Saturday, May 3, 2008

The call to save indonesian forests- answered.

Remember my last post on the dissapearing forest of Indonesia due the tranformation of rainforest and peatforest to large scale massive palm oil plantation? My post entitled By 2022, we'll breath haze not air.? This little article in today's weekend Borneo bulletin edition caught my eyes: Greenpeace welcomes moves to save Indonesia's forest. (its on page 23)

*claps hands!*

-Excepts taken from Greenpeace international-

(The sharp contrast between the pristine rainforest and the area destroyed to make way for palm oil plantations in Indonesia.)

International — Despite insisting a week ago that they wouldn’t be bounced into taking action, Unilever boss, Patrick Cescau performed a swift about turn today and announced that his company is supporting our call for a moratorium – a complete halt – on rainforest destruction in Indonesia.

A moratorium would buy time, and allow proper regulations to be put in place that protect the rainforest in years to come. Unilever’s announcement is potentially good news for orang-utans and for the climate. Speaking at the May Day Climate Change Summit attended by Prince Charles and the UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, he also promised that all of Unilever’s palm oil would be sustainably sourced by 2015. Although we’ve already warned him that promises of sustainable palm oil will amount to nothing unless Unilever’s suppliers stop trashing Indonesia’s rainforests. Now we want to see some of the other big palm oil buyers, like Nestle and Procter & Gamble, join with Unilever to create change on the ground.

Only last week, we launched a new campaign asking Unilever, the company behind some of the world’s most famous brands including Dove, to join us in pushing for a moratorium on rainforest destruction in Indonesia.

Click on the image above for more details. And thank you for the people who supported. And and this fact shocked me really: It’s estimated that over 1600 orang-utans were killed on palm oil plantations in 2006 alone. =/ not good!