Sunday, March 14, 2010

I bite.

Here's a story, Today i saw the contour map at FASS and i saw one which looks similar to mine but was not mine. And i remembered, that person had a different contour map but because of some problems she had to redo her maps and wanted to pick the same map as mine. I said, don't use the same colour and she said, ' aku pakai biru kali ah'.But today i saw that she used the same line colour as the ones that i used. HOW WOULD I KNOW IF MY WORK WASN'T JUST SIMPLY COPIED! Afterall, the files are all in the PC and everyone can see that. And now i decide to let it go because its not a big deal if this doesn't affect my grades. If my work was really plagiarised, i just hope karma will hit her the same way as she has treated me and my efforts with disrespect. If my work was not plagiarise, then its i apologise for considering that way. Just that you know, there are risks or being accused for plagiarism in this state (with same line colour and all) and i don't like being dragged into any of that kind of shit.

You know some of what i dislike but still try to tolerate till now: people who whine a lot, egoistic people, people who thinks only needs nya saja kan di layan, people who thinks ya saja yang lurus and now, this. So far no one in UBD has actually seen my in my most terrible state of temper, even if you've seen something similar. I try to tolerate and be patient. but just like any animal nervous system, my temper too has a treshold level. my lifetime quote shall always be, treat people the way you want to be treated. If you do something good, i'll be kinder. If you do something bad, i bite more.

I am not that kind of a person.

In a happier note, i signed a 'contract' which i haven't even read with the thought that we're suppose to hand it in. Noob. But i do hope i can change my working habits for better. My goal is hanging by a thread. I told you, my goals were never that ambitious, i just wish for a second upper but if i do get more than that that'd be awesome. I am loving my times with dear friends lately even if what we talked about are always not about education but stuffs like (_l_) it kept me alive even if i don't feel like breathing.

This post is not a good one from me but i just got to remind everyone about this. If you want to copy, atleast have the decency to do it right.

Happy sunday everyone.