Saturday, May 17, 2008

Random. Insomniac.

3.08pm- feeling a little down. Okay a lot down. At this point i have no idea what to do. I feel lost.

Google up the word Ryan Higa or How To Be An Emo. This dude is faking funny. Made saya punya pagi a bit.

and my mum did email me about the ilmu hitam melalui telefon..blabla

Far did mentioned something about that- hidup mati di tangan tuhan. But just be extra cautious, such things can go through the telephone frequency. I've heard about using telephone as a medium to do such things long ago. (years ago i think). But funny thing is...if its an outside should appear as 'unknown' won't it? hmm.

And and RR got a new clerk. YAY. Inda lagi ada org utk sukati cari kesalahan saya.

Pagi. Cant sleep. Aku tidur di kerita bah tadi.

I've tried.