Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tiqah buang tebiat.

I need scientific reasons. Rambut ku macam mikin ikal. I mean...i can accept that nowadays my hair is quite wavy when its dry and all but just now i just realise that its also wavy when its wet. I was born with straight hair (awuuu bnr nya i missed my straight hair bah. Macam org jeles kali ah rambut ku lurus bnr dulu waktu belum baligh =p) hahah. scratch that. But yes... i was born with straight hair. And as i get starts to curl... and not to mention getting lighter in colour. Bah all you scientific freaks out there, i want an explanation. I've read somewhere that straight hair comes from round follicles and wavy, from oval follicles. Mutate kah cells ku ani?? Am i going to end up like Einstein? ohh i remember. Some people are born with curls but as they get older it straightens. hmmm.

mind me. Mind this post. I'm sick. Coughing like an old lady. kejangkitan Dibah =p hahah (possible kah tu?) And i'm having ielts tommorow. aku ne buang tebiat bah ne.

Plus i need to decide between Aberdeen and Reading.... argh.

And please stop asking me about something you all been trying to ask. (mcm ku inda tau dri tadi dh ah ytah mbari malas kan online) Ngalih ku jawab. Why do i have to be the side where people ask questions...adakan is kerana saya adalah perempuan jadi kamu fikir saya tidakkan gigit kamu? =p you're wrong. hahahah. Nites/pagi.

ps- i totally didn't prepare for ielts. =S