Friday, August 7, 2009

An easy way to fight hunger: Lets play a game! free

You know Bruneians have a habit. They buy what they feel like eating. Apanya orang taisliur. But then once they can't finish it they left it that way. you know when i say "orang africa inda makan" I really do mean it. Don't turn my words around and let me finish your food instead because you're on a diet or something. You have to be aware yourselves that they are people who'd trade everything for a piece of bread or a handful of rice. There are 1.06 billion people undernourished today. Considering that the world has 6 billion children, 1 out of six people do not have access to enough food. Hunger and malnourishement leads to poor immunity against diseases, poor economy and further downfall. Yes there are people in the world who experience this while we eat lavishly and waste lavishly too.

The red shows where high percentage malnutrition occurs. And the grey (including Brunei) shows the least.

Someone who always has everything thought up in his mind once said, "then menderma pulang makanan ke sana" That's a huge leap to take but the most important bit is to understand that we should appreciate food and to remember that 1 out of 6 people cannot have what we have. Lets start slowly:

Help end world hunger

Click to play the game

This is an educational game where there are quizzes. For each answers right they donated 10g of rice through UN world food programme. Once we get one correct answer, sponsor banners will appear on the bottom of the screen. The money generated from these banners are used to buy rice. While we gain something, we donated something though indirectly, atleast we donated our time. Remember there are others ways to donate other than monetary.

Here are some examples of where FreeRice rice has been distributed:

In Bangladesh, to feed 27,000 refugees from Myanmar for two weeks. Watch FreeRice being distributed in Bangladesh.
In Cambodia, to provide take-home rations of four kilograms of rice for two months to 13,500 pregnant and nursing women. And many more. (taken from free
Love food. Hate waste.