I never actually spent new year attending parties or gatherings (except last year's) and so my new year's eve are usually spent at home with the family. i never enjoy countdowns because...i don't know why. Saving this until both calendars have their new years. Mum always said, time is running fast. If you stop now, you'll be left behind. I guess once in a while its okay to slow down. As long as you do not stop.
I would post a very long emotional post to end 2008 and make you remember what happy and sad things we've been through this year but i guess its best to leave it at this. If you choose to keep our memories, than you'd remember how happy it was being with all of you. And given its me, i'll always remember even if i don't look so. I will miss everything i have.
Thank God Almighty for everything i had this year. For a life that long i can meet new year. For the family and friends who are there to make laughters. And for a perfect enough life that i can be happy with. And me too... i hope my life is long enough to experience many more wonderful things, meet more and meet again and again my wonderful friends and see many more wonderful places and more time to make myself a better person and a beautiful person inside and outside (jeles ku bah manusia banyak lawa lawa ani.aku mau jua. cemana kan tu.). Amin. Last but not least....
Thank you. I'll always remember the little details in my life that you have carved. I am blessed to have all of you. Till next year.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sempena tahun baru hijrah and masihi (2 in 1 =p)
0 commentsCloudy.
Posted by
Miss T
2:47 PM
Some photos from Hongkong/China trip.
0 commentsMy stomach's getting better. My nose is getting better. My throat is getting better. though i am still dizzy when i stand up. Hence, my mood has gotten better. My temper is getting better. And therefore, i am starting to sort out the 1000+++ pictures of my recent China Trip. I need to sort it up so that we won't have to print all 1000+ for other people who wanted to look at the pictures (like my nini)
So i will update about it soon. (i am still stuck on the pictures of our 4th out of 10-11 days soo. just wait. even i am tired of clicking.)
Along the Bund with a background of Shanghai new district, Shanghai. The guys at Shanghai are verry good looking. Go there if you want to hunt for a guy.
West Lake, Hangzhou. Very beautiful. Like our tour guide said, kalau ada jodoh ktemu lagi. I would like to visit hangzhou again.
and fyi The girls in Hangzhou are very pretty (there's a story that some ancient chinese emperor liked to go to hangzhou because of the pretty girls that he built a canal so its easier to go there. and so the girls i guess still have that pretty genes)
There you go. Atleast one from each cities. Slowly. There's a lot more and i'm still sorting it out. besides some are in my brother's camera and my handphone. AND that colourful shirt is a sweater so i did change outfits inside the sweater okay =p. Its hours till newyear. hmm. I still feel like i'm in 2008. =( i miss everything i had in 2008.
And i don't have you to celebrate with this time.
ps- to my ben and darling Birah. Aku rindu mu berabis. =(( and birah. Ntah dude. Still thinking. Hope to see you soon. My mood is so cloudy these days. and btw semenjak perut ku sakit kemarin i only ate oats in the days yaw and a little noodle. Maybe stomache ache is good for shedding the extra pounds i gained in China. you better keep up =p haha
Posted by
Miss T
12:55 PM
Labels: rants, Travel and adventure.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
0 commentsI know some of you said, its more than 1 hr 45 min and still no update.
Yes i am a boring person.
Infact, my mornings have been spent on my bed fighting with a flu and itches. Go figure. I admit i am boring for falling down to a flu. and now some gastric pain probably because of the food at a birthday party i attended yesterday. Or maybe the zinger burger i had before watching bedtime stories with a the families.
this afternoon, i sit below the shower, (while menahan sakit and trying not to puke) seriously thinking of putting my blogging alter ego to an end because you know... some people won't update me either. And some people have advanced in their academic world while i am still hangat hangat tahi ayam. I read that leonardo davinci was that way too but atleast he achieved something worth remembering. While at that, i am still thinking of what to do during my three months holiday next year since some people are reluctant to bring me along to their little excursion.
I mean. It must have been a nice life right when people do not know what you do in life. When you log on to msn and all we could do is tease each other but NO faking updates and the next thing i know, they've achieved i milestone away from me. Besides, some people so close to me are still in something i don't really like and trying to hide it from me because everytime that thing goes out i fall into a deep depression and i refuse to go to school, won't eat and i almost try to kill my self with a comb (this shows i am still sane and my inner self don't really want to kill myself because if i really want to die. i'd do drugs or kill my self with a knife) and people really think they know me when you never even know i have written a phrase 'watch me laugh because there will come a time when you won't see that laugh anymore' because something i am capable of keeping a secret of. and i do know i have a reputation of cannot keep a secret. besides, i am still thinking of why i am not beautiful to other people to attract them.
i am still living lingering to the past and thinking about the future that i forgot to make each day worth remembering.
So i spent the last half an hour sitting down the shower (mostly because of my stomach pain) and to end my blogging alter ego.
but i am still... thinking.
salam. My stomach hurts so bad.
Monday, December 29, 2008
rupanya frost bite tia udah tu.Ahaha. I have been wondering why both my hands looks burnt. Its been days since i said, "entah...tarus tarus ada bah" I just remembered while climbing the great wall, in a attempt to take photos, i took off my gloves and i accidentally touched the metal at the side. When the temperature is negative at sea level, i magine how freezing cold it was as we ascend up. temperature decreases with altitude afterall. I shrieked in pain. Ofcourse it was painful haha i just realise that was the time i burnt my hands and now i can't exactly sleep well because it itches so bad. But i do have burnts all over my body as well. yatah ku pajal banar mandi air sajuk atu. Seriously, it itches so bad. You know right how it feels like when you have burnts and the skin hardens. I have been scratching like a monkey. I was told to rinse with salt water but padih kali ahh. aish. inda i suka ne gatal gatal miani ani. bek jua inda seteruk gatal kalau pakai air panas. and my nose is running. Seriously, the air in shanghai is not so clean.
So diharap anda bersabar menunggu post ku... haha i can't blog while scratching. Itch can make you more stress than studying. Hiatus until it got better. (i was thinking of hospital but i malas bejalan k spital)
Posted by
Miss T
1:41 AM
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Room T
0 commentsThe internet rounghly cost about a paking 20bnd per day so i have spent the past few days without internet and mobile phone communicatins (there was no signal for my line). For someone who always misplace her mobile phone and is lazy to recharge batteries and credits, i find life very convenient for the past few days. it gives me more space to marvel at the wonders carved by the Almighty or were allowed to be carved by the Almighty. At times i even imagined of abandoning the blogging world but naah. i won't jump into that bandwagon for i have friends that needs to be fed wiith my wellbeing. Just give time for my body to adjust back and all the terrible rashes (possibly due to bathing in cold water while the temperature is below zero.. but i am used to bathing with cold water and a diet of lamb) to dissapear
Honestly, while in beijing and shanghai, i find it so sad a country that used to have a colourful culture, beautiful ancient architecture and amazing imperial history, are now evolving fast. Buildings are all of the same dull colour and shape. years after the summer palace or the imperial canal was built, people still marvel at their beauty. Its timeless. Would our descendants feel the same way too when looking at tall skyrises that looks almost the same? i know someone might argue that the history of dynasties and ancient china aren't exactly all pleasant. They suffered a huge inequality during those times but still, i find it so sad that culture is drowning within those seas of skyrises.
while travelling, when you get to a place, you muct know how to leave a place full of memories. I have learnt how to. But i guess i have not learnt enough. The last two cities made it difficult for me to step out of china without having any sentimental feelings.
Its true what the local guide said, once you go in, you never want to come out. but as he said too kalau ada jodoh boleh ketemu di suzhou hangzhou lagi (he's a local who speaks indonesian). Kalau ada jodoh, akan ketemu dengn su hang lagi.
Anyways, selamat menyambut tahun baru hijrah.
ps- hungry. And tired. Eat or sleep? my pics are still in camera,
Posted by
Miss T
7:34 PM
Labels: Travel and adventure.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Room 6010
1 commentsGuess what? "all rooms are equipped with broadband internet access compliments from the hotel" =p
Well we all still have those little child in ourselves don't we? And when i say that i am going to exploit every single thing...i have already packed all slippers with little mickey logo on it. and post cards. and boxes of toiletries with dwarves. And the cheapest keychain i can find down at the lobby shop costs bnd10. =( hm. i am quite dissapointed that the hongkong city tour has been cancelled. I want to see the avenue of stars or victoria peak but the kids wants to spend more time at disneyland than touring my childhood dream place. hmm maybe next time kalau ada rezeki. I do understand that we had to leave on friday afternoon for our next stop so everything is hectic. and i was kinda stressed up just now at the airports. There's 20 of us. and its hard to keep ourselves together. And we had to count heads and passports. but yeah i'll try ignoring them and have fun besides. I have no idea when there'll be another opportunity to stay here again.
ps- i kenow you will miss me bichi. =p
Posted by
Miss T
12:18 AM
Labels: hongkong, Travel and adventure.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Naik Belon
0 commentsAs my nenek lambak said, "kalau dulu, orang belayar naik kapal air. Sekarang ni, pakai belon."
Naik belon soon. I have yet to finish packing. Change money again. Begambar dengan banner. And naik belon. I will blog if there is internet access and if its expensive, i won't bother to spend money on those so this blog will be left unattended. And i doubt that it'll be easy for me to go online. We'll be on the road most of the time, if not on railway tracks or on planes, stopping at 6 cities. We are armed with walking shoes and backpacks and mi sedap =p so no internet won't be a problem.
And bear in mind that my Bmobile line is so palau tahap dewa (plagiarism) I might recieve your text messages just like the last two text from someone but when i tried to send it, another message appears saying "your message cannot be send" so watdapak. Its hard for me to reply to your messages using my line. But if anything. just try texting me.
Kepada orang yang berpesan, i will get you souvenirs (dude bila jua nada) but i will NOT "takul kan ya untukku. gto hidup inda lama lagi. bla bla..." =p hahaha. KECAPIAN. This goes to the others too. hahaha. Kalau ku kesajukan baru ku nakul xp (ambil kesempatan memolest tarus dalam kediginan. haha. astee. =p)
Until then, hiatus. Salam.
ps- It won't take long. but i won't make it to the postponed date of petat's party. I'll be back a few days before newyear. Newyear. begila tani sebelum result keluar =p ahaha.
Posted by
Miss T
8:04 AM
Labels: Travel and adventure.
2009 Crown Prince Cipta Award. Shortlisted =)
0 commentsBear with this long post. I am a proud sister. Went out yesterday to buy somethings while waiting for my little brother, apek, who was in itb for some briefing. I am actually proud that his team got shortlisted for the 2009 Crown Prince CIPTA Award.
click to enter.
I am quite impressed that he made it through. I mean, the moment the huge poster was put up last time in qiulap, he mentioned it over and over. Thinking of who to invite as a team and brainstorming for inventions. aku awu awu saja sebab dalam utak ku its good that he has the enthusiasm to enter such competition although i don't think they'd ever going to made it through but he porves me wrong. My brother is the opposite of me in most things. He's not the one with the creative hand like me. He's not the language type of person like my younger brother (who is quick in absorbing language). He is not the intelligent type but he studies harder than the rest of us. He is the most tidiest out of us three siblings. He cleans and my younger brother and i wreck. That is how the cycle goes at home.
And he is the one with the most practical and logic mind unlike the me and my younger bro. We're a bit irrational in doing things. i guess that is why he is the most suitable one amongst us three to be involved in these kinds of designing field. He mentioned about it for a while and sometime after that all those CIPTA frenzy died a little bit at home. I thought that its just hangat hangat tahi ayam like i always do. I didn't know their team went through with the his last idea. I did heard him mention the idea but yeah I am not interested in his ideas. I am only interested in building his mind with criticism (ie making his life miserable with comments that he has to think of a way to counter such questions)
And he was so happy from the day he knew their team made it through the Preliminary assessment. Especially yesterday, he looks as if he's high from some kind of hyperactivity-causing drug. Understandably, his team comprises of students who are not even 16 yet and made it into a competition full of itb students or 10 to 20 years older. When they registered for the Cipta awards, apperently there was no question on age so he told me that they were looked by the shortlister and commitee with surprise and amazement when he and other two girls in the team went in the meeting room yesterday.
I know he is not looking forward for any monetary prizes because just passing the preliminaries is enough. They knew all the other inventions were so innovative and advanced technology wise and their's is actually so simple that you can think. And i have to agree with what one of the older participants said to them, 'We are old. They are the future' The road is longer ahead and so there will more opportunities for other cipta award participation in the future though i witness how hard it was to think of inventions just for the sake of joining Cipta. Besides, if you think of it, age and experience wise, for me, they already are a winner.
yeah i am sooo damn happy right now because it was not easy to brainwash my brother into taking this field seriously. With all those design books i brought just to build his creative mind and all those talks on future careers and he calls his ambition "cita cita kaka" because i mentioned about it over and over but yeah he got brainwash and all he could think now is to be involved in this field. And i am so happy i finally could rest without him giving up on design and tech.
But there was a reason why his ambition was called: cita cita kaka. Because i am the most enthusiastic person ever. I am hoping they could achieve a little more for this final assesment. When even the consolation prize is $500, i'd say, its worth every exhausted brain cell. (i want to push harder. but nyeh. its up to them now to think how to exhaust their brain cells berabisly.
All the best.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
more......than you think.
0 commentsSigh. Function function makes the body tired. Yeah. There was another tahlil function at lina's yesterday. Tarus celebrate december babies.
Another thing. SORRY berabis Kai luo. Your request cannot be fulfilled because i am travelling sooner than you think. And billah TOO will be gone on his road trip sooner than you think. Not to mention AMAL Di text text rupanya2 kan ke miri! Caya ku banar. Its harder to meet amal that anyone outside brunei can think. =( ya ne banar. It feels like she never went home seriously.
And i just knew some story from someone. Hmm yeah. I got a little emo for a while because it hurts me more than that person would think and yet that person chose to be that way. Its how people are. honestly, its okay if you're abroad or whatsoever. Even if we're all here its really hard to keep up and to keep our friendship together. Or to meet each other. Its actually quite harder than you think.
Honestly, i have been avoiding going online. I don't feel like going online anymore. Sometimes i don't feel like blogging. And all those events and functions and shopping frenzy made it easier. I could have gone online. My mobile phone is with me on every ocassions though it won't be on or full of credits everytime. But i told someone a piece of my heart after that short news- what is the use of going online when nothing could be gained from it. No updates. No news. Like i said, even keeping our friendship intact here is soo difficult and tiring at times. So just.. make it easier for a bit. Malas ku udah. and when i say malas.. i meant i am really frustrated. titik.
Sorry birah. I know you did said a few words intending to soothen this heart and not this post will prove that those words are spoken in vain. entah. Today will be another busy day. Because i need to shop for snacks and travelling pills for travelling on bus and train. so yeah.
Lookie what i found at Rano's... the wedding i have been escaping since last monday and had to come on sunday =p The guy is Lina, my cousin's cousin. The girl is my bestsister ridha wadiah's cousin. Hill and Leny.
Haha lapas meliat lalat mengisi bandung. kami meneruskan perjuangan pakai kereta ke pengantin bini sebab aku malas pakai bas. Kalau pakai bas payah kan escape awal =p
Ps- i met dibah and your mum ridha. =) baru balik haji rupanya. Kesian si dibah tu eh. haha selalu your parents naik haji.. you and dibah kan di rumah. ani ya saja sorang and your brothers. =) haha. AND i noticed that leny's siblings are tall. Macam si dibah. Gila. mcm dibah ah. ya bediri kan tinggi berabis. Haha i feel so short next to her. Btw have fun in Rome. Luvs.
Posted by
Miss T
1:18 PM
Monday, December 15, 2008
i procrastinating kan ke jamban. TER blog tia.
0 commentsMe-random.
AHA. and to think that i have done what i am supposed to do. =p The food was great just now during the wedding reception. The cakes were nice. And the lemon butter fillets were simply.... nyummy =). That will make do for the annoying lalat-lalat refilling bandung.
I have just read the itinery. It seems that not much has changed. I'll be in the city during the weekends so para bichi ku..you now get when you won't see me. I just read the list of hotels and i am silently cursing because... i am so damn sure there are cheaper hotels over there. The travel agency just had to choose the expensive ones. No wonder mahal. Kecapian. I am supposed to sleep early so i can wake up. My bro si njek mengusut dh aku kuat jalan ya alum liat wayang so mliat tah kami ne esuk di mall (and aku lum panyap bilik)
I wanted to bring a stash of canned foods or dry foods (so that i won't get bored during road trips or train trips) and i just realised... i should buy them instead of watching movie =/ haha. naah i'll still bring my bro for movie tommorow.
malam. makan2 lagi. =//
share my life, take me for what i am, cause i'll never change all my colours for you.
Posted by
Miss T
12:16 AM
Sunday, December 14, 2008
To someone. kecapian! alaaa. practice ta ku ne?
Banyak lagi tu permintaan nya ah baiktah kami buat concert "to beijing" nah hahaha. and cinta?? sama billah lagi anu pandai high pandai low atu- penyanyi sensasi blogger terkini. amal laaa. amal and billah lagu cinta from melly. =D ah ah. I cannot sing kan like billah. I can only be creative =p hahaha. but try la. IF DIBAH nyanyi i nyanyi! =pp
okay. Mandi. Jeputan lagi. Start panyap...bilik. or susun budget. or susun barang. I can do this! BTW BILLAH BANGUNI KU ESOK LAGI AH kalau usulnya aku mcm inda tebangun =p
bah shhhh. i should stop going to the internet.
Posted by
Miss T
6:51 PM
Lalat mengisi bandung atu annoying.
0 commentsSekejap saja. MENSES i ne.
aku kan meluahkan betapa menses nya aku ke function saja today!. Malam ani ada lagi. You know i have been escaping this function since....monday =p hanging out at the mall with sahlan la uncle keyol la. But today, cannot escape anymore. i slept late as usual.
kul 10 mama banguni udah"ika bangun laju. Jemputan start kul 10.30am"
Sampai hotel, liat di lif "jemputan si bla bla and bla bla 1030 - 1400" Like 1400?? wtf. menses i tarus. Sakit pala ku menahan supaya inda tidur. And like i told some people, i don't like jemputan arah hotel motel apa ani. Why? Because orang cakap orang kedayan suka menapau kan. and aku orang kedayan and i like menapau. Its just faking annoying to see that there were a lot of food (rendang kambing!) and there were no plastics to bring back. According to mum, some hotel and restaurant policy is quite strict that they will throw away all uneaten food. someone told me this happens at kfc too. LIKE wtf! Orang di negeri lain kelaparan.
And then there were the caterer walking around like annoying flies except that they are incharge of refilling the bandung on our glasses. Minum saja sedikit...inda sampai setangah galas pun di refill ny. annoyed ku durang jalan2 saja merefill bandung ah udahtah the place is compact due to all those round tables sampai ku panggil bisdia lalat hinggap mengisi aing. The good thing (but bad thing is) the food is good. Good because its delicious. Bad because its too delicious i can't stop eating =p.
i do understand the groom chose to wed in a hotel because their residence area cannot hold tents or 1000 + people. because the bride hold the function at her residence. tapi ani malam ani meliat lalat hinggap ta ku lagi ne?? Tukar baju lagi tu. aku mau ke mall bali that white molded thingy kan mempaint ku lagi. yeah. i painted some craftwork while i am supposed to tidy up my room.
Good thing. Ridha i met your sis si dibah sekajap tadi since the bride your cousin kan. hehe.
But anyways. Congratulations on your marriage Hil and Leny.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
something to laugh at.
0 commentsLookie what i found from my old blog the dead multiply =p
Adventure club early 2007 The was a comment that says "omg tiqah you look so pale like a ghost" =p Haha honestly. I don't enjoy looking pale/macam anak cina. Haha mcam who would want to be called pale? But after the twilight type. pale?? ITS OKAAY =p hahahahaha!! but yeah. i guess i was pale in this pictures. Its okay. I can be Tiqah cullen now =pp OME OMC!
This reminds me of the incident just now in mall when i went to buy sweater for mum at itop.
Pekerja: you want to try
T: jantah kali. kan balikan orang. (in my usual Tiqah accent)
Pekerja: "ahh?"bangang. BERABIS
T: bah aku tah test kan kali (pakai loghat si tiqah yang laju becakap)
udah di fitting room
Pekerja: masih bangang babi entah napa ka ya. pastu ada tia beckp "Melayu kah?"
T: (baru teclick napa ya bangang babi d luar) jwb mcm biasa "awu" (sebab terbiasa)
Pekerja: ahhh pikir cina (ketawa sorang diri malu. hahaha) macam haha malu kali ya becakap orang puteh pedah2 skali aku jawab cakap brunei.
Haha baru ku teclick. I speak in my usual tiqah accent yang laju beracakap. barangkali salah salah dangar kali ya wa. mcm bangang ya berabis aku becakap atu. I just don't get the 'loghat Tiqah" though. I have not notice if no one ever said that i speak laju. DO i really have a loghat?
Lookie what i found lagi =p
Frankfurt 2007
OME! masa aku 17 tahun =p HAHAHA. Now i feel old.
ps- i still hope i got some pictures from wasai kadir 2006 =( yeah. I did lost my pendrive way back in pteb. BOTH of my pendrive (that is why my new one is always attached to my HP)
Posted by
Miss T
4:38 AM
OME OMC OML. i will be quiet until i finish everything.
1 commentsI know everyone have been posting about the TWILIGHT HYPE. =p maybe later. I need to get into OME, OMC zone when i do so. maybe after monday ait?
I have been very busy. Yesterday, i woke up, as usual, late and i had to send my bro to the mall for twilight after friday prayers. Stopped there for a while because i need to change currency for mum for the daily tips for this group tour and for food. We have been sponsored by our aunt for this family trip and i mean she paid all four of our fees. Basically we are free loading like i always do =p. She doesn't really mind actually and amazingly she was more enthusiastic as ever to pay for us. Because for her money is not everything and she has got no family of her own to spend to.. she not married so she's always sponsoring us, her nieces and nephews, or her siblings in one way or the other like clothings or food so that according to her... there would be less money left to fight for if anything happens- "nada orang bekelaie kan usin" Yeah. She doesn't want family to fall apart just because of fight over inheritance in the future so she'd rather spoil us now. And for this trip. It cost more than a thousand or two so THANKS ngah.
And its only natural that we'd deal with the rest i.e the tips which costs 10usd per person per day! like wtf but okay. When you're freeloading. No complaints. haha. There was only one money changer that has that currency but its a huge 1000 bill (don't worry. This amount is smaller in Brunei dollars than you'd think =p) But still, its better if its a 100 dollar bill of some currency. Atleast..
So while waiting for my brother again, i went to Bandar. Parked at the yayasan and found out that they ran out of that currency as well sana. they only have 200 left which is like less than a 50BND. Hmm. So i WALKED all around bandar from yayasan to all the money exchange place and they RAN out of that currency too! They even ran out of Malaysian ringgit, Rupee, Dirham, pounds even USD. (two out of three money exchange in gadong ran out of myr idr and aud as well) Macam. Kecapian jua tu. I guess A LOT of bruneians are out of the boundary.
So i guess we just had to deal with the 1000 bill but when i went back there, ITS GONE. I mean someone has taken it already. Last last ke airport and changed almost all of our budget. and funnily i got a 500 bill instead and they told my mum there was no smaller bills except 1000 HAHA. they lied! because they gave me my 500 some currency bill. (which is smaller in our currency than you'd expect =p jangan majal) oh btw. aritu usd pun abis wa di airport. macam berabiss orang brunei atu.
So yeah i spent most of my day running around looking for currencies today and helping my brother hunt for cheap memory card for the camera i gave him (my old one). I guess sahlan knows better how karit tiqah is =p TER tidur selepas balik rumah ani kul 3 pagi baru ku tebangun untuk berus gigi and cuci mua and tukar baju. Tommorow will be more hectic since i have not tidy up my closet or my room and i am not leaving it untidy for a couple weeks of absence, playing with the kittens because i'll miss my arang so much. =p and working out on my new travel/music/food (i just decided to add those =p or maybe it'll change) blog. i need to look for my old hp because there were so many photos there.
I have not packed and my other aunt have done so. I have not cleaned my room. I have not sorted out my budget (to souvenirs or food) and new blog to finish before we started taking pictures with banner next week =p i did say its a family- GROUP TOUR right. and we would be forced to take pictures with a banner just like the last batch for the travel agency. memalukan i know. just don't open you brudirect la for next week =p. the last batch to somewhere ada begambar ngan banner then kena taruh arh brudirect and i hope ours won't be. and i hope... this trip is only OUR family trip. No more. haha karit. The last group was around 22ppl and from different family. we're only 14 or 15 i guess.
So yeah. I will be a bit quiet in my blog and msn until most of these are done. BUT jgn khianat monday. and you know what i mean bichi. ;p
Posted by
Miss T
3:29 AM
Labels: life, Travel and adventure.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
YOU KNOW WHAT! I terjumpa blog orang yang namanya TIQAH wa jua and profile nya homaigat: "a fangirl of Kim Kibum , Lee Taemin and Park Yoochun ! I'm fifteen and going on 16 next year's Feb's! a die-hard fan of most SM's artist especially Dong Bang Shin Ki , Super Junior and SHINee " MACAM can you spot the similarities. erm. YOOCHUN?? kibum.. erm Kibum mana KEY ku kibum kali jua ah. Apane? Nama Tiqah pun minat org yang sama?? Inda tia original. Cetak rompak tiaaa.
Baik jua ya blognya tikkataemin bukan tiqah dicaprio. ceeh. *sasak*
Btw blog ani tmpat ku belanji kan (seperti yg orang slalu kata sitiqah lanji. bah manataja kamu berkata2.) i am in the process of making a new blog =p so yeah =p geheh
Posted by
Miss T
3:21 AM
Khairul Story.
0 commentsSebab aku malas ambil pen and melukis kan...nyaman dh ku duduk di katil i decide to make you card... using my laptop. HAHA. bangga ku eh. Inda ku berapa kuno lagi =p I HAVE SOMETHING for you!!
happy birthday again si lambat lahir. Nanti tak ku bagi kau hadiah ie- yg bekucing bebakul petak petak =p KU bungkus tu. hahaha
ps- siuk panya mewarna pakai paint atu... sigh. sapa punya cerita g kan d buat ah =p and Either ways i am sleeping early today. I will sleep at around 3 am today. =p haha unlike the days before i tidur apabila matahari terbit.
Posted by
Miss T
2:49 AM
Labels: Bday, friendship.
Haha. I noticed something actually. This dude always one step behind me =p Like the time we took our kelas undang undang together, but his exam was later than mine Although he started his driving lessons early, he finished later than i do. He took his driving test while i was getting my legal driving liscence (time ya mengajutkan aku dgn senyuman nya yg sadang2 manis ah =p). And that is around a week later than my driving test. And he got his legal driving lisence a week later than mine. Not to mention, he was born on December, but was born just a mere 5 days later than mine =p
Its like i have gotten to know this kerol pinky while on a roadtrip except my car is always faster than his =p HAHAHA. Lambat wa kau atu kan lahir. Wait if your always one step behind...does this means that i will get my boyfriend earlier than you would?? (get a gf not bf i mean =p) Nampaknya TiqahR&Keyshinee akan lebih maju dri KerolK&Boa HAHAHA!
Last dinner outing. Wish we were there to surprise you with one.
He is in my registration class but i always came late to class. He is my ps mate (who taught me mechanics sampai dari babal ke pandai jua sedikit) And not to mention my fz mate yang inda tah pandai kan jadi mcm si wu chun badannya. But most of all, he a sagitarrian- yang pemental lagi banarnya dari aku tapi inda mengaku (membalasi =p) and ofcourse so much love to give too. Like me. Aku pun inda mau tpun kau sebab aku tau ko tu yang nangis ukan aku =p (but mostly because kedit ku -$22...annual fee ku every bday mu rupanya wa)
Have a great time there. Study chinese real hard so that when i get my money and go there, there are a list of places i want to go to like Kunming, guilin, Chengdu, lugu hu, Urumqi (macam siuk ah.) beijing =p shanghai. banarnya aku tebaca blog ada org ani d china for a bout 9 months and he went to all parts of china (ukan plang ku apalkan semua nama atu). nah telebih sudah. Study hard. Parah saja tia utak atu. You are more hardworking than i am. And being there is a more wonderful opportunity than you'd ever imagine. So don't miss brunei food too much. May god bless you in everything you do.
Tiada hadiah yang dapat i sampaikan right noww only some wishes
(and hope it will continue snowing until the last week of this month =pp)
Bah kalau it snows. You know what to say "THANK YOU TIQAH~" ps- Don't you miss driving? =p
Posted by
Miss T
1:14 AM
Labels: Bday, friendship.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Freaky. You should try this.
0 commentsBloghopping and saw some fun quizes and i decided to do mine. Amazingly, it has been true so far. I took this other one-what language should you study. And guess what: FRENCH! That is freaky. I mean. i did studied french this semester =p hahaha and i am NOT going to take it again i think. so my level of francaise stops at- "Je suis content. Je n'aime pas etudier le francaise. (if that is even correct) J'aime etudier japonaise. Francaise est tres difficile.... err err... vous parlez anglaise? *kes sasak udah*"
You Should Learn French |
![]() C'est super! You appreciate the finer things in life... wine, art, cheese, love affairs. You are definitely a Parisian at heart. You just need your tongue to catch up... |
seriously. Freaky.
and this one: What should you major in.
Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking |
![]() You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal. You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk. You should major in: Philosophy Music Theology Art History Foreign language |
too bad. I still love Biology and Geography even though i have to admit most of my time i think about stuffs that are not for my major =p Like Mumbai. Or politics. hahah
Posted by
Miss T
11:40 PM
The luggage is 50% discounted.
0 commentsGembira sangat i.
Your Travel Personality Is: The Sophisticate |
![]() You appreciate the best art, food, architecture, and local flavor. A true traveler, you are destined to be multi-lingual and very worldly. |
Posted by
Miss T
11:19 PM
Labels: Travel and adventure.
This is me. bloghopping on impossible trips. Like i do every other nights
0 commentsBloghopped and found some bruneian family is in Qatar for holidays. How cool is that. And a few are going or in UK already. sigh. They must have a great time over there. I mean Qatar. Or Jordan. Or Dubai. Manatau ada Hani salam look-a-likes. But then again. Nippon! Sigh. To be honest. I am still mental about Nippon. So yeah. Just 3edu389&!!(&nee[d2damn sigh. I mean. I've never been so much interested to Kankoku so people can just go in and out of kankoku if they like and saya takkan iri hati. OR chugoku. People say i look like anak cina so i am not quite interested in going to chugoku so much more than nippon. But nippon is just...just seems impossible for me to reach so ='(( shet. I mean. ITS damn expensive. And knowing some ver few nihongo won't get me there.
yeah i am very mental about it. bah out ku. ayam berkokok dah. Sun is nearly up =) wee.
Posted by
Miss T
4:35 AM
0 comments3.57pm
I am sleeping late again. As usual. I like.
I have watched Body of Lies twice but i am not going to comment on that yet because...i might watch the third time. And i am lazy to type. And you know already how much of a fan i am of the Leo Dicaprio ;p I dun care if his belly bulges. As long as he acts good. I am still numero uno fan.
Roger ferris is my everlasting love, Leo Dicaprio. Hani Salaam is Mark Strong. his father is Italian and his Mom is australian i think. That explains why he's the hottie in the body of lies. Italian. Owh. Did you know, that Leo too, is a child of an italian father and a german mother. Hmm Italian. The sexiness just exudes out of the screen.
I don't talk a lot too. Like siti nur petat. But i guess you's probably know i am lying.
I am not the home type unlike siti nur petat (she claims herself to be).
But ... i guess you probably know this as well.
Sigh. I am waiting for the sun to rise so i can do the thing i love doing. Bejalan. or in sahlan-world terms 'inda-bejalan'
Posted by
Miss T
3:54 AM
9 December Babies!
0 comments(not quite the baby anymore aren't they;p) 9 Dec 2008.
Its nikki beech! Haha. Stolen from her blog. This is Nikki's......pink hair ;p Oww noo. You're not getting a picture of her that easily here. hahaha Karang ada unknown strangers dropping off on my tag saying "what's that girl's name" =p I tak 'menyindir' orang okay =pp HAHAHA.
She's 20 and hornier (is there even such word)!
and she's the type who would say "no comment" eh =p HAHAHAHA. I would like to join the bandwagon too. Lols "no comment" eh sweet bum bum =pp HAHA
Yeah i am greedy. and no i am 'not obsessed' And notice that at his back there's KEY ;p
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Are you one of the few who read my answers?
0 commentsHad a chat with a malaysian who studies medicine in Jakarta. And he was wowed with my amazing ability to think about nonsense stuffs. I guess i might have bore him. We talked about a lot of stuffs. Things that might not sound so nice if its in a strict no freedom of speech country. But I spoke. Because i can speak. And i think. Because i can think. I asked him
Why do we have hatred and jealousy or many other dirty things in ourselves if the reason for living is to make the world a better place?
I guess not many people read my nonsense right when its too much to think of. So i am posting it again here. Incase you want to read my answers to these questions.
Two choices.
i actually feel like bebichi today for some reason. =/
tapi i am trying not to indulge in my addiction. i mean because if i do, i'll sleep so late. =p Haha. i just can't get enough of ____________ sigh. One is so romantis. Ada yang dorky tapi memikat hati. then my kunci hati. Haha. sigh.
And aku bru liat gambar cuzin ku (yang sebalah sana) gambar di Dubai I A. and Cardiff. I am not interested in the cardiff part but the dubai part. DUBAI~ I haven't been there long time! Not even transit. lala bah anyone yg kan k dubai inform aku =p kamu plan aku kumpul duit ja =pp hahaha.
esuk tah ky meluahkan bichi ku. =p haha see you peeps.
Posted by
Miss T
12:37 AM
Monday, December 8, 2008
Keep it to yourself..
0 commentsEasi line or not easi line or not? sigh.
I have not bought my luggage =p I was thinking tommorow but WE'RE a little busy tommorow aren't we =p Btw i baharu saja balik bejaur tonight. Actually i wanted to go bejaur with Byl and Sahlan but they were with their brothers and cousins and sisters just now so instead i went ber kotak keju di gadong with the only one who is not as anak dara as these people- si gigolo. (sbb i khianat arh nya tadi inda ke fz =p hhahaha! malas ku wa. We talked and talked about some future trips since he's the only one who would be sooo interested and i feel guilty i didn't mention about our go to small island country trip and etc. Mun inda laku ku bejual anak ayam seekong atu ni warung siring jalan. =pp HAHAHAH astee nadabah.
Anyways. I would prefer people not mention in public where i'll be sometime next week before i decide to tell the public myself untuk menjaga hati (inda ku tau ada ka tu orang orang makan ati ka apa ka. mana tau ada. i don't like to hurt people. =/ i'll only do when they hurt me. haha) apakan becerita aku ah. but yeah. but yeah please. although i did gave some hints didn't it? some small island and some city so close to the sea with freezing wind and etc. If you know...keep it to yourself bebeh.
Sama awu bah nah
Amazingly they bought two whole rows!! Actually i never read the book. I just want to join the fun. besides, from the poster he looked handsome. And i am into vampires stuff (though i prefer reading manga on vampires than reading words with no visual aids =p) BUT YEAH we are watching TWILIGHT this thursday. (nahh bichi puasss? Si gatal ani eh. tadi aku sepatutnya jumpa si bichi jua wa sekali ya tinggalkan aku gto sahlan ya blek tpi rupanya BEGATAL di mall) NO dude. I am not joining your flirting club. =p
Hmm. Thinking of what to do esok. and i just remembered. I NEED to send my library books back. Then possibly go somewhere. But the question is: dst line or not?
ps- Ridha and Zirahku!! Read my previous previous post!!! Sigh. Misses you. Sigh. I belum chat with zirah ku long time. And i read your nick!! Tak sedar iiii nick mu ahh. =(( THANKS!
I want to say it doesn't scar. But it does.
0 commentsI am thinking about stuffs. Random.
I am still thinking about getting a dst line or not since sms dri sayang-sayang ku di UK inda sampai kan. sasak i. Manatau sanang i bedating nanti pakai line dst =p hahaha Btw mcm kena pakai2 link blog ku ani. apa tu ada forex apa usin apa ah arh tag ku. Tak pa tak pa. I maafkan.
And i am still thinking of getting a ipod or not. I mean i CAN abuse my brother's one easily but he is mostly into rock and hiphop stuff and i listen to a diversity of music genres- including my shinee. ahah. and he always says, 'mana ipod apek? mana ipod apek' inda jua sanang tu mendangar.
Since i am in serious need to save some for some foreign dollars, not that i will spend a lot there ...i hope. haha but for souvenirs for me for you ..you know me =p.
I still need to look for a luggage since all the small luggages we have are unusable anymore and we're planning to bring one-bag-each this time. Besides, paying on my own makes the bag mine and its also for (incase) next year. to where? =p Aha. My destinations are never confirm due to some reason which i will tell when i am in the mood (just a hint: i planned a trip to langkawi and i got diverted and that was the time when tsunami hit. And after a few months of saying to mum "lets save up and go to india" and mumbai's hotel went under flames... and many more) So yeah. I am yet to find a bag and mum adviced a big one so that 'kalau ika kan lawat durang zirah and ridha d uk sanang bawa satu bag saja' haha =p but we'll see. If i am draining my cash pool on food and movies like what i am doing now, i won't have enough for far visits. But who knows maybe i might blog from the other side of the world without you even knowing i went there.
So that would explain the pink jacket mum bought me for my brithday. Usually its just dinner and movies or (plus) swatch but i guess some far trips might be possible. Actually i am not too keen on looking for one but i couldn't find anyone who i can borrow from. But i actually like this jacket even though my brother said i look like a begedil-bejalan in it. The others make me look like an esbok-bejalan or anak ____homeless (again courtesy of my bro)
And then there is the belanja some people because i said so last time.
Hmm thermal socks, jeans and leggings too because some city near the sea might have freezing winds. And gloves which i will buy in that small island country. (apakan) Yatah.. lain kali durang ani cita cita ke india saja. Ke egypt kah. I won't have to bother about thermal wear. hahah. udah nyangku lakastah ke kalimantan lawat maci (our former amah). nada org minat =p
And then there is twilight. Which will cost me $7 *(karit) but i still want to join.
and. Wait. I lost track of what i need to do and buy. Hmmm bah bila g escapading/koryo-ing? =p
More thanks ;p
0 commentsHaha i just found my phone. Anyways, like i said, don't expect too much after the exam (i mean on msn, i have been out the whole day =p). Went to a lot of places and went back late, the family wanted to watch a late night movie as usual.
Kepada Zirah and Ridha.
Ada jua ku buat dlm last post ku: 'Org2 yg jauh tpi aku tau dlm atinya rindu kan aku =p'
Utk kamu bah tu dan orang2 sekalian alam jua yang jauh di sana =p aku tau ko kali ah yg first slalu bagi msg. hehehe. AWWUUU ZIRAH and RIDHA NADA SMPAIII msg kamuu!! Nanti tah ku membali line dst khas utk org luar negri haha. (btw kalau aku antar pakai bmobile pun slalu mana smpai tu sasak ku). Awuu. ridha jua. Hadiah mu tunggu next yr. I noee~ SIUK g sama si Tiqah kan dripada sama org puteh =p haha. I miss you lots babe. Ku dgr zirah ke Liv ne gehehe And Ridha. THANKS SIS!! Sigh. It wasn't the same wasn't it? the birthday without us bumping into each other at euro classic.
MUL Thanks bebeh (lupa ku thank kau haha) sbb greet in advance ;)
to Ben And Zahar haha its okay (aku pn slalu lupa bday org =p) ahahaha. Thanks muchh! =D I am forgiving zahar that easily but not ben so ben YOU better do PCD + Rihanna moves (with chairs as props) next time =ppppp HAHA.
billah. No i won't be joining kelab flirting anytime soon. I still have some unrealistic addictions i need to overcome. =p HAHAHA! apa hinting. He's just being friendly. Besides. I am not interested in guitar/bass player. I am interested in skinny jeans pretty boys remember =p Although the height is a good gene =p hahaha astagpir.
Owh aku jeles gambar si Bichi ngan Pets and Sahlan and norah j mliat selamat pagi cinta las time. Caya kamu. Wayang kul 5.30 patang wa. Aku bangun 5.15 ptg. Well that was the day after biology, i was soo down about it, i slept the whole day. ahaha.
Salam. Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!
Posted by
Miss T
2:35 AM
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Posted by
Miss T
3:50 AM
My 6 Dec 2008: Appreciate!
0 commentsWajah sitiqah bru 19yrs old yg letih TAPI kan bagi ucapan. =p
I had my Francaise exam (nah expose tia sbb next year i tak ambil lagi) at 2pm. Amazingly i just studied this morning before the exam. I knew i did enough for coursework to pass it so i just don't care anymore. The paper was worth 320 marks- 80 for dictation (comprising for 10 out of 50 percent for final exam) so all aimed for was a 120 marks (for a pass in the writing final exam) and ofcourse it wasn't easy. For those i don't know...i hentam la.
Anyways. Like i said i have been looking forward to makan ketam at Kayu Kandar =p GAHA. Siuk2 ku makan katam wah ada tia durang dgn ....biasa.. nyanyi nya and ..... camera nya! TIME KU BEJABIH MAKAN KATAM. Aha. belipat banarr!! TERIMA KASIH btw.
I have been told that my face book is full of greetings and i just would like to say my facebook is almost dying. I can't open it somehow. Everytime i do, the IE gets stuck and restart.And THANK YOU SO MUCH for the greeting masa ku mikin tua ani. As nur petat says, our butt is still firm =p
Lambat kau ah bagi semangat study ah... my last exam is today haha. Tapi kalau ko menari mirotic/love like oxygen awal and video study tarus ku ne =pp. and V4T??! capi Kau tpun pun aku inda ku jawab kalau tpunnya start with 555 something. Kalau tpun kai hp mu sana bru ku jwb (sbb aku avoiding tpun org dri dubai wa tnya sal sum humanitarian bla bla.) and aku inda tcari mana tpun ku awal ne hhahahah and manada ku nangis tu =ppp ahaha. And. bangga la sedikit, ada improvement.tapi kalau ya matching nga baju pink and nari to mirotic or love like oxygen baru aku terwowow.*ku pajal* =p VAIN. Aha. tpi ada T kan ahernya haha buleeeh la. haha THX. Btw aku dpt online dh ne. Jacket mu yg tabal menabal atu buat i wonder wheather. SHHH. And ada kan ku gto psl weekend itu. And hahaha aku baru tau ada 2 (DUA) bantal busuk! (yg mana satu =p)
Btw simpan kad atu. you still have time to give it colours =p
Owh and 2 people from the names i mention above...will be having their birthday too SOON. =)
ps- i am still not over BIO and maths. I will be over it untill i know i pass haha. Until then i will still have nightmares unless someone or anyone can sing and dance love like oxygen to me (OR bawa KEY/MINHO/ONEW/...the whole group ku kemari)
OR BWA LEO KU KEMARI. =) Salam. Malam.
Posted by
Miss T
2:36 AM
Labels: Bday, friendship., ubd
Friday, December 5, 2008
you force.
Tag 1) menyiku
1. Write (type) your full name with your elbow.2. No backspacing.3. Tag 10 people to do this.
nur satikqah raduazn
GELA lah. Exotic terus nama i. ;p
Aku tag kau kau kau kau kau kau kau kau kau kau. gila mengalehkan diri menyacak keyboard.
Tag 2) membebel
1) Each blogger must post these rules.2) Each blogger must being with ten facts about them.3) Other bloggers who are tagged must also state the rules and ten facts about themselves. you must choose ten people to give this award to and list their names at the end.4) It is essential that a tag is left at their tagboards, letting them know about the award they've received.
1) aku ingin terbang ke awan. lalalala.
2) I kuat bejaurs.
3) I suka makan.
4) esok i menjadi semakin tua. and i inda berapa iski. =p
5) aku suka shinee
6) sama dongbangshinki
7) tetapi near far whereever you are... i am still Leonardo Dicaprio's fan.
8) I have LF exam esok.
9) I am looking forward to makan ketam esok.
10) I lap u.
11) but most of all...i am addicted to _____________________. ;p
nah belabih. ertinya aku inda payah tag org.
Yg sebuting atu naleh ku. thanks for tagging anyway. =)
Becerita /editted
0 commentsCan't have enough of _______________________
ps- lapar jua ah aneroxic ani ah. =p AWU bichi i tak study untuk esok. Malas ku. apa biarta ku bekurapak melayu tercinta. jgntah kan bekurapak bahasa asing. ukannya ku apply ke negeri eropah jua kan aritu kan bekurapak bahasa abisdia. inda i menyindir ne. btw. mewayang, ada ku sound tu. mehangout bah LAYANs. Menutong sundayy. I nak! awu i am addicted to E. E is expensive. so you buy for me. okie =pp
I am hungry and n pissy and menses i. Lapar ku laparrr. Malas ku bejalan ke dapur. makanan inda da wa. Kan masak...you know me!
Posted by
Miss T
3:15 PM
************* genital parts goes to jail. =)
0 commentsAmazeng. Terima kasih siti nur petat for the info. (and now i am copy pasting because i malas kan buka brudirect=p)
Foreigner Jailed For Flashing " Bandar Seri Begawan - A ********* national was sentenced to four months' imprisonment by the Bandar Seri Begawan Magistrate's Court yesterday after he pleaded guilty to exposing his private parts to two Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) students. ________________________ (fill in the blank), who is neither a student nor an employee of UBD, went on two occasions to the university library on November 1 and 4 and exposed himself to two different female students, said the Prosecuting Officer.
The court heard that the first complainant was at the UBD library doing her assignment and saw the defendant looking for a book. The defendant later sat next to the complainant and asked something about the Internet, but the complainant said she could not understand what he was asking for. A few minutes later, the complainant saw the defendant, still sitting next to her, unzip his pants. She saw him repeatedly zipping and unzipping his pants and later saw him exposing his private parts. The defendant went again to the library three days later. The second complainant saw the defendant standing near the bookshelves and unzipping his pants to expose his private parts. The two complainants positively identified the defendant when the police conducted an identity parade. The defendant was arrested on November 24. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin "
PHEWH. I LAP MY UNIVERSITY. FLASHER!! wowowowww. too bad i didn't see them if nooot. heh you will see some *********** dick circling around in the internet. but hmm i guess 4 months in jail would do. wait just for 4 months??
Posted by
Miss T
2:50 PM
Labels: makan luar. life ubd. flasher.
0 commentsA questionaire i did on what type of movies i watch under some circumstances says that i have a
sensitive soul...........????
ARE u kidding me?? you can get those from movies i watch? aha.something must be wrong with the questionnaire. lalala. bnrnya aku na ttido bah ne. aha.
Posted by
Miss T
4:48 AM
Lakastah kitani membichi.
0 commentsAmazeng.
I just bloghopped a cousin of mine (from the other side who probably doesn't even know i'm reading his blog) And he just left for london couple of days ago. Well.. i heard about going to the uk thing. But never knew he'll be going to the french Disneyland too. Okay so duuh. what's the difference. Its only disneyland...with french people. And french speaking mickey mouse or minnie.
How far off would it be from cantonese speaking mickey or minnie or people right.
At far ends of the world. Disney brings us together. =)
But still, he's going to paris so yeah. I am envious. haha. maksud i seronok jua itu melihat lelaki perancis (selain dari so gandin) yg sangat gatal. Sigh. actually the point of this is i have no mood for LF exam this saturday. y did i ambik LF anyway
There.. I said it. Jeez.
Btw bloghopping made me reminisce childhood. I miss goldcoast and bangkok and dubai. Oh well. They brought me up that way so i am this way...a traveller's soul. I guess those times i was too young to appreciate.
I know its not kyoto or nagoya or whatever faking country it is to make people betray their words or make people faking pissed though there is no faking right for people (like me) to get pissed... he's right. Appreciate what i have now even if its not KK right? =) Be selfish because selfish people always wins. I like that coming from you. Its being embedded slowly to my mind. Those words said about things bla bla bla bla. are just words to soothe you no? People won't even remember what they say right. Only i remembered so i am going to bang my head on the wall after LF exam. Better write the story of my life so i will remember you. Aha. People are appreciating their life right and keeping it a mystery from us! soo we should all start appreciating what we have now. I might not have si dk baritney ka tu or (i forgot the name you said dude) or whatthepak name there is but i have siti nur pitat and Norah joe. You are right dude. You said lets membichi. As starters.. i'm thinking of piercing. Ears hmm see other places. but if its on the lips it'd be too obvious. Kalau belly tunggu i kurus. Lets make it on the tongue. Aha. mengarut i bekurapak. i knoww. What ever it is beech... thank you for those wisdom words. You are the best beech in the whole wide world. PS- i know what you mean when you say.... we are all going seperate ways anyway. But. T is still here for you. =ppp ku pajal.
I guess.. if you become so selfish or you don't people care less right since they care about keeping things to themselves too right. Like wtf. So bestfriend, i still don't flirt i just like to diss people now. Saturday is a problem so any other days i will make my self free for quarantine. (gue bener2 mau liat and teriak bersama.)
Now. to someone. I am not going to take that Camel because it cost more than a flight to singapore or KK. Aha. I am bleeding cash, i am not going to cut myself with sharp knife. Although the camels are sooo rugged. Biartia. Aha. I have some wool to cover me up to buy anyway. ahaha. And not to mention tickets... to my leo movie. SEE. bleeding babi i.
malam. i nak tido half dead lagi seperti tadi ptg. =)
Posted by
Miss T
3:46 AM
5th December.
0 commentsCried so hard the day you left. Because you were the last one to leave. And i know that makes this December, different from other Decembers. Happy 19th Birthday sis. it was just last year i greeted you 18th and we turned legal. Study hard in Sheffield. I know you can do it too. I know i am not there with you this time (and next year too. And for the next 2 years too) but lets just imagine we are there celebrating our days . Moga di panjang kan umur dan murah rezeki. Wish i am there with you today..
=( miss you and the rest. lots.
And one more thing ... everytime i wish you birthday there's just this feeling that i am growing up with you. .....and i love growing up with you. ;D hehe.
ps- have fun in Europe this hols. Kalau ada italian hansem ah promote si Tiqah =p And kawan ku si Billah kirim salam haha. (sbb ko nada online ba)
Posted by
Miss T
12:43 AM
Labels: Bday, friendship.
I need to calculate. And budget.Di masa kebanjiran ini. Kita mestilah menakung air. Supaya di masa kegunahan i.e kalau ke jamban yg inda beaing. Dapat di gunakan.
Yatah i perlu membahagi2 kan berapa proportion aing kan di pakai untuk ke itu. atau ini.
GILA. Banjir banjir nya inda jua banjir banar. Nada jua smpai ribut banjir kami ani ke negeri Jepang. Adui adui.
Posted by
Miss T
12:07 AM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Like a blank page.
0 commentsBroken hearted.
I felt that the last one had left me... frustrated.
And yet i don't know what to do.
I don't know what to expect.
I don't know if i shpuld laugh or not.
Or cry. Or not.
Woke up at 5.15pm today. I realised i had slept the whole day.
Try not to show. But some know better.
On another note. I feel like betrayed over and over.
Being left behind.
But its not my place to say. Its just a feeling.
Crap. I am not excited.
The last one really left me dissapointed. I don't know what to do.
But when everything else doesn't seem to care..
Thank god i have you.
At the very least, made me smile just for today. And tommorow. And that is all it takes.
Posted by
Miss T
11:19 PM
In the end i couldn't sleep AT ALL. =(
That's when i stumbled upon (my) Shinee's reality show on you tube (even though there is no subs)
and i'm starting to like MINHO ;pp AHAHAHAHA. Even though my Key to the hati always brings laughter to the group.
Minho's just.....SO sweeeeeeeeeet, =DD *noona T fantasizing =p ahaha
Posted by
Miss T
9:48 AM
Lesson learnt
0 commentsI don't really have the mood to update. i KNOW i messed that paper up.
So yeah. I just hope i'll made it through without having to take supplementaries. amin.
But on the bright side. LESSON LEARNT.
And how many will it take for me to start stop doing what i do best- doing other things other than what i should do. Hmm =(
Posted by
Miss T
4:23 AM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Love like oxygen
1 commentsI just can't help it xp KILLER moves! its just soo smooth. Aha. and for once, tae min really looks good with that bowl hair to the side. =p AND OFCOZ kunci hati ku =p
PS- i have been watching DBSK's mirotic BALIK2. And the more i watch it... the more sexy si Junsu becomes =p ahahahaha!!! and bad news...the minustry of health and family kah apa of korea said Mirotic is explicit. WTF?? I mean... the song rocks.. the dance it off well kali ah. pastu kan kena tukar kali. mihir banar. *sasak.
Posted by
Miss T
7:42 AM
Two choices.
0 commentsThis is a post for two days and you are given two choices- you can close this wondow and walk away or you can spend a few minutes stimulating your brain cells.
Nora Joe (who triggered my mind into thinking) asked, what are the sacrifices for anyway? When it comes to 'true' terror, there is no reason for killing. They just kill. But when terror hides itself behind the mask of the word 'jahid'... you've probably heard the phrase "no pain no gain". But in their sense, they take this phrase to another level. I guess they misinterpret it as "no blood no utopia". Even now, someone is probably suffering in this sick world. And we are just here...staring into the computer with a book on the desk and songs playing on yourtube and we can't do a thing about it but to change our mindset.
And there was a point on our last topic in geography "human is the only animal that pollutes"
My point of doing all these-news, povs and updates. Just sharing my thoughts with you. Like i said, i think about other things too much, NOT to stop you from being human because you can't. But to change your mindset. We are after all the same. We cannot blame everyone. And when i say we are the same, you an never deny that even you yourselves have that little dark side inside of you-hatred, jealousy, mischief etc. Everyone are born the same. We were born clean. What differs is where were born into. Environment is not dominant to us, neither are we dominant to the environment. The environment is shaped by us and we are shaped by our environment. Some of these terrorist were probably forced to a point of desperation in their lives that they gave up being nice as that might probably means being oppressed in their environment. Some politicians probably grew up wanting to change the world to a better place but so far have not done so well in it. Some people resort to surrender to their terrible side.
Perhaps that is why 'civilians' like us are born. When people found themselves lost in the wrong path, we are the symbol of hope. Have you ever think about it? Why do we have hatred and jealousy or many other dirty things in ourselves if the reason for living is to make the world a better place? I have my answers... for me...perhaps one of what we should do while living is to fight all these little dark desires.
And when disasters happen, some people resort to saying, "god is unfair" But is god unfair, when He has created you, given you senses, brain to think, nerves to feel pain and thumbs to hold? Perhaps that is why we have this little desires inside ourselves no? When God has done all the work for you, it is only sensible that now it is your turn to make your part. A work that sounds simple but it is not- try not to surrender to you inner dark side- don't complain when you don't have enough money. Don't steal when you don't have food to eat. etc etc. Its not so easy isn't it? Some might say, "is there even a God?" when all these happens. But if there is none, then who created you, or the prokaryotes or the eukaryotes from which you are made, or who gave you the nerve system that seems impossible to imitate.
You were given a a mouth and voice box and two choices- to say good things or bad. You were given a brain with two hemispheres and two choices- good intentions or bad intentions. You were given hands and two thumbs and two choices- to hold hands as a symbol of peace or to hold a gun and spill more blood.
Now if you were to be forced to desperation, which side will you choose?
Will be back after tommorows exam.