Wednesday, December 17, 2008

2009 Crown Prince Cipta Award. Shortlisted =)

Bear with this long post. I am a proud sister. Went out yesterday to buy somethings while waiting for my little brother, apek, who was in itb for some briefing. I am actually proud that his team got shortlisted for the 2009 Crown Prince CIPTA Award.

click to enter.

I am quite impressed that he made it through. I mean, the moment the huge poster was put up last time in qiulap, he mentioned it over and over. Thinking of who to invite as a team and brainstorming for inventions. aku awu awu saja sebab dalam utak ku its good that he has the enthusiasm to enter such competition although i don't think they'd ever going to made it through but he porves me wrong. My brother is the opposite of me in most things. He's not the one with the creative hand like me. He's not the language type of person like my younger brother (who is quick in absorbing language). He is not the intelligent type but he studies harder than the rest of us. He is the most tidiest out of us three siblings. He cleans and my younger brother and i wreck. That is how the cycle goes at home.

And he is the one with the most practical and logic mind unlike the me and my younger bro. We're a bit irrational in doing things. i guess that is why he is the most suitable one amongst us three to be involved in these kinds of designing field. He mentioned about it for a while and sometime after that all those CIPTA frenzy died a little bit at home. I thought that its just hangat hangat tahi ayam like i always do. I didn't know their team went through with the his last idea. I did heard him mention the idea but yeah I am not interested in his ideas. I am only interested in building his mind with criticism (ie making his life miserable with comments that he has to think of a way to counter such questions)

And he was so happy from the day he knew their team made it through the Preliminary assessment. Especially yesterday, he looks as if he's high from some kind of hyperactivity-causing drug. Understandably, his team comprises of students who are not even 16 yet and made it into a competition full of itb students or 10 to 20 years older. When they registered for the Cipta awards, apperently there was no question on age so he told me that they were looked by the shortlister and commitee with surprise and amazement when he and other two girls in the team went in the meeting room yesterday.

I know he is not looking forward for any monetary prizes because just passing the preliminaries is enough. They knew all the other inventions were so innovative and advanced technology wise and their's is actually so simple that you can think. And i have to agree with what one of the older participants said to them, 'We are old. They are the future' The road is longer ahead and so there will more opportunities for other cipta award participation in the future though i witness how hard it was to think of inventions just for the sake of joining Cipta. Besides, if you think of it, age and experience wise, for me, they already are a winner.

yeah i am sooo damn happy right now because it was not easy to brainwash my brother into taking this field seriously. With all those design books i brought just to build his creative mind and all those talks on future careers and he calls his ambition "cita cita kaka" because i mentioned about it over and over but yeah he got brainwash and all he could think now is to be involved in this field. And i am so happy i finally could rest without him giving up on design and tech.

But there was a reason why his ambition was called: cita cita kaka. Because i am the most enthusiastic person ever. I am hoping they could achieve a little more for this final assesment. When even the consolation prize is $500, i'd say, its worth every exhausted brain cell. (i want to push harder. but nyeh. its up to them now to think how to exhaust their brain cells berabisly.

All the best.