Sniff. Terharu saya. Akhir nya. Our little baby byl is growing up into a man. You have a reason to break the curfew. Or talk about 'stuffs'. Or go on a dangerous driving. Yay.
Ingat kah kamu saat itu. Saat kita masih innocent? From left: Mr K (one of the 'they' jua jgn tah kan capi), Babu A, the birthday boy, Bz and T)
Anyways, we did give him a birthday surprise in advance. =) And byl. I drove you to places even JPMC *eye bro. Now its your turn. Aku malas berpantun. bah sedikit ja eh.
Tahu kami ko menghitung hari,
sayu menanti saat-saat ani,
benar katanya blajar tah driving B,
jgntah kan ya (yg 'nda bwa' lesen), aku lagi boring ni.
Now and forever. Will be. Together. Just like last year. Or last two years. Or today. Or tommorow. Age is just a number. What matters is how we are or will be. Jangan bersedih ya. Kami sentiasa bersama mu walau apa pun.
Ps- bah we are ready to teach you ways to become 18. Take your pick. Teacher mana ko mau.
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