Friday, November 13, 2009

MIA from the internet world.

I drafted this way back then. I just publish it today.

You know, i'm getting better and better at this... being MIA thing. Its like my thing. haha I know i have not entered MSN for a while, checked my emails and my blog. So sorry but i have been busy. (if i wasn't, i was watching TV- Glee and Gossip girl) But seriously, this last two months of the semester have been VERY hectic. So let me go through it slowly yes? Since here goes:

Brunei Music Society presents Vienna Mozart Trio. A simply simply amazing trio. Beautiful music- feels like its telling us a story. Thanks to Mr and Mrs Dalman for putting up with my constant sms for tickets. And also to Peifen, Annie, Nora, Mai and BIllah for joining. Next one will be Sudanese music (in December).

UVC joins green Projects- UBD Forest Rehabilitation. UBD area had serious forest fire problem last few months and this project aims to rehabilitate the area, get it back to the way it was before. It consist of many smaller activities. And UVC was there most of the time! Thanks to all who came. You all did a great job. Remember, even a small contribution matters.

Naik trak (iski) to the UBD nursery after collection of saplings.

Soil digging and getting rid of sapling and seedling of acacia (invasive)

Another magical night. Prague Chamber Ochestra. I went with Peifen this time and we were __ seats away from the stage. Listening to live ochestra isn't the same as listening it through any music player device. All proceeds that night (yes all $80,000) goes to Pusat Ehsan and Learning ladders society, so every money spent is spent worthwhile.

Seeing is believing fundraising event. Thanks to Billah's aunt from RBA frequent flyers section for sponsoring us with 10 tickets. (each worth $20) I auctioned for a picture, Scroll down =p.

UVC Beach Cleaning campaign. Thanks to everyone who made the event run smoothly.

UVC members who attended the activity.

Gala night!!

Bj and I with Maudena (the AR of UBD estate and mastermind of UBD tree replanting project- green project)

Note the comittee pass. Suddenly, i became one of the backstage people helping stage manager (as KEPAL). 6th Nov was the rehearsal at polo club, and it ended around 10++pm. Had school the next day (kepisan) and had the real Gala event the next day too, on 7th nov 2009. Being backstage was hectic, it was hot, and tiring chasing for performers. But you get to meet the artist backstage and see them being nervous.. so its cool. Especially, the Korean Culture Club who did an amazing job dancing! (you should see Hadri and Sahlan dancing to korean songs... gila. kami teriak2 plang di belakang) I told you you guys will do fine. Congrats to Sham, to group si Fuad (KEPAL leader) band and TNC for being in top 3 for UBD talent show. I can honestly tell you, UBD has got talent. The gala ended at around 12++

The next day, Dr Nurol, dean of students invited us as representatives for UVC for event with Minister of internal affairs. Sorry for the rest. I mean if we hadn't inform you. It was last minute and they only want 2 rep from UVC. Kami show face plang saja =p and makan but seriously we do feel guilty just showing our faces and listen to the presentation. I guess we biologist are used to hands on work and field work instead of just showing courtesy.

With Bazi (mpp for HSE) and Pn Zalina.

Added to collection, 2 painting i bought back in Hongkong (the other ones are from China and the colour pensil art was from Frankfurt, Germany). I told you i appreciate art.

I know, my work table's a mess.

And Exam. I'm trying my best to survive this (i.e PASS THIS because biology in ubd is just so F hard. esp animal.) I hope i pass animal. really. pass everything lah. Amin. Okay. By. back to being MIA. Salam