finished reading, at my own will, was The Da vinci code. Well, the book's not entirely fiction, a lot of facts are integrated but that is why i love Dan Brown, regardless of how controversial he is. My other favourite was Paulo Coelho. He writes some serious philosophical writings in his fiction- so NOT entirely fiction. They inspire me. Yes, I've started The Lost Symbol. The book started with the quote above... it already sticks to my mind.

Today, on a friday, after Animal Phylo class, i wandered around the library (that is after paying 1.80 for overdue books). I flipped through an insect book which i remembered Dr marshall brought to Patoi and saw some pretty insects. So it crossed my mind that, the more you study life sciences, you learn to appreaciate and be thankful to God a lot more than you do now. medical people may study about human. But we the biological sciences study about every living thing on earth- plants and animals alike.

And then, there are more, like beautiful insects with you've never seen before, to birds feathers where every minute hooks are responsible for its flight, to plants which had been beautifully architected. There are more to life than what we've seen. Yet, our world seems to revolve solely around humans. Why can't human close their eyes and see, we are not the supreme being on earth. We are just like any other animal, God's creation. They say cloning is a serious ethical issue. But its just an issue we create. Humans can never play God. Humans may have architected more than a few beautiful buildings or invent brilliant stuffs, but can never think about placing vascular systems at precice points on a plant or correct vessels, if it had not been created before.

I guess, we all still are ignorant about the knowledge the books in our great library- the earth- held.

so thankgod, for knowledge. Happy world food day and lets reduce poverty. =) happy birthday sahlan!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I've strayed


Don't ask me where i've been. I guess i've strayed from my path. Seriously, i haven't tasted satisfaction this semester. I can't help wondering what the end result would be. People say everyone has potential, i've heard that for years... being reminded over and over, sometimes not so nicely.

But still.... perfection is far from grasp. It should be. But why is satisfaction so hard to get now?

We even have class tommorow. And its friday. Right now its 7.02pm and i'm in UBD with Ummi. HIGH. Non stop laughing pasal meliat lukisan shark kami yang cali sulnya.
We finished practical at 6 just now and had out presentation since 8am this morning. I guess this is our way to try and not regret our mistakes. Looking silly, doing silly things- or as you can say.. looking as if we have got no discipline at all.

I am going for the ochestra concert again this year. The usual nbt ochestra. I guess, its now tradition i make for myself. The difference is this time, i'll be going with fen and its going to cost extra than the previous years. Never mind. All will go to charity anyway. So do come. I can assure you, every NBT concert is like an escapade from worries. But i still think sean ghazi was the best solo invited hahaha This year, the orchestra will be Prague Chamber Orchestra.

LESS than a month to settle down! Loves T.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Extension of Planting your own tree.


UVC blog will be opened soon (i think) Hehe. They are working on the layout and so. Buuuut regarding the tree replanting, here is the message from Bazi (head of exco HSE)

Salam and hi,To everyone who is still deciding upon adopting a tree or not, good news, the period of decision-making is extended till the 26th of October 2009. The tree-planting event will take place on the 28th of October 2009, insyaAllah. Do contact me at for any doubts regarding registration and do acknowledge the idea that you can bring in your family members to contribute as well as long as the total payment for each tree is $40 and the number of people in one group is 4 or less. For an association or a club, you can adopt a tree for the latter, but the name that will be put on the label would be the association/club's name only. Any further doubts, do email me or facebook me, or for those who knows my number do text me. The forms are available at the PMUBD Shoppe and the PMUBD Office.

Loves T. =)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Baby steps to green university.


UBD's really raising its game. Perhaps this should teach the people who posted bad things about UBD on brudirect a few things. UBD going green.

Plant your own tree. Its $40 per plant, i know its expensive for some but you can buy it in groups of 4. Its long term you know so why not? I read in some book, "One wants to leave this world a little better than when one was born" The tree's yours, with your name on it and you contributed to the world. And 10 years from now, when you are having your own career, bearing your own children, you can visit that place and remenisce about it.

The form is at pmubd.

Last Wednesday, we volunteered for selection of saplings for the replanting. Who knew, UBD has a nursery of our own though its small. This will be done every wednesday i heard. =) So people, sign up for UVC.


UVC first activity, a short one -registration and icebreaking and recycling. I am sure you have stacks of news papers, past year papers =p used papers, magazines, tin cans, plastic bottle at home.. So bring it to the our drop off point the ATM.

OH and next week they'll be Raya celebration at HEP place dapan the PMUBD shop and UBD got talent. If last time magician won, i wonder who will this year. Now peifen is bragging about her talent to speak loudly. HAHA. Becareful fen, you might just ended up doing talentshow thanks to us. AND BJ too. JOIN please.

Loves T.

Sometimes we tend to speed off track editted.


Sometimes we speed off track, just because we are too passionate with what we are doing. I understand so just a gentle reminder to everyone i know..

One doesn't lead by ordering others what to do or by doing it oneself. One leads when one understands that there's a team that one can cooperate with.

My blog is almost dead but i know some friends who are overseas but not to dissapoint you, i brought my lappy almost everyday now since there is no internet at home but there is internet at UBD. I'll blog once i a while but if you really want to know what i am up to... read others blog or (its still under construction so SZ privatised it)

To people who are overseas, Uk, China, New zealand anywhere, we the UBDians are proud of our Dj Ben!! So now you can be too... listen to Dj Ben online UBDfm Tune in to 107.9fm go to to listen to Ben live!

Many events are up for this october. Green project is coming. So does raya festival, UBD's got talent and Pesta Convo, Kursus kepimpinan lead by exco KEPAL and not to mention the little baby steps of our UBD's Voluntary and Charity Club. So lets cooperate, shall we?

Loves T.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

3 over 10 day.


You if you ask me what date it is, i have no idea. I know what i have to do the day after any day, not by counting days, but by counting practicals and when the report is due. Bause it seems like,most of my time is spent doing just that! One month and a half is not that far away. Before we know it, it'll be exam week.

Note to self: Study animal by hard!

I just can't seem to put any hope on my practicals and course works for animal. Huhu. Todays shark dissection was very upsetting. Only 2 passed today's dissection, and i am not one of them. Need to try to atleast get marks for next dissection: lizard. I heard from some seniors that sometimes, when you cut the lizard open, you can see its heart beating (because its freshly caught and kena pengsan kan saja) Oh and reminder to genetics students, yes we do have genetics practical this week.

So did your week go?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

60th years after the founding of republic.


Happy founding anniversary People's Republic of China!

I know its not my country but i have been reading about China, since the day i brought story's on its dynasties until the last emperor pu yi. The revolution led by Mao tse tung The rise of Maoism. The manipulation of Madam Mao. Rape of nanking was another moving story. Jiabiangou made you feel that a lot of people's lives were sacrificed during the communist revolution. The series of revolution and great leap forward which ironically, was a bomb to China's economy. Deng Xiao peng, the one who opened china's door and boost their economy.

All made me think, Mao was like the stalin, or the hitler of asia. No offence on my opinion of their similarities, but all of them managed to instill fear to billions of his people and the whole country bowed to his command. It was a terrible time, i read. Sufferings, its what history writes. And yet after 60 years, the once great ruler is still remembered. Great people throughout history have been born in china. Bad things have happened. Greats things have happened and its just the beginning i guess.

Happy founding day nevertheless.

Ps- No offence yeah. I have my thoughts on Mao. Until now i still think of how did he manage to make the whole country bow to his administration. How did he make billions believed in him. He's not higher education educated and yet, he managed to brilliantly make China, the people's republic of china. It keeps on playing in my mind. Just like why did people let Idi Amin rule and grow mad until he became a cannibal. Huhu. Who's idi amin? Read yourself.

Btw i am moving on to India's history next. KALI. =p (because i found a book di best eastern yang macam siuk. NON fiction jua =p) HAHA balikan.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

You make em good girls gone wild.


First of all. Just now, when i was finishing up my report for plant phylo, and at the same time NOT yet read anything for plant phylo test, i kept on saying "5% gone so easily. In the dustbin" WASTED. Yes 20% is practicals which i always messed up. 10% are the tests which include the one i had just now. Yes. that 5% of overall marks is gone just like that.

"We need to step up our game" I said to someone.

Because we're so far behind. Aigoo. I just saw a picture of dissected rat. And we're also going to start with dissection of shark, lizard and so on. It made me think, what have i gotten myself into?
Help me step up my game too. =((

Monday, September 28, 2009

Dont tel me its the start of the big brunei blackout part deux.


Crap. I was eating my maggi while watching tv when it blackouted. Turns out not only tanah jamau but alsn gadong rimba, mentiri hingga ke serasa blackout! Huhuhu pls oh pls i hope ada karan later so dapat buat report. Or f nt smpai esok pagi jangan tah bkaran supaya nda payah test :p haha. ps-the good thing is, aku bru tau i can blog using my handphone. Haha zaman batu bnr aku ah.

Its back to reality. 7 days of mid sem gone to raya. 3 reports NOT done and due starting tommorow. TEST tommorow.

After 7 weeks it'll be our exam and we need to start now. Huhu. Hiatus. Internet ku nada d rumah okeh.

Loves Tiqah.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Selamat hari raya. Maaf zahir dan batin.


People do make mistakes. Perhaps i made more than others. So while we're still able to say sorry from our deepest heart:

Selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin to everyone. May the burden of those who are not as fortunate as we are to celebrate raya will be lifted a bit. Amin

I said not to go for raya and just stay do my reports and all. But when i think about it, its the only time people know that you care about them and consider them family, if you haven't met them in a while. And when we do visit, its almost always surprising.

You always go to different houses. Some houses worth millions. While some are just comfy enough to fit its residents. And you realise, how different people's lives are. Its like two different ends of the world. But then again, the raya vibe is always the same everywhere. We need not judge how a person place their utensils, or how old the curtains are or nomatter how less the food choices are- what matter is sincererity. I know young ones won't judge as much but i heard some older ones do.

Selamat hari raya to those yang di luar negri. I texted you all but you didn't reply as usual. So i don't know if sampai or not.

ps- the brocolli i had at syabas residence open house was NYAMAN. Hahah. What a refreshing choice of food.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A constant struggle.


I need to STOP working at the very last minute like i used to. But everytime i want to do so, i failed at it. Hmm. This week is crammed with tests and other biology-related workload. Monday- Cell bio test. Tuesday- animal phylo test. Wednesday- hanyu test. Thursday animal phylo practical, maths test and cell bio presentation. Saturday- genetics practical and due for report. Hmm. Don't ask about the test, i totally left some questions blank. And the snail dissection is URGH. i did my best and yet he gave a just-pass mark because i TWISTED the body or something. I am terrible at dissection.

Ramadhan's going fast. I am not ready for it. First day of Syawal, in my case, needs a lot of pshycological preperation. Life is a constant struggle. Thank god we're not going through it all alone

But someone somewhere.. are really struggling on their own. I have been reading Women from shanghai, a book i brought from Hongkong a few weeks ago. I seldom read books you know that. But this story captured my interest. Its a historical account of people who survived jiabiangou ; It mentioned about how people in Jiabiangou reeducation camp (during the era of Mao) were wrongly accused, sent there and died of hunger. Some resort to eating undigested food from horse's dung. Some even resort to cutting flesh from rotting corpses of their fellow mates. The true story about this have been covered up bu fake medical records. Jiabiangou is gone, but it should have taught the world a few lessons.

One lesson- someone somewhere in this world have only little to survive on. Even until now, fasting is their constant regime. If you don't have money to help, you still have prayers. Love food. Don't waste.

salam. I hope our last days of ramadhan will be a wonderful one. Till we meet again.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Now throw your hands in the air!!


I'm back. and i LOVE 2NE1 still! Addictive. Love CL. and CL's hair. Lihat the dance while dara was singing.

i didn't realise that we're halfway through the semester. Shoot. no more playing around. Its real business now. i just got my internet back =) Blogging properly soon. But wait. i need to settle down with my new semester first. No i have not done that. so salam.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I speak latin! Imperata cylindrical!


if you noticed, i haven't really been blogging. yes. We the bio students, our weeks work like this: one week you have all the practicals that drive you up the wall. The next week you have report to worry about, but you still can relax a bit. The other week again, you'll have practical(s) to worry about AND reports to hand in. The latter is this week. I have one more to go. I think i really did badly in my reports this time. The first(s) report(s) of the semester. Very untidy and so incomplete. Aku tulis by hand ah! But i am going to hand it in anyway, just trying to grab any possible marks. huhu. Free marks ka apa asal ada. rather than not doing anything. It looks like m not sleeping tonight. Reports reports reports. Sometimes, at some point, it can make you ask yourself, 'why do i take biology'. Hahah. Then again, something made my day.

My students, both passed their june biology =D and one even got a B. The other one i belum ask grade nya apa. And even when the boy haven't done genetics in school, he did really well in his revision at tuition. hehe. Funnily this is also the reason why they didn't attend my class today! The boy's mum lupa ya ada tuition. The girls mum texted 'ya hepi of her results so ya liat wyg now di mall celebrate sama friends' buleeeh. but i hope they stay until november exams. .

Why do i take biology huh? In the end, that is the thing that made my day.

ps- Hadri got older. So did fizzah emran. Roxine went home today. Mum and the cousins are in Changchun, China NOW. huhuh. Bureng ku all the mamas in china ah.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In the end i am still that leonardo fangirl


someone said a few days ago "channing tatum is hot bebeh" while talking about his stripping video which has been leaked. (tu lelaki GI joe ah) Sekali i said, "but i still like chris pine more" and ya said "leonardo mu?"

"leonardo ofcours number one" =p Which brings me to this.. leonardo is again with another supermodel. And i finally have settled to the fact that he broke up with sexy gisele to be with Bar rafaeli (who is also sexy) and now another new russian model? Baik tah settle down kali eh si leo ani and make babies and pass his acting genes to his children so my children can be smitten with his child's acting skill =p

meet ANNE VYALITSYNA. (hmm just like when ya putus with gisele... now with bar... lawa jua si bar atu. and femes sudah. napa tia alum settle down atu kan.)

Oh and someone tdi said something

SZ: says:
bila th c leo ane settle down ne?
Ans: bila ea bejumpa c tiqah

HAHAHH nice!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

je ne sais pas quoi faire.


If you noticed i deleted my previous post. Because some people marah2 or annoyed (quoted)thinking that i am upset or being negative because of something when its not that (atleast not now).

Somethings in my mind. Kusut ku because of that. And there are people who just added spice to it. making a dolsot bibimbap on a big bowl. Too much to digest that i feel headache when i ate it. Lala. Wow. hehe haha i am so happy.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Meme si tu es parti- Julian cely


(a week's post) ps- i found my 3g phone already.

"In this practical you will be provided with Onion roots from an onion bulb, allium cepa"

Its saturday! and finally.. the last (but perhaps the most challeging of the week) practical on genetics. I slept early (tertidur) and woke up very early and in a few more hours i'll be in the lab again. Wow. these 4 practicals a week has really made me feel like a biology student. Before that, our first practical, on tuesday, was on plant phylogeny: identifying and observing roots, stems and leaves. We finished around 6pm- biasa the usual group yang always finishes the last. We went to MOD, Jerudong, for a bit to eat and tease peifen =p. Thanks peifen for the treat. After that, we went back to UBD for Chak's talk about his 2 months bio fieldtrip organised by harvard kah. That day was the highlight of the week, we have Ummi who overslept missing our animal phylo class, Pandi left his car keys at ummi's car that i had to send him back to his house. hahah cali la.

On wednesday, we attended a seminar on field studies done by our already 4th year students. I like the ants part. I told you, i enjoy studying about invertebrates. It was supposedly a-must-attend seminar but most of us didn't. I MISSED KCC registration. Sheesh. But i did went to IM that afternoon to blurt out ideas on green project.

Next practical was last thursday. We had animal phylo in the morning until 12noon. Then, we had algebra at 12 noon until 2pm and another practical on Biochemistry from 2pm till 6. (yeah biasa the usual group yang slalu lambat buat practical stayed late) No breaks in between. Honestly, i am not satisfied with the practicals i've done so far. I am still slow. And i can't really identify as fast as si M. banar i hate feeling like this. I need to process slowly, then only i can get it. And i am not satisfied that i didn't get to see euglena's movement. Awu i am upset a bit due to that fact but nvm. I slept that thursday with the outfit i wore. I sleep when i am upset haha. Tertidur. Tired jua.

Its saturday and we have genetics in a few more hours. I just read the schedule. i never really do but after a few practicals and slowly processing, i decided its such not a good thing to not read the night before. Its actually quite a simple practical, all we have to do is to prepare a slide of allium cepa meristem and record about mitosis from the slides WE prepared and observe meiosis from the prepared slides. However, thats the thing WE have to prepare it and its such a detailed work that we have to be careful about everything, even the temperature and the timing. i feel that i am not as careful. I have never been careful or fast in practicals. Our slides and observation will be marked by the end of the practical too. That's what frightens me. Huhuh. I hope it'll go well. AWU you see, i really do feel like a biology student now.

I hope i can catch lunch date with Kbuncits at Aminah arif later. Miss those Stpri 5B.

Billah introduced the song Tentang kita sang by a french singer and indonesian singer. i found Meme Si tu es parti (even if you leave) which is the french version of tentang kita by Julian cely, though the title differs in meaning. But lawa.

Friday, August 14, 2009



I can't find my 3g hp yet. So please contact me through the other one. I misplaced it AGAIN. =( No seriously, i am seriously sad now. i still can't find it

And its only just week 2.


One word- exhausted.

I will blog properly once i gathered my energy.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009



Click to enlarge.

hahahahahahah. yatah tidor g patang! Seriously. Bureng jarang jumpa kamu. balum megupi mcm last sem. suaramu melating.

Anneyong. Wednesday activities: KCC reg, Green project brainstorm, Bio talk.



When you watch My Girl, Hello My Lady, Winter Sonata, Autumn in My Heart, Boys over Flower or Coffee Prince(Korean dramas)...did you ever tried copying their words or bits and pieces of their sentences?

When you listen to the Korean songs, did they get stuck in your head like it was playing on repeat until you can't get it off your mind?

Looking back to some movies like princess hours, did you find their cultures interesting and their way of life interesting?

Did you ever feel compelled to talk to Korean tourists and communicate in ther language even though you only know 3 to 4 words?

YOU DO???!!

Well, you will definitely check this club out cause they will open up doors to things that you might never even heard of. Korean fan dance. Yutnori, a traditional Korean game. Different dishes from Korea like bulgogi and jabchae. Korean movie screening (which is rare) and even wearing hanbok, their traditional clothes.

So come one and come all to the registration for Korean Culture Club.

The time: 2.30pm
The place: CLT 1.13
Oh and Brainstorming for Green project is tommorow too
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm Location: IM PBL Baseroom 14 Street: Jalan Tungku, Gadong.

And there is a Biology talk. Krg at 2pm. Dr yati said, Dr charles and the others (his students kali) will have a talk about their findings at Belalong. (mind you i think we're going to take that in our 3rd yr)

I don't know which one to attend. All i know is i have language class at 8am.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Little steps.


Do you want to see them gone? this is a (Leptobrachium smithi) discovered in Assam region. - WWF read more here (and how do i know about these things? easy. FACEBOOK.)

You know you don't need to be an environmentalist to contribute something to the earth. I used to wonder why westerners use paper bags instead of plastic bags for grocery shopping. I mean there is always some scenes in movies where their paper bags tore off and all their apple or oranges rolled down the streets. Such a classic scene. I used to wonder, why don't they use a more stronger material like plastic. Yes, i was that ignorant. And i believe these happen to us still. I still do forget my recycle bag or i still do sleep with my tv on most of the time so i am not qualified as an environmentalist. But think about it...

When you're hungry and you're tight on cash, one of the most famous option (besides nasi katok kaka or warung) is the PMUBD shop. All those mini pizzas and nasi ayam got you tempted that you tend to buy more than one food and a side drink to go with it. The staff at the PMUBD has this working habit of calculating while pulling a plastic bag. A few of my friends and I have been doing this since semester one, so why not you:

"Inda payah plastic ah"

And just carry those food with you. we forget our recycle bags once in a while, i do that too, but there are still little ways in which you can contribute.I believe we still do have that one big hole in our attempt to be green- a flaw. we are afterall human who have our needs or wants. We can't completely turn green in a short while. However, even if its not a big leap, little steps will get you somewhere.

Remember to finish your food too. Be thankful what you have.

Source- WfP

Ps- Alhamdulilah. I hope my courses are settled. All those pressure should now go away.I have 2 courses i chose to add- one is algebra another is a language. Maybe business law next time. I think this is enough. Biology practicals starts tommorow. Brunei Nature society has talk tommorow. We will be attending, inda balik from practical haha. And my wednesday has got to be one hectic schedule. I've got 3 events, i do not know which one to go to. Salam.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

When will i catch up to these people?


"One student plans to go to snow-capped Jilin Province, where the mercury could plunge to as low as -30 C." Read more at 5 students granted scholarship to china

Awu seriously. If i could, i really do want to follow at the end of this month. SIGH. I know i've been saying or hinting to them, well thats because at this point, it seems impossible. Huhuhu. I mean with all the practical schedule and being tight in money. I know i said "no i won't go to China anymore" while being choked by the thick smog last holiday trip. But that has changed. hahaha somehow i miss the atmosphere. =p Besides jilin is further north from the usual cities so that ought to be an interesting travel. Yes. My cousin has been granted a pathology masters degree at Jilin, China. She graduated in human anatomy honours from UWA. And no she's not sponsored by the Chinese embassy but by the Brunei government embassy. (our guess at this moment is that the medical subjects are expensive so Brunei government is paying for it instead of the chinese government.) Its not the masters degree she wanted but i guess this one may open more opportunities for her.

And me too. I mean in terms of travel. =p HAHA hmmm i am too a little broke. All those shoe shopping and plans to buy shelf and cupboard. I need to break that bubble and start saving money again. My cashflow is negative i tell you! Again, knowing people got all those scholarships and all to german china makes me excited and envious. They inspire me. I hope i can catch up to them. I too want to be someone who can inspire and make a mark in the world. Make something worth out of my life.

Aku kan ikut tapi skulahh start udah! practical g banyak tu!! aig00!

ps- Have you played today?

Friday, August 7, 2009

An easy way to fight hunger: Lets play a game! free


You know Bruneians have a habit. They buy what they feel like eating. Apanya orang taisliur. But then once they can't finish it they left it that way. you know when i say "orang africa inda makan" I really do mean it. Don't turn my words around and let me finish your food instead because you're on a diet or something. You have to be aware yourselves that they are people who'd trade everything for a piece of bread or a handful of rice. There are 1.06 billion people undernourished today. Considering that the world has 6 billion children, 1 out of six people do not have access to enough food. Hunger and malnourishement leads to poor immunity against diseases, poor economy and further downfall. Yes there are people in the world who experience this while we eat lavishly and waste lavishly too.

The red shows where high percentage malnutrition occurs. And the grey (including Brunei) shows the least.

Someone who always has everything thought up in his mind once said, "then menderma pulang makanan ke sana" That's a huge leap to take but the most important bit is to understand that we should appreciate food and to remember that 1 out of 6 people cannot have what we have. Lets start slowly:

Help end world hunger

Click to play the game

This is an educational game where there are quizzes. For each answers right they donated 10g of rice through UN world food programme. Once we get one correct answer, sponsor banners will appear on the bottom of the screen. The money generated from these banners are used to buy rice. While we gain something, we donated something though indirectly, atleast we donated our time. Remember there are others ways to donate other than monetary.

Here are some examples of where FreeRice rice has been distributed:

In Bangladesh, to feed 27,000 refugees from Myanmar for two weeks. Watch FreeRice being distributed in Bangladesh.
In Cambodia, to provide take-home rations of four kilograms of rice for two months to 13,500 pregnant and nursing women. And many more. (taken from free
Love food. Hate waste.

Wednesday child.


Monday's child is fair of face;
Tuesday's child is full of grace;
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go;
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living;
But the child that is born on the Sabbath day,Is bonny, and blithe, and good, and gay.

Nursery rhyme.

I think i've mentioned it before. Long time ago i found out in what day i was born. Its mentioned that wednesday child is full of woe and a list of other things. I don't like it. The time i knew about that was the time i had to endure a string of problems in my life. One matter after the other. From quarrel to abuse to seeing police in and out the house trying to handle the matter. From seeing her being betrayed over and over to losing my family to the passing of someone that broke me totally. It goes on. Even until now. I know its just a nursery rhyme but from the nursery rhymes only wednesday child are full of woe. I hated it.

We built our lives only after sometime to be where we are now. Its not much but it was better than before. I know it never shows because some people mocked me saying that my stuffs are always expensive or something like that. I know some of my friends are trying to make ends meet while i have my holidays in far far places. I had a hard time too but yours just started a lot later than mine. I enjoy the finer things in life but i saved something more valuable than money if you can think of what it is.

On another note:

Sorority sisters FB has a new look. But lagging loading nya ah!

What a headache.


The first week is always the most stressful and doubtful of all weeks. You see the thing is we, the bio sci batch, are shocked. Well you can say kami ani segala galanya shocked =p but my point is, from a 19 units total of courses last year (with only 2 biology), we're now down to only 12 units with 4 biology courses and one math! And most of our week are spent on a lot of biology lectures and a 4 hour practical for each bio course- and still 12 units.

We actually added on another math because last year's math was 4 units this year was 2 units, so we added algebra. ODE, the other maths, was already on our green form so we assume that that maths is our maths for this semester. However, from our current timetable ODE clashes with practical and if it is true that ODE has a two hour lecture like i saw on my timetable, then again it clashes with Genetics. And yet ODE is not the one that kami capi capi kan tambah supaya units betambah. I like language so i prefer that i have one more elective which is language but out of everyone in the meeting, only kami the bio students saja cannot attend the classes due to our timetable and the lecturer's schedule.

On saturday, the friends plan to go to shbie because they heard there's a lot of electives. I prefer to take something from fbeps if i can. I mean that'll be so much fun taking something totally out of our fields as extra knowledge. If the friends decide to take PE (sports) as elective or others like i don't know funny stuffs, i would definitely scout for another language (korean maybe). haha saja kan inform kamu

On another note, mum just got back and was surprised at the air condition. Jakarta was better than our air condition now, too hazy.

and i wish i can go too the end of this august. I really wish i could. =(

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Aku inda suka bau jerebu.


It was getting a little old so i decided to give this a new look. Jeles ku billah tukar layout. I know. its still simple, not as cute but i feel so comfortable with this layout. It refreshes me. I get carried away once i clicked on the internet explorer button and i am trying all i could to stop that but i decided to publicise this blog again anyway since friends are reading. I guess i'll just have to fight the devils. Thanks to Sahlan for the help with the codes.

Yes. A new semester has started and the past few days made me feel like a pure biology student; learning plant body, memorising invertebrates body parts (not that i have done so). the past few days made me conclude that my greatest challenge in this new semester would be to stay awake and not to wander off to Africa while the lecturers are explaining (if you get what i mean). I still feel i am a useless bio sci student. i don't even know names of animals like someone does. nevertheless, i am still excited to know new stuffs. but definitely, NOT excited to know that the percentage failure in recent years have been unpleasantly high. And oh. We need to memorise scientific names too. oh wow. the only thing i remembered so much is eurychoma longifolia, the ever famous (among malay men =p) Tongkat ali. From now on i will say that i love to eat musa and the cocos nucifera jelly at huaho is really delicious. I miss the smell of the bio lab. haha.

Mom went to Jakarta last monday, she'll be home tommorow afternoon. i texted her tadi psl aku kusut berabis mikirkan about the language that i registered into. Its a difficult language and i don't know if its wise to increase the already heavy workload. I mean one wrong step will affect the overall grades right. I can't sleep thinking about it.

Its 3.40am and i've gotten carried away again. see!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Sahlan Zuhairi to Hadri


This photo speaks: "Aigooo hadri shii!~ I miss you ye yo~ awww. you inda miss me? "

Awwww so sweet. Cute g tu.

LMAO= limau (Billah, 2009)

kediaku MIA


Ani tah pasalnya aku MIA. tapi nada kena bawa kerumah pasal adiku damam so inda kena suruh makan/ And aku kelanguan makan rambutan. Btw aku lately kalau MIA ertinya either ku fly to the sky, or aku di rumah, jaga rumah. Ataupun aku lalah bejalan and hp ku inda aktive. Ngangah ku b-aktif bah sekarang ani. Mupul rambutan, mupul mangga di peladang. Lapas atu bedagang. Amazing babeh. Yatah aku bangun every day jaga house and nenek (tpi slalu tidor d bilik)


Paint blue.


One of the places that i love to go is Delifrance. My favourite would be the traditional breakfast, smoked salmon sandwich and our all time, the croissant. Makes me miss Gandin tahap french kiss (not to the point of BJ because i don't want to steal your lime light bj) With just the word 'Aku makan delifrance', someone tadi terus keluar beech nya haha. hahahaha. jeles. That made my day. Actually what made my night was the short conversation with him (someone) which ends with:






and org (some other) yg cakap "okay ko bro?"

Melayan brabis. As if the sky is still brighter than it seems, but i have to say, they paint blue to my sky that night. refreshing.

I talked on the phone with someone (the only one i would call by land line or recieve call). When ya cakap, "sapa sayang mu ani? si ani ka?" and aku jawab "eh bukan ani bukan ani. banyak kali ah sayangku" and ya reply, "awu ah, aku paham tu, scandalous" i just realise how scandalous it might seem to people. I sayang the people who treats me kindly. One would get my time at work and we joked. One would fetch and mengupi or go jalan2 shopping. Another would kidnap in the middle of the night makan pasar malam. One would punch me with a one liner and make me laugh. And when we're down, they would ask "are you okay?". Walau bebulan inda bejumpa, one would reply "megapa ehh?? reply eh??" as if something really bad has happened. Even if the words can't lift everything, but atleast, knowing that they have the heart to even ask how we're holding on, lifts the burden a bit. They are my sayang (s)

Random berabis.

On another note- even if we are different, one thing remains- our friendship (Tiqah, 2009)

On another note- susunya mikin basar (shaqqy, 2009)

On another another note- aku inda sabar kan skulah balik. (Hafiz T, 2009)

On another nota yang random, they've changed and I have changed. So, why bother caring. Just blend in. (farhanah, 2009)

On another note- aaaahhh~ mnmmmm~ creme bruleeee~ aaahhhh~~(Birah, 2009)

Bah i ciao. Main pet society. BTW don't forget! esok RAMBO BIRTHDAY. Parteh arh rumah nya dari 7 malam hingga 5 pagi. Type of event - educational, study group =p


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hadri shi.. aigoo shi (tribute post)


First of all... Alangkah bahagianya esok pagi jika (J0b. B 2009) =p

Second of all, I miss hadri. No kidding. Thanks pandi. =p hahaha.

Yesterday i slept at 7pm and today i woke up at 7am. See..frust ku bah =p My day yesterday started with texting someone pasal i woke up late and he texted back saying, "aku pun baru mandi. Krg sudah ku ambil Shaqqy ku mc" Sekali kan! kul 10 bah ya ke rumah ku (exaggeration). And soon we picked up BJ and my bebeh. Dalam kereta kami iski sudah ne buat card apa "i miss you already hadri" apa. Kan buat video lagi. It was raining and we were running in the rain with our Korea flag umbrella.

Sekali inda sampat jumpa hadri. aigoo. He went already when we got to the airport. So we called him. Thank god his phone wasn't turned off yet so kami sorang2 lah melayan perasaan dalam telefon. Mendangar suaranya pun bari sedih sudah Aisssh. Honestly, sedih berabis kami. as if ya bermastautin (Pandi, 2009) di sana. maybe pasal inda sempat jumpa hadri kali. And kami berkerja keras merubah imej nya hahaha. I know its just 2 weeks and possibly 3 plus quarantine but sigh.

As planned (sehingga aku inda jadi MIA) we went escapading. pasal pandi tsliur, and sepanjang escapade nama si hadri saja kena sabut. And the plan was to bowl again but mendangani si Dayang Billah suping mata sekajap. Inda tia jadi bowling, ke Kbox tia kami nyanyi lagu untuk hadri. 5 lagu, tribute untuk hadri (arah si billah the video). And ummi bebeh and i played the motosikal arh arcade. I win. so i jadi minah rempit tia. ummi bebeh ku manang lumba kereta.. yatah ya jadi car racer tia. hahaha. talur kami main ah. teriak2 mcm apa saja. First time bah eh kami main atu. After that Pandi balik tia pasal kena suruh ke spital. So Sahlan tia antar kami home. We went to Snow cream dulu... pasal hadri hari atu makan sana. Si billah sampai manggil si sahlan "hadri hadri" salah bah. Angau sudah kami. semua kami cakapkan... hadri tia. we also heard some shocking news from my bebeh. Huhuhu. Shock banar tia. Psl sweet bah bebeh ko sama ya.

That's where we berkenalan sama kawan si pandi (since pandi balik ya sama kami tia) Zaim namanya. Its nice to open up our eyes and don't pick friends though. So we've got new friends from bowling last time too. Because its funny really how we "the fun people" are. We just met, and we don't know each other but when we talked... we chat like we've known each other for a long time. I appreciate that a lot. I guess that is how i came to be close to hadri. (tribute bah eh) Pasal ya tempat kami mengusut di kala ke stressan. memberi semangat walau kul 3 pagi. haha.

YATAH BISAI2 DI KOREA. bawa souvenir ah. Lelaki hansem untuk ku. HAVE A JOLLY GOOD TIME THERE. Kami kerinduan kau banar2 ne sini ah. mcm inda sah sampai 10 minit ada tia kena sabut namamu. Meliat org be cap pun si shaqqi ckp "tu hadri hadri" See you soon. walaupunjadi org korea sudah ko blek, jgn lupa ah buat bio report sama kami! (esmosi)

AIGOOOO (hadri, 2009)

ps- thanks pandi for picking us up and thanks sahlan for sending us home.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I can taste the love


Alangkah bahagianya jika esok pagi...

If i wake up to his creme brulee. =p

Or anybody else can do. Aku single ah.. to lelaki yg pandai masak HAHAHA (promosi.) when someone bakes creme brulee, he definitely gained points from me, but when he takes cooking as a choice for career.. wowowowww. Bukan lagi points dia dapat, kalau dia mau i terus pun boleeeh. =p

Wishful thinking. But people. I had my first creme brulee at UBD today and it will certainly last in my mouth forever (esmosi). Next time there is a come2gether bakesale again, try it- its definitely worth the money. Tarus angau lagi makan creme brulee. Why? Because according to sahlan, anyone can bake. Tapi baking with love tah yang payah tu. But i assure you, i can taste the love in the cakes.

And thanks to org yg macm slalukan tani besayang arh msn atu (aka bisnis partner ku) =p org ganya inda tau ah. ahhahaha. On another note, hadri is leaving for Korea tomorrow and i sedih hahaha. kerinduan ku sudah. Awu sedih ku org tmpat ku mengusut (oprah ku) kan blayar ah. Aigoo. Hadri shi... bwa ku lelaki korea ah. Hansem ah. hahaha.

I want creme bruleee.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

if you don't want me to leave, then don't push me away.


You. Thanks for everything, I owe you alot and probably i'm still going to annoy you for years ti come. I know i made you love this song. So this is for you. And everyone else yg suka this song psl drg dgr dri blog ku =p Awu i suka ini lagu. oh aku suka taylor swift the way i loved you jua hahaha


Baked with love.


Alangkah indahnya jika esok pagi...I woke up and he (whoever he is) baked me an apple pie and said, "baked with love". He, who understands me, supports me no matter what...inda paksa aku untuk masak, instead ya yg baking with love.

Alangkah bahagianya jika esok pagi jika dia, my lelaki idaman really exist.

To you. Thanks for listening what i had to let out yesterday. It was raining. But anyway. Thank you for terus mendengar angan2 ku pasal kehidupan and it all started with "alangkah bahagianya jika esok pagi.." I know panjang macam wayang and perhaps impossible, but manatau.. makbul tia ahahha Amin.I know its out of the world and not many people would even imagine about doing so. However, in between those hopelessly romantic fantasy and impossibly supportive and faithful man, who would follow me even to the coldest place on earth, you could see my true aspirations, what i really want to do in my life. Its big.... so big i don't even know if i can achieve some of it. So i hope you'd keep it with you until i can achieve what i angan2 for. There are somethings, i keep to myself. I guess those are the things that may change the way you see me but nevertheless, i am still here. I stayed. I hope others can see that.


Monday, July 27, 2009

I know what i am apologising for.


I am sorry.

I think what you said just broke me to pieces. But nevertheless, i am still sorry for what i did if it hurts you.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Alfatihah to Yasmin Ahmad. .


What a heart breaking news. Yasmin Ahmad was in a coma state for about 2 days, after her stroke. She passed away last night.

Gone too soon. (July 1, 1958 - July 24, 2009)

I've been a fan of her..following her blog. One of the thing i loved about her movies is that she uses the element of silence to express more. Talentime was one of the most refreshing but perhaps, for me, mukhsin is the best. I salute her vision her wisdom- in everything she does, she respects humanity, regardless of how people are, what colour they are or what language they speak. If you recall her films, the family is constantly being mocked by their neighbour for living differently, but that family is always happy. They accept when their child is in love with people of another race. She even includes other religous culture in her films showing that she respects them. Her film always speaks one sentence- we are one family and God is almighty.

Despite the religous controversies in her films- all the pelakon berkamban, hugging and so on, the husband and wife cuddling each other and in one scene there was an imam holding a dog which she was criticize heavily for.. her blog always ends with "Allah is great" or "Alhamdulilah". Why do we keep judging people? I loved her because it doesn't matter what people think of her when they see her exterior, its the interior that shines the most.

I will remember what she visions for- a world without discriminations..where we should respect each other. I know i shouldn't be sad, but i am so sad. Because now, there is nothing to look forward to anymore. What a great loss it is indeed. I loved you Yasmin Ahmad.

I suppose, people who have done so much to make the world a better place...goes first. May you be amongst those loved by Allah. Amin

This is her blog btw- (old one)

"And I cant,breathe without you, but i have to"


My fav Colbie caillat and taylor swift =DD nice!


I see your face in my mind as I drive away,
Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way.
People are people,
And sometimes we change our minds.
But its killing me to see you go after all this time.

Mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm

Music starts playin like the end of a sad movie,
Its the kinda ending you dont really wanna see.
Cause its tragedy and itll only bring you down,
Now I dont know what to be without you around.

And we know its never simple,
Never easy.
Never a clean break, noone here to save me.
Youre the only thing I know like the back of my hand,
And I cant,
Without you,
But I have to,
Without you,
But I have to.

Never wanted this, never wanna see you hurt.
Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve.
But people are people,
And sometimes it doesnt work out,
Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out.

And we know its never simple,
Never easy.
Never a clean break, no one here to save me.
Youre the only thing I know like the back of my hand,
And I cant,
Without you,
But I have to,
Without you,
But I have to.

Its two a.m.
Feelin' like I just lost a friend.
Hope you know its not easy,
Easy for me.
Its two a.m.
Feelin like I just lost a friend.
Hope you know this aint easy,
Easy for me.

And we know its never simple,
Never easy.
Never a clean break, noone here to save me.


I cant,
Without you,
But I have to,
Without you,
But I have to.

Sorry (oh) Sorry (mmm)
Sorry (eh eh) Sorry (mmm)
Sorry (eh eh) Sorry (mmm)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Alangkah bahagianya jika esok pagi...


I woke up finding myself on a sailing ship. The sun rays hit my face as i went out. The sky was blue and the clouds seemed smiling at me. And at the far end or the ship..there's a guy, with tshirt and short pants on ( i would prefer if there is nothing on..but hey. that's just showing off). With a morning greet and a steamed fish that he cooked himself, i start my day. What happened during the rest of the day? well, it shall b spontaneous.. as we sail into the unknown waters.

Sasat jalan tapi bahagia =p

I like ships and water...if you notice. I really go love ships. Hehe. Someone told me when we were at the royal regalia, looking at ship models: you like freedom. I do. I like the feeling when we look into the waters, not knowing what's on the other side. I like the feeling when the breeze hits my face and the sky seemed to be the only roof i have.

wouldn't it be nice.. to just sail away?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Sometimes silence can seem so loud"


When someone does something good, we dun take the time to compliment or praise him. but when that person does one mistake, everyone does their best to condemn him. Hmm and i think WE ate doing that often. so think.. is it wise to just say bad about something when u dunno the whole story?

I too am angry at UBD recent incident. And i am mad at my friends recent emotional battle. I am furious, because i realise that i have been such a bad person in the eyes of some people that they have ignored my existence. Its such a sad world. I know some people talk behind my back for long, or seem to be disgusted at me because i don't exactly fit the devoted muslim frame or that i don't meet their lifestyle. I guess the impression i made in their eyes has been filthy all these while. And i try to smile just like mr happy pills. It hurts to lie to yourself. I appreciate those who never did talk behind my back about me. Thank you. And you are so few. i know. We always talk behind others backs.

Even when we don't know the real story. Why? Because that person is more terrible than you.. so you have a comfort to say, i'm better than that person so its okay. But are you really any better than the person mentioned, when you have no shame to say you are better than him?Something they said in a Lestari activity that i remembered well: "You are not God? Who are you to decide?"

People can judge me in anyway they like. Though at times it does hurt a lot. i know i am a bad person. However, in the end, we still do not know how we are judged during the true judgment. Right? You do things which i don't see. I do things which you don't see. So we still do not know the whole story except God the Almighty. So think... is it wise.. to just say bad about something when you don't know the whole story?

Sometimes.. you just don't realise, people does the most things when they're silent. A prayer is most sincere when its not shown off loudly. We just have to learn how to respect.