Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Little steps.

Do you want to see them gone? this is a (Leptobrachium smithi) discovered in Assam region. - WWF read more here (and how do i know about these things? easy. FACEBOOK.)

You know you don't need to be an environmentalist to contribute something to the earth. I used to wonder why westerners use paper bags instead of plastic bags for grocery shopping. I mean there is always some scenes in movies where their paper bags tore off and all their apple or oranges rolled down the streets. Such a classic scene. I used to wonder, why don't they use a more stronger material like plastic. Yes, i was that ignorant. And i believe these happen to us still. I still do forget my recycle bag or i still do sleep with my tv on most of the time so i am not qualified as an environmentalist. But think about it...

When you're hungry and you're tight on cash, one of the most famous option (besides nasi katok kaka or warung) is the PMUBD shop. All those mini pizzas and nasi ayam got you tempted that you tend to buy more than one food and a side drink to go with it. The staff at the PMUBD has this working habit of calculating while pulling a plastic bag. A few of my friends and I have been doing this since semester one, so why not you:

"Inda payah plastic ah"

And just carry those food with you. we forget our recycle bags once in a while, i do that too, but there are still little ways in which you can contribute.I believe we still do have that one big hole in our attempt to be green- a flaw. we are afterall human who have our needs or wants. We can't completely turn green in a short while. However, even if its not a big leap, little steps will get you somewhere.

Remember to finish your food too. Be thankful what you have.

Source- WfP

Ps- Alhamdulilah. I hope my courses are settled. All those pressure should now go away.I have 2 courses i chose to add- one is algebra another is a language. Maybe business law next time. I think this is enough. Biology practicals starts tommorow. Brunei Nature society has talk tommorow. We will be attending, inda balik from practical haha. And my wednesday has got to be one hectic schedule. I've got 3 events, i do not know which one to go to. Salam.