Monday, December 29, 2008

rupanya frost bite tia udah tu.Ahaha. I have been wondering why both my hands looks burnt. Its been days since i said, "entah...tarus tarus ada bah" I just remembered while climbing the great wall, in a attempt to take photos, i took off my gloves and i accidentally touched the metal at the side. When the temperature is negative at sea level, i magine how freezing cold it was as we ascend up. temperature decreases with altitude afterall. I shrieked in pain. Ofcourse it was painful haha i just realise that was the time i burnt my hands and now i can't exactly sleep well because it itches so bad. But i do have burnts all over my body as well. yatah ku pajal banar mandi air sajuk atu. Seriously, it itches so bad. You know right how it feels like when you have burnts and the skin hardens. I have been scratching like a monkey. I was told to rinse with salt water but padih kali ahh. aish. inda i suka ne gatal gatal miani ani. bek jua inda seteruk gatal kalau pakai air panas. and my nose is running. Seriously, the air in shanghai is not so clean.

So diharap anda bersabar menunggu post ku... haha i can't blog while scratching. Itch can make you more stress than studying. Hiatus until it got better. (i was thinking of hospital but i malas bejalan k spital)