Sunday, November 30, 2008

then half the world's problem would be solved.


This post is for Nora Joe. (i didn't know you'd read my blog with all those news updates =p)

195 dead in Mumbai Terror including the Malaysian (she was found on the floor that was under fire. Takziah.) Lets forget mumbai for a while now. I did say politics are starting to play. Newest update, India's home minister quite after being under fire for the india terror. And possibly more will step down too. SO yeah. Not quite interested in bickering politicians. I am more for the actions. Besides, i want you to think about it "Will quitting change anything?"

Before that, Lina and i were talking about why these terrorist attacked the taj hotel, trident-oberoi when the could just attack other hotels like marriot hayatt or etc (nauzubillah) if they want to attack americans and brits. Their plan was to 'blow up the Taj hotel just like Islamabad's Marriot' but they underestimated the stone structure of this 100+ yr old hotel. My pov- hmm at the same time.. they probably want to 'blow up' mumbai's icon...hence 'blowing up' mumbai's pride. hmm

Moving over. The world is getting sick and sicker by the day.

One news headline in astro awani got me interested. "perintah berkurung 24 jam" catchy.

from BBC

"Violence flared up on Friday after the mostly Christian-backed governing party, the People's Democratic Party, was declared to have won the state elections in Plateau state, of which Jos is the capital city. ....The result was contested by the opposition All Nigeria People's Party, which is perceived in the state as a predominantly Muslim party."

read more here.

The two days of rioting resulted in over 300 have been injured and 381 have been killed (sources). Again. Blood spill due to religion and politics.

That reminds me of a short story by Paulo Coelho about the catholic and the muslim in his book- Like the flowing river

"it's a shame that people only see our differences that seperate them. If you were to look with more love, you would mainly see what we have in common. then half the world's problem would be solve."

Still. Even me. Even you. Why can't we realise that.


Tommorow is monday.

Not looking forward to next week.

Exams. and more exams.

Can't celebrate her 19th with her and her and her.

The 5th won't be the same this time.

So will the 6th.

I will miss going out and bumping into one of you at euro classic.

....its just not going to be the same without you all. isn't it?

Miss you sis.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Enough is enough: Condolences.


60++ hr update.

Naraman and Oberoi cleared. Taj is in the process of sanitisation. 3 terrorist gunned down at taj today.

I was reading weekend Borneo bulletin today. And sadly the article today was about India pointing fingers to others ie pakistan. I know. That is an act which should not have been taken. But i have been watching NDTV live since yesterday and the reporters, the indians, the real voice of india are saying that 'this is a shame brought upon ourselves' They admitted the flaws of their intelligence. And yet other nations is condemning the act of india's PM pointing fingers to Paki PM. The whole night after the terror NDTV shows reports of people saying "enough is enough" to the polititcians. They condemn their own politicians- 'sad to see that politicians are still divided'

And yet articles full of 'india' blaming others in the BB. What a sad choice of article. The politicians are not the frontliners in this. The security guards are and the people who helped. The one who risked their lives for the sake of others.

They keep saying all night- do not politicise this terror. And yet the whole world is only looking at the bad view- politics. I saw a press just now by India PM saying that they denied help from America FBI. It seems like a selfish act, denying the help of others but he added, "no maam we do not need your help. ..we trust our own investigators'

I guess as much as they want to protect the pride of India- they also want to start trusting their own. As its the only way to bring one country as ONE. No? So give it a break peeps. Let them be for a while. After all, the voice of india are NOT politicians. But the people. The people whose voices can't be heard.

Like i say, a SAD choice of article in BB. Sad choice of WORDS other nations have chosen. Stop listening to politics. Start listening to the real voice of india. They are saying enough is enough. Do not politicise this terror.

If this is a start of political warfare brought up by politicians let them be. But what people should bear in mind, we are all human. As one indian said, 'humanity is one religion' So matter what race, what religion- humanity unites us.

Condolences to all those who lost their lives.
ps- Stranded Thai haj pilgrim will be going to the holy land soon.

Mumbai terror: Only taj left.


50th++ hour update. i got lost of time actually (since si bichi minta update =p) Watching NDTV live. still. Oberoi-trident and Naraman house is done. 5 hostages in naranan were killed including the rabbi and his wife.

Taj hotel is still a battle ground. It was reported that there are 2 terrorist left inside the building. And security forces are still exchanging bullets. Amazingly these terrorist wear tshirts! and quite young looking (with a life ahead of them but they resort to killing themselves and others) There are many heartbreaking stories. But i was moved by 3..

Taj general manager wife and children trapped on 6th floor while he helped others. They couldn't escape and their bodies were retrieved the next day. His whole family, wife and children dead. And they were permanent resident at the taj.

And one journalist is still missing. It was quite saddening that her last message was 'terrorist has entered her room.' His husband, also a journalist, was on the line with fellow reporter covering the taj hotel and he broke down on the phone after being asked of what he would tell to their 2 children. The taj is still a battle ground so there might be more victims there.

And an israeli 2 yr old was rescued by his nanny on thurs. But both his parents were killed.

Apparently the terrorists have been in mumbai for over a week. And over 40 terrorist are in this. This was planned 6 months ago. Haha. they planned their death 6 month ago. There is no other outcome for them other than death. But still its amazing that they've gone to such lengths just to be dead in the hands of security forces in the end.

Railway in india after being attacked.

hearts and thoughts goes to the victims.

salam. i should go to bed. =p kepada yg berkenaan. aku stay dpn laptop ku esuk mlihat news. dun expect me to be anywhere else ahaha.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The answer to a bold question: Trust.


Bear with me. I am still watching Mumbai's news reports. More from NDTV. Foreign minister paki Shah mahmood Qureshi is in Delhi.

Amazingly, NDTV asked Pakistani's Foreign minister- "Why should we trust you?" A very bold question indeed.

And he answered "you should trust us because that is the only way forward. we are neighbours... "

that is by far the most refreshing word from Pakistan officials- Trust.

Perhaps there is hope in the world. Now can trust be placed in the politics dictionary.

Dirty Game.


An amazing phrase just came out from NDTV's reporter based outside Nariman and Taj hotel.

"when will the politicians learn. When will it be enough for them to say enough is enough"

Like i say, towards the end of this drama of terror, politics starts to play their dirty game. I don't want to take sides. But i have been watching live NDTV for the past not so few hours and Paki says that they will fight hand in hand with India (even though every one knows their history. Lets just say paki-india has a palestine-Israel 'relationship') and these reporters and everyone over there in mumbai do not believe a word paki said. Biased. I know. Different people will take different sides. But it is this kind of attitude that will bring more chaos isnt't it? In this last phase of this terror everyone seems to have their own political view. and this is provoking more chaos won't it?

I am neutral here. Because i find it disrespectful to now jump into the political play just right after innocent people were victimized.

amazingly yes. I am still watching NDTV online live.

I realise.

I am a boring person.

That's just me.

45 hours.


People cheering commandos ar Nariman. =)

Operation successful at Nariman. Terrorist at Nariman house killed.


Apparently, its not over. Only one floor left to cover by NSG at nariman house.

44 hours : The start of politics game.


Sources from NDTV:

PM pakistan told PM india, we are both victims of terror.

Pakistan PM tells india PM, a terror act on india is also enemy of pakistan.

PM tells pakistan PM there is enpigh evidence link to pakistan.


amazing thing. Now towards the end of this terror play we see that politics are starting their game. Just now you won't hear anything about this what you will see in the news are people, the commandos, police- real heros trying to evacuate people, the death of these heroes just after they make speeches to the press. Now towards the end the news are starting to take a turn. Plunging towards the political side. PM pakistan says this. PM india says that. And i am hooked on this. Thank god for live NDTV online.

good news. No more hostages in Taj hotel.

Haha. I am watching fresh firing at Taj. by fresh i mean they are recording everything including the sound of gunshots. And the live visual of chaos. and yeah 8 foreign nationals were killed and a lot of foreign nationals were rescued (although i have yet to look for the malaysian who was still taken hostage just now.

Watch here.

41 hours of terror.


41 hours of terror.

watching... NSG black cats (commando) press conference.

Fresh gun shots at Taj Hotels. Fresh explosions.

Terrorist armed with grenades and guns. And said to be familiar with the layout of the hotel. Hmm.

First Oberoi hotel rescues. around 100 in Trident are being evacuated.

Made me think. This will give ideas for other terrorist. The victims never saw this coming. Now... is there any place safe for us?

ooo. Ali Zardari (bhutto duda) will be talking about the linkages of this to Pakistan. (since police heard the terrorist speak in Punjabi)

Slow paralysis part 2: Thai Haj pilgrims stranded.


Update on Thailand Airport issue. I know i said i am too bored of Thai's neverending issue. But.. haha still i keep myself update with these stuffs so why not share ait?

From Bangkok

More than 5,000 Thai Muslim pilgrims had planned to make the haj but are unable to leave since the PAD forced the shutdown of the airport on Tuesday.

"Some have sold their land for this once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage, and now they end up being stranded at the airport," Mr Pridi said.

More read here.

Owh remember last time i posted a dissing post on Samak? Well apparently (tho those who have been living in a cave) he stepped down eventually. (thank god) and was replaced with Somchai. But PAD are still not satisfied they decided to attack the airport as Somchai was arriving back to Thai after going to Peru.

And i did say a while ago (weeeks or months ago when Samak was still in the chair), refrain visiting Bangkok since it might sound safe, but its not. Now two airports are closed by PAD and people are being stranded. Great. Now.. this might just be Thailand's Tourism industry BIGGEST lost.

I did say that these situations are a slow paralysis to the country if it doesn't stop. Now, gladly an article proves that they too agrees read Politics will worsen recession's impact

38 hours: mumbai still a battle ground.


Only after 38 hours we see the Trident hotel hostages being evacuated. One included an infant.

Taj has been slowly evacuated and might be finishing anytime soon,

pics from NDTV.

Gun fires are still being exchanged in the Naraman House. There were casualties but the numbers were not disclosed. Watch astro awani for updates. They're showing live report from india's tv channel. or read here

Places attacked Places attacked:
Trident Hotel, Taj Hotel, Nariman House, Wadi Bunder, Cama hospital, GT hospital, VT station, Bootleggers pub, Girgaum and Metro cinema.

thoughts goes to them

Thursday, November 27, 2008

24 hours of terror: MUMBAI under attack.


lets pray for the safety of those innocent people in mumbai who are the victims of play between terrorist and politicians.

I want to update you with it. but i am too busy updating myself since this is fresh and STILL happening. This morning before i left the house for exam Taj hotel was under attack. NOW. I am still watching live footage of the Taj hotel gun battle, Trident Oberoi Hotel and naraman house.
Apparently terrorist are attacking large hotels, train stations and restaurant. AND i doesn't seem that it will stop tonight since right now the police are still trying to rescue hostages and bear in mind this is a BLOODY battle.

From the indian news channel they say it is sad to see that terrorist are more united than their politician and people are the victims of political play (which they are not even a part of). And that religion is the root of terrorist attacks like this.

News flash... mumbai police intercepted the terrorist communication and heard that the language the terrorist use were punjabi hence the finger might be pointed to accross the border.
I will try to keep updated. Lets hope it stop. I watched the interview of a rescued hostage and what he said was.. frightening.

Bah i am still watching live footages of this incident... there were explosions even while reporters were making reports. Yeah i am supposed to be studying but.. hmm this is far more interesting for me than reading textbook.

Slow paralysis.


ON another news, Thailand's airport are both closed- bangkok and chiang mai. Reason- again political warfare. PAD party seized the airport just as the thai PM went back. Its too tiring to talk about Thailand now. India is far more interesting. Thai. Hmm. Closed airports. more protest. Thailand condition now is like having a slow stroke. First you can't speak well. They you can't hold grip of something. Soon, if you still don't realise about the stroke, you'll be paralysed. A slow process of paralysis.

AND. closed airports end of year when people from all over the world come and bring income through tourism industry. This is indeed a slow paralysis.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Make love.


I have not touched my textbooks or notes yet.

Yeah i know. You don't believe me. You will say- in the end you will still get etc etc. Honestly, i find this annoying. And there were a few times when i just want to snatch their little heads off from their body. i say something which is true. And people deny it saying that i have done the opposite. So if 'i have not studied' means i have studied to you here goes "hell yeah i have fking studied." So now you believe me?

Pissy i know. menses bah i. Aha. you see i am not the type of person who studies a lot. I have my ways. ie revising while watching crunchy roll or youtube. (actually, TV helps me go to sleep too =p Its like an addiction) Going out on my study breaks for cupcakes (which i have been craving lately) and continue after an hour of fattening. And log in on the net and bloghop and TRY not to blog but blogged in the end. =/ And then opening crunchy roll/ you tube before getting serious with my books.


Maths was, i don't know. I just wish i have enough marks so i won't have to do supps. Like i said, my brain is not for x z or 1 2 3 anymore. Yesterday was fun. I bullshitted the whole 2 hours. You see our introduction to computing is a fun one and according to brown, 'the only way to fail my course is to pretend that your sick.' and he's right. Still, since i am good at writing crap (and making it look real), i find the

bah I gotta make love with textbooks. or. makan cupcake.

Thanks to those who wished me. Wish you all ubdians good marks too.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


And then again. There is just no confidence in me with this thing.

i dunno if i can do this.


Saturday, November 22, 2008



Just a few mondays ago i planned my next mondays.


Hitting fast like a strong swash.

and after this coming monday, the days are going to be tight... Like someone's skinny jeans.

With a can of caffeine and a lot of worries, i can't say i am ready. I am scared. Shet scared. My heart beats twice as more. My hair is getting lighter and lighter. And i can't sleep without feeling guilty.

Here i am. Today. On a saturday.

Wishing it was two saturdays ago.

Good marks to me. Good marks to you. Amin.

Whatever happens... Thank you for being there when i need you. =)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I don't need luck. I need marks.


This is me saying that i will go on hiatus but i'd never really get the hang of being-on-hiatus.

As i've said, yesterday WAS monday.
And next week. It'll be another monday.

yikes. (i am repeating my self like there is nothing else to do)

Soooo... i am trying my best not to blog crappies again until the 6th of December. Or make it the 7th of Dec. Because my last exam is on the 6th and i think i'll spent the time after that sleeping. Or watching movies (leonardo body of lies =D ) I will post short posts once in a while for upcoming birthdays.

Don't wish me good luck. I don't need luck. I need marks. So wish me GOOD MARKS instead. amin.

The Call (Narnia Soundtrack).MP3 - Regina Spektor

It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
Til it was a battle cry

I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before

All you can do is try to know
Who your friends are
As you head off to the war

Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye..

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
Til they're before your eyes

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say good bye..

Good marks to me. Good marks to you. Good marks peeps. Salam. Love.

Bleeding cash.


Again. I betrayed my own resolution. I ate at nyonya after oral just now. Oral was.... hard =p Seriously now. no more outing!

I am bleeding cash here. BLEEDING!

God help me push these temptations away.

On another note, my friends have been very kinky lately. You don't want to know the things we (they =p) talked about before oral these two days. And nikki the kinky dedicated a song to all of us: Honk if you are horny. (and now you know why she is called nikki the kinky =p)

honk it if youre horny -

Ps- ahaha. wow. U wanna go oral some more? You are so energetic. I am tired of orals eh. =p

They are getting wilder man. they. =p

Bah. no more of these peeps. I need a clean, clean and suci mind so that i can memorise all those evolution and vectors and denudation and francais. YESTERDAY WAS MONDAY. Nextweek is another monday. yikes. I need to start on something

But before that.. let me go back to my sound of music. (watched the producers a few days back. I am craving for musicals. I think its the exam mood.)

How do you catch a cloud and pin it down. How do you hold a moon beam in your hands.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tagged by Byl.


1. Take a recent picture of yourself or Take your picture of yourself right now.
2. Dont change your clothes, dont fix your hair... Just take a picture.
3. Post that picture with no editing.

4. Post these intructions with your picture.
5. Tag 5 people to do this.

Warning. I took this picture at 1.04 am and i am ready to sleep. So its only natural that i look messy =p (or as i have not bathed) ahahaha.

And tadaa. this is my new room with a freaking cold aircon that i have to wear sweater to sleep. and the walls are bleu and green. (i mean the wall at my back is blue but the one i am facing is green.) I figured that blue and green would make a nice combination and contrast to my mostly pink-coloured curtain and bed sheet. =)

honestly, most of the tshirts i wear outside of home, i also use it for sleeping. I know. so shabby of me. but that's just me. But what about you? Saya est tagging:

Orang yang berada di swan sea.
Orang yang berada di beijing.
Orang yang berada d Edmonton, Canada.
Orang yang bergelar siti nur petat.
Orang yang kinky namanya nikki (it rhymes)
Orang yang nick nya VS bebeh.
Orang yang suka kick balls org arh taekwando.
Orang yang selalu pakai pink di UBD.

ps- i just knew the flasher in the library didn't just flash. he masturbated! wtf. talk about desperate. get a cage man. and byl u wanna know what that M word above means? google it lah like you always do =p

bah outs.salam.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Someone to look up to.


Look what i came across just now. Its our other favourite funny professor =D

Honour for UBD professor- bt times.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A PROFESSOR of Biodiversity with the Biology Department, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) has been awarded with the Darjah Yang Amat Mulia Bintang Sarawak (Panglima Setia Bintang Sarawak) which carries the "Dato" by the Sarawak Government.

Professor Hj Mohamed Abdul Majid received the honour during an investiture ceremony at the investiture ceremony in the Kuching on October 25 in conjunction with the 87th Birthday of the His Excellency Tun Datuk Patinggi Abang Hj Muhammad Salahuddin Abang Barieng, Yang Di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak.

Professor Hj Mohamed who hails from Bintulu, Sarawak, had authored numerous publications on South East Asian plants in international journals. Among his accomplishments was winning the prestigious Smithsonian Senior post doctoral Fellowship in 1990 and spent a year carrying out research in the Smithsonian Institution and Harvard University.

Prior to his appointment in UBD, he was the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya, a post he held for six years since 2000.He has held the posts of the Head of the Institute of Biological Sciences (1997-2000) and the Head of the Department of Botany (1993-1996).At present he is actively involved in research activities to highlight the unique biodiversity of Brunei to the world. (RSH1) The Brunei Times

Who said UBD has no good lecturers? =). 1990? Wow. he's been doing his thing for a long time. In 1990, i am barely one years old. he was a head department of botany? even better. I remember a not-so-long time ago i applied for botany kan but i have to turn botany in reading down for biosci in ubd (ahaha, kenangan silam =pp)

i think. He deserves this honour.

(i bet he deserves that dato title more than dato K deserves his dato seri title.)

If you don't have nipples, you're probably a reptile.


Its full moon. I'm transforming to my alter ego. =p

This morning someone said, "you went to the mall last night right?" Then, while i was still wondering HOW the hell he got that news another person said, "i know you went to the mall last night". Suddenly, going out on a school night is no longer my secret outing. =p Aha. they can read me already. Dined out tuesday evening with Byl and Shaqqy. Then the next day too with Amal and the rest. Then thursday too with vs, pandi, the H and shaqqy. Friday evening- madagascar with my family. And today- movie with Nora J, Byl and shaqqy and another family dine out after that celebrating somethings and bbq. And tommorow (see.. my dine out schedule was planned ahead =p) another family outing this time its my other aunt's treat.

btw to LINA RAFIDAH who is in perth right now doing (i hope.. useful) things =p. Adik awak dapat 5A. Syahmi jua. haha.

back to my story. As you can see i am only at home when its time to sleep. and no its never late. =p And yeah. No more after next monday!! seriously. (stop tempting me to go out.)

Are you wondering why the nick? Well as usual, we had the most interesting lecture of the sem with Dr charles just now and he was talking about what would happen if humans lay eggs. (this was so funny that you just have to listen to him explaining the good things of laying an egg...and you'd get what i mean.) He taught us that "if you don't have nipples/tits, you're probably a reptile". He introduces ways to die - go and jump into a tar pit and hope that in a milion or two years some people would find us. or... another way to die is to fosilize yourself in limestone caves bla bla. It was an oprah moment. We clapped and cheered at his humourous ways of being melodramatic about biology.

and you wonder why i love it.

I might say, i am not actually interested in studying evolution in great depth. BI1107 is about evolution. I've read a blog of a friend of mine and she's really into evolution and the extinction of homo sapiens bla bla. I don't give a damn actually (which makes me a bad biology and geography student right?) i guess its because i am more interested in relating or comparing the theory of evolution with religious views. But whatever. I still have my own interest even if that makes me a bad student in those subjects.

And oral? No i have not had my oral thank god. Tak sempat tadi. But its okay. We were having our moments back while waiting for our turn. especially BJ: billah's job =p I wonder if he googled it =p

LALALA. My ankle hurts. I think i sprained my ankle in the cinema just now. Aha. Hmm. probably (HOPEFULLY) tomorrow will the last day of berjoli before preparing for finals. bah bloghopping i lu before sleeping.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

r = i +3j + k. = wqd&**BBHJaZ


almost 2,30 am.
and i am still staring at damn vectors- cross product.
trying so hard to understand these numbers. =S


dr kauta said, if anyone got a hundred for the last test, he'll make sure that they won't get it for this test. AND I BARELY PASSED THE LAST MCQ TEST. (i have no confidence at all for my written test so don't bother asking. but no i have not get that paper yet. )

KEEP ME AWAKE. i hope i'll get through later with a smile. amin.

on the verge of giving up. i have no confidence. and yet i am still staring at it.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My special guest and my public confession.


pics taken from ak B.

Wednesday. My special guest.
T to Ak B: "byl i have a special guest ne. tunggu ah. jarang ne ku bawa special guest ne."


Thursday.My public confession.

Babu in MA1101. =D

To Dibs on the phone "awu aku ada public confession."

Dibs was wondering what my confession is. kawin ka ku. blayar ka. b bf ka =pp AHAHA capi jua tu.

Dibs: " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! *while running with her aching legs.*"
=p hehehehheheheeee.
Suka saya buat mereka menangis/ teriak ah. Vid of Dibah teriak is in Ak/mr B's blog. ITS A MUST WATCH.
GUESS WHO'S BACK!!! YES SHE MADE US SCREAM WITH JOY! The babu A is back from NZ babeh.

13-11-2008. esapade and easy way.


dan.. biasa... After every practical, we always go to the place where we always go to after every practicals =p owh and this is my first escapade and easyway outing with vs, the H and pandi. =DD nanti lagi aa. palat wa kami a bising.

ESCAPADING. =p Shaqqy. vs bebeh. and T. This is what we do to thicken our adipose tissue.

Sushi and green tea weren't enough we just had to go across to easy way. from left. T. the H. the Pandi. VS and shaqqy.

haha actually it was a last minute thing. Sebab lapas the rest blek bru kan ke escapade kan. Maybe we should plan a BI1107 escapading. I am sure a lot of them want to go too. Like si Nora Pets. Mai. Nikki. But they couldn't yesterday. and Ak. B =p sebab ya saving up for a new Toy.
I've been a bad girl lately. Eating out till late. (not really that late). and last mon we went dixy instead of LF. i went to CAM last wed too with my special guest. (the one who made Ak B. and Dibs hysterical) BUT i will stop starting tommorow. (because tonight my mama bawa jalan jua aha =p)

Just a little hint to my babies out there who is not here in brunei to see my toy. I decided to go for a sony. and its not white. but black. and its not exactly new. =p There you go. and these pics is taken by my black.

bah. hehe i am going to the library this afternoon since i got a msg last night saying see you there..=p hahah. Don't worry. if the flasher turns up in front of me with full nudity. I'LL TAKE A PICTURE FOR YOU. =p

Louis Mini Zoo.


I have ben to lots of zoos. and it made me sick of going to the zoo because all we see is the same animal. But yesterday, we had our field practical in Louis mini Zoo in Tutong (its offcially closed btw) and we had to observe the animals' features, the adaptation of these feature to their way of living or diet and their behaviour.

That alone made all my excursions to other zoos WORTHLESS. All i know when go to any zoo is to look at and take pictures of ourselves. i never really take time to appreciate the orang utans while they made some show in thailand a few years back ( i don't even know they were endangered.) I never really take time to read the sign board that says pheasant or take a look at the difference between a female and a male pheasant. I never really take time to count the ostrich's toes or observe the shape of its bill even when i got the opportunity to feed them.

Aha. Biology changes people. No i am still not into zoology as much as plant fascinates me but still, biology changes the way you look at things. =)

warning: ofcourse the animals are in small cages. but as dr charles said, so that people can study them, some animals need to be sacrifice ie put into a cage. This is all to make us aware of the things we need to do to protect them.

Louis mini zoo. Tutong, BD. 13th Nov 2008.

Female orang utan striking a pose. =p

Sun bear. one of the sunbears is crippled.

Crocs. Lots of them.
New species =p hahahaha. from the left. species nora, shaqqy and D.
vs babeh. Mai. Hairrrol. Nikki. T. Infront of the Bio department building, UBD.

The world is full of bastards.


Enough politics. lets talk crime and humanity. and race.

Read here. My cousin who is in Perth posted about the death of a chinese girl who was probably forced to jump of her balcony or had to jump with her korean bf because of some sexually hungry monster. read her blog for more details. Its horrid.

Moral of my story. Be careful out there.

Kepada cousin ku. =p tempat mu tu g galap. buleeh. sasak ku lighting di claremont ah.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008



Aku menses. Kau menses. Lelaki besigup di ictc menses. orang drive di delima menses. SUMA ORANG menses. Abis tia kotex ani krg. I find that ramai org di sekeliling ku pms labih2 dari bini2 menses.

I am being random in this post. Merojak.

Lalala. i'll stop talking about my studies. Because. kusut otak ku seriously. hahaha. Like i said. i don't feel like i'm gaining anything. aha. I don't know. maybe its just me like people always say - kau selalu. Maybe its a lot of things in my mind. And FYI i couldn't continue my language until next year due to my units. The units were 21 with my language and the limit is 20. so i will still be speaking 2language ONLY. HAHAHA. (see i'm steps behind you people) and my minor will be mathematics because apparently 'they haven't got the right agreement to make geography a minor for my bio science' honestly i prefer geography eventhough geography test makes me feel like sushi-ing everytime. I'm still better at geo than numbers. kusut ku berabis. Vectors g alum ku study. then, there is oral.

And then, there is peer pressure. (apakan. cross this. i am just being emotional) and then there are things. hahaha and fyi. smoking turns me OFF. so instantly, when that guy smokes, he is off my gorgeous gay list =p.

Owh. what nina said to me last time is working. Once i while it just cross my mind. Maybe there are a lot who are respectful. the longer it was locked. The more i learnt not to care. I guess it wasn't real.

i need to talk to someome about the things i've been pretending not to care. or just drive away and not feel guilty about the time i waste.

and i have been spending my mendung days makan. and tonight i've not done anything. I was about to do something but when i realise it, its already 1 am. aha. and this again makes me feel like hell. i shouldn't have wasted time.

Can you sense that i am kusut right now? URGH. i don't even know if i'll pass this language test and now i not allowed to take it for next sem. and mathematics is my minor! and i am struggling with my minor!


Terima kasih.


11 11 is leonardo's birthday. =p

I nag a lot don't i? Thank you for accepting it. yes. Apperently, i don't nag only to one or two person. I will do the prep talk to everyone when i feel like giving one. But still it made my day that you accept my nagging. karena. atleast it made me feel like some people know me and accept all those. And I WILL BITCH more than you if you become disrespectful again. And sorry for menghasut tadi =p

Be if a bitch if you feel like it. just stay straight ( di bold lagi tu. ku pajal) =pppp

on another note, peeps. i feel so guilty. I have been mean to people. I should just shut up and let people talk about other people. Whatever. that person has been nice to me. I feel comfortable with that person so whatev. sigh.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Things. I think about.


akan tiba bahagia. tak mungkin sendirian.

To someone.

Once in a while, life will be difficult. Everyone will feel it its just a matter of when. I know what you feel. I felt it. It hit me hard. and it bruised. It wasn't a short journey. And it wasn't nice either. But the longer it takes the more it becomes a part of my life i am used to. And sooner.. you just become what you are. and god is generous. Sooner, after the tight years, it loosen up a bit. And still we live in a life just like when we were in our tight years that you don't realise... life has loosen up a lot.

That is why i know. It wasn't a nice journey. And its not going to be a short one. Sabar saja. We're with you anyways. that is better than anything right? =)

and btw. don't say what u said in kokoberry regarding love ah. There will come a time dude. I just learnt not to care about it.

And on another note to sapa yg terasa,

in our rebellious phase. We try to become someone we're not. We want to fit in. And when one is tired of being nice, one try to be the opposite. I won't try to do what you are trying to do. Because i am not nice in the first place. Just. What ever you chose to become in this rebellious phase- a little bit of respect would be nice.

we girls need a little respect. I know i have been thrown out of that girl category for a lot of you. I mean. You don't see me a girl anymore. i get that. i am ganas. Its okay. Because there no reason for me to show what i am to anyone who can't see what i am. But. I little bit of respect would be nice. I am still sensitive. and it hurts me even when i try so much to hide it.

And i really don't mind who you chose to become. But.... do you really want to be? Its not easy to turn back once you be.

i talk too much. I know. I am a bitch too in my own way. Out to do things i am supposed to do. I now have only one more monday left.

Btw his birthday is 1111. ;p and that is tommorow.

Lalalala LEO ;)


This sickness has made me terribly emo lately. and insecure.

But these made my day. I almost cried watching this. erm. Incase anyone still don't know that i am a huge fan of leonardo dicaprio:

Revolutionary road. Leo and Kate reunion after Titanic! its in december =) sigh... tua dh ya alum tah ku mliat ya live. how i wish he'd come to brunei (and i guess it'll just be a wish) aha.


Body of lies. his eyes melts me.

Hey i think he's good looking and all (tho people say he's flabby) but i don't judge by looks too y'know. Don't you agree he ALWAYS gives a good performance.(like his acting in aviator and blood diamond) And i've always adored that since i was erm 7 years old. =p and now i am going 19. =p haha people say what ever favourites we had in childhood like our favourite food and etc will go on even when we grow up. and just like agar agar as my favourite food, leo will always be on top of my fav actor list. I can't wait to watch this over and over in the theatres. (bah peeps. i believe i told two of you about this.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tommorow is monday.


I just woke up at 3pm today.

I feel like hell.

I am ill. and its getting worst.

I am sick inside. and outside.

It seems like... the world we live in isn't the same anymore isn't it. I feel like i have not gained anything since i entered uni. i am still the same person who did well for the same subject and messed up in the same subject. When eveyone comes back. They'll be more than i would be. because i have not learned anything at all in my uni. I have not change at all.

And when this four years ends. Perhaps, everyone else have gained a lot of things or atleast something. They would be better at something.. they'd have that special that they could flaunt. And i.. i don't think i even have any abilty. and when they don't grow academically, they will grow into someone prettier or handsome. They've got looks to flaunt. And i don't have those to flaunt too.

I have not found a purpose for me to be in this society.


And my eyes have gone bad too lately. Its either me or that the world is getting more bitchy. I have no right to change people. But i just hate it. I feel like. the people i used to know. I don't know anymore. and i say i am okay with that. but i lied.


being ill makes me feel like sh*t.

ps- i really need help with maths. i don't want to just pass it okay.

I feel like i have no control over my body these few days. Even when i force my eyes to open, the mind is elsewhere (ie i am dreaming). Its not a good thing. I almost crash three times. My eyes were on the road, but my mind is on sleeping mode. Aha. =p Well mum learnt a lesson, not to leave me driving the car with only 3 hours or 4 hours of sleep. because i can sleep with my eyes open.

hmm i just wake up from my passed-out state. And i am trying to make full use of my waking time before i passed out again and sleep like half dead.

On the other hand, i enjoyed Quantum of solace. So much. Screw other reviews.

Bah if i am absent from your sight, it means i have not wake up from my passed-out state. alala.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kenangan manis.


Long post. As someone said in bio lab. Angin bertiup.

I can now say, i have officially dissapointed myself in Biology. I talk about my love for biology and yet i have not done well.. and i have dissappointed myself once again. yes, today's practical was one of the most interesting yet, pulling out the heads of crickets and seperating its tiny mouth parts. They look so crunchy and yummy to be honest. =p It reminds me of the fried crickets the Thais use to sell in the streets of bangkok. Not to mention bitchy lab key holder just now that makes our day just a little ~!()&#wdehFAK_IT#*&(xsbjxs. But despite that, i handed it in even though its not finished. Another major dissapointment. (after ma1101)

And we've got the draft of this semester finals already and my final ends at 6 dec. =((( What a gift. Due to practical, and the pressure of upcoming final semester.. we went to eat our frustration.

I noticed that the place we eat changes. we now go for nihon no ryori instead of kankoku no ryori. We do still go for korean but not as much as to japanese. do you notice that? I guess while we are trying to lie to ourself, create a facade and adapt our lives without the people we spend most of our waking hours with, our mind unconciously go for something new. Because those old ones..old hanging out place, there are full of memories with you..those who are far from us. Unconciously, we are avoiding that place, because your laughters are still embedded there. Your foot prints. They are still warm. I see shadows of you there. And unconciously, we want it to be warm until the next time we get together. Unconciously, our body is trying to divert away because that things we always do...will never be the same without you.

Its a new thing we do. Escapading after something frustrating. And for escapading, the bunch of you bio peeps will do (and sorang yg ukan bio=p) because you peeps made my night a night! =))). Aku sayangs kamu berabisan. aha walaupun aku malu ada yang ketawa basar ada yg tesiruk, te sadu. ter puk the chong. you still made my day.

Its true what someone said..... kenangan manis ni.

I guess... this is life. and this will be life for the next...4 years? its a lie to say that i have adapt. I'll always miss even when i refuse to say. But i guess its time to settle down. and blend in with the tesiruk laughters.

kepada siti nur petat. u agree kan wat i say tadi. bah carikan ku melayu. lelaki melayu inda beguna wa bini2 mua mcm cina. Bureng i =p aku inda mau lelaki cam si feeling mu =p anak orang buleh la. ah byl aah.=pp skinny jeans...lenggang walk =pp *hyper ku kekanyangan*

and i said to someone once, that story is just like what we've been through.

"It’s our last chance, to share the stage. Before we go our separate ways. High school wasn’t meant to last forever..."

out. I gotta something due this sat and saya belum habis =S

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Baik kaka belajar.....$50 apek tu.


Its quite tempting to blog since the winning of Obama there are funny stories to tell from my brother going back home from school with marker on his arm saying ' vote for obama' to some other things.

But i have been using my brother's printer ink (which he bought himself and its quite expensive) and he added a few dollars for my new study lamp he went on 'baik kaka belajar. ink apek tu'. or 'baik kaka dapat tinggi markah. duit apek tu pakai bali lampu ah'

so i guess. i should sleep late again and study. ahaa, since. aku kena suruh belajar kan. ya membayarkan ink and lampu (elaun ku alum kuar bah beb)

Benar2 mendiamkan diri.

Obama: change has come.


An update to my previous post. =D

Barrack obama won US election!!

Just something from the little country of Brunei. Congratulations Barrack Obama. You'll never read this but.... people were jumping when you won (like i said i am not the only Obama supporter here).

In his first president-elect speech, he said, change has come. So i hope that change includes, more peace. America is a strong country and quite influential. If america starts campaigning for peace in many ways other than spilling more blood or throwing bombs to Arab countries, peace might actually be possible to reach. Not to mention Racism to 'minorities' or anti-islamism which are quite a growing among western world.

If change has come. Then let change happen.
ps- to someone. When i have the chance to be closer. I let go. because that is me. I am naughty but not naughty, No matter how close, i am still me, the one who doesn't know how to flirt. Okay? Awu i will do the pep talk sometimes.



and AMAL check your email.

Don't mention it here or in your blog or anywhere online lah ah.

I don't want a lot of people to know about it =p hehe.

Two mondays left.
most of the time... i feel like i cannot do it.
I mean. Can i do this when its already too late to do so?


sigh. Aku bon courage sendiri ja. Bah.

melepaskan yang patut di lepas kan. (and this means for a lot of things.) its time for something new to think about.

And tiqah will always be tiqah. Its hard for me to ignore something even when hope is frail udah. To someone who is giving up early. you know who u are. I too feel like giving up. But skiping classes makes me feel shit guilty and messing up tests make me feel like crying.. And i cannot ignore that i am me. the one who will take the test even when its optional. Or the one who doesn't know how to flirt even when the opposite is flirting. i will always be like that. I don't care if you want to change minors. Or change yourself But this time. Just try okay? bah..

mendiamkan diri.

America. Make the right choice.


LIke i said, i am interested in world politics for the fun of dissing world politicians and analysing how greedy some are. And global issues but i still enjoy biology so no more questions there as to why i did not jump into either public policy or ir or perhaps political science. I thought about it once. But if i think about it.. i would regret big time if i were to let go of biology.

i know this is useless.

But although we are far here in the south east asia.
Barrack obama has supporters too here. (and i'm not just talking about me)

Its election day peeps. And i hope america would make the right choice. when i say the right choice i meant NO MORE useless warfare that kills lots of uinnocent soldiers. (and i meant this for the americans too. How many american soldiers were killed because they were told to 'bring peace' by their superiors just because the POTUS 'said' that iraq has weapons of mass destruction?)

Make the right choice america.

If you are interested too in keeping up. click here. or here i have to say its quite a close race. If you notice i am quite a boring person am i?=p I watch news channels while revising. Entah. I just love watching the news.

ps- probably will upload funwalk pictures soon (if i finish my revisions for upcoming tests and finish my essay which is due soon) where we became a flightless bee, fairy and ladybird. Awu. Its a walkathon with a twist- everyone has to dress up as cartoons. Spent my 2 holidays reading. But now i spent most of my time sleeping or mengusai bilik baru ku. kejangkitan damam si husrin ku bah. And you know how bad it would be when i am infected with flu.

And btw i am not going to school today. gue ada mc. So esok!! dangani ku signature hunting for blue form ku. esp MIB. And LC.

tpi i would most probably still be diam because... finals is after 2 mondays. and saya alum start revising for it. bah salut. bon courage tout le monde.

Monday, November 3, 2008

l'air du vent.


j'aime. =)