Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Two choices.

This is a post for two days and you are given two choices- you can close this wondow and walk away or you can spend a few minutes stimulating your brain cells.

Nora Joe (who triggered my mind into thinking) asked, what are the sacrifices for anyway? When it comes to 'true' terror, there is no reason for killing. They just kill. But when terror hides itself behind the mask of the word 'jahid'... you've probably heard the phrase "no pain no gain". But in their sense, they take this phrase to another level. I guess they misinterpret it as "no blood no utopia". Even now, someone is probably suffering in this sick world. And we are just here...staring into the computer with a book on the desk and songs playing on yourtube and we can't do a thing about it but to change our mindset.

And there was a point on our last topic in geography "human is the only animal that pollutes"

My point of doing all these-news, povs and updates. Just sharing my thoughts with you. Like i said, i think about other things too much, NOT to stop you from being human because you can't. But to change your mindset. We are after all the same. We cannot blame everyone. And when i say we are the same, you an never deny that even you yourselves have that little dark side inside of you-hatred, jealousy, mischief etc. Everyone are born the same. We were born clean. What differs is where were born into. Environment is not dominant to us, neither are we dominant to the environment. The environment is shaped by us and we are shaped by our environment. Some of these terrorist were probably forced to a point of desperation in their lives that they gave up being nice as that might probably means being oppressed in their environment. Some politicians probably grew up wanting to change the world to a better place but so far have not done so well in it. Some people resort to surrender to their terrible side.

Perhaps that is why 'civilians' like us are born. When people found themselves lost in the wrong path, we are the symbol of hope. Have you ever think about it? Why do we have hatred and jealousy or many other dirty things in ourselves if the reason for living is to make the world a better place? I have my answers... for me...perhaps one of what we should do while living is to fight all these little dark desires.

And when disasters happen, some people resort to saying, "god is unfair" But is god unfair, when He has created you, given you senses, brain to think, nerves to feel pain and thumbs to hold? Perhaps that is why we have this little desires inside ourselves no? When God has done all the work for you, it is only sensible that now it is your turn to make your part. A work that sounds simple but it is not- try not to surrender to you inner dark side- don't complain when you don't have enough money. Don't steal when you don't have food to eat. etc etc. Its not so easy isn't it? Some might say, "is there even a God?" when all these happens. But if there is none, then who created you, or the prokaryotes or the eukaryotes from which you are made, or who gave you the nerve system that seems impossible to imitate.

You were given a a mouth and voice box and two choices- to say good things or bad. You were given a brain with two hemispheres and two choices- good intentions or bad intentions. You were given hands and two thumbs and two choices- to hold hands as a symbol of peace or to hold a gun and spill more blood.

Now if you were to be forced to desperation, which side will you choose?

Will be back after tommorows exam.