Friday, November 14, 2008

Louis Mini Zoo.

I have ben to lots of zoos. and it made me sick of going to the zoo because all we see is the same animal. But yesterday, we had our field practical in Louis mini Zoo in Tutong (its offcially closed btw) and we had to observe the animals' features, the adaptation of these feature to their way of living or diet and their behaviour.

That alone made all my excursions to other zoos WORTHLESS. All i know when go to any zoo is to look at and take pictures of ourselves. i never really take time to appreciate the orang utans while they made some show in thailand a few years back ( i don't even know they were endangered.) I never really take time to read the sign board that says pheasant or take a look at the difference between a female and a male pheasant. I never really take time to count the ostrich's toes or observe the shape of its bill even when i got the opportunity to feed them.

Aha. Biology changes people. No i am still not into zoology as much as plant fascinates me but still, biology changes the way you look at things. =)

warning: ofcourse the animals are in small cages. but as dr charles said, so that people can study them, some animals need to be sacrifice ie put into a cage. This is all to make us aware of the things we need to do to protect them.

Louis mini zoo. Tutong, BD. 13th Nov 2008.

Female orang utan striking a pose. =p

Sun bear. one of the sunbears is crippled.

Crocs. Lots of them.
New species =p hahahaha. from the left. species nora, shaqqy and D.
vs babeh. Mai. Hairrrol. Nikki. T. Infront of the Bio department building, UBD.