Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Small mammal trapping

Yesterday was my turn to volunteer for the small mammal trapping at Tutong. Honestly, i don't really know what to expect since its my first time and its still fasting month. And si barak di msg mcm sarcastic "siuk tu.." haha. Fetched shaky at 7+am and rushed to ubd. Rupanya pakai van ke Bukit Udal. And there were 3 (i think) sites. Shaky and i went to the third to help our senior, kelly. We had a guide with us since our site is an undisturbed forest. Didn't take much picture because we were busy finding the traps and finding way to walk in the forest. (nada tracks bah). Mostly, what we did in the morning was to find these traps and record the animal that has been trapped, mark it and release it. Mostly it was done by the senior. I helped her with recording and shaky helped with balance and ink. It was not but not scorching hot (thanks to the trees)

Kelly trying to see if its a male or a female. Shaky.. ready to give the spring balance.

One of the animals that went into the trap.

Rested at the guide's house. Slept. hmmm i can sleep everywhere if you notice =p haha. The afternoon session was the most fun one. We were supposed to rebait the traps and record any animals if there are any in the traps. But guess what.... it rained! all the way~ haha. Still, we went in to rebait the traps and do more recordings. Walaupun basah dh. I think we worked faster in the rain. I couldn't really find the traps in the mornings because i was busy looking at the ground. But in the afternoon, it was easy to find despite the rain and wet ground. I guess i just want to get it done with. Owh.. and i did not bring my hand phone in the afternoon because we expected the rain so we left it..takut basah.

It wasn't my first time in the forest but it was my first to wander around the forest on our own. It was my first time going while fasting. and mostly, untuk pertama kali aku inda kan tegelincir! =) Terima kasih kasut baruku. aha it should be. mahal ku bali. Well ada plang kasut yang 30 labih tapi atu tandanya "running" ada sebuting tandanya "off road" inda ku brapa paham so aku bali yg tandanya "all terrain" dapat jua pakai tarus nanti kalau ada travel ka apa. skali mahal ciss. inda papala. haha cali tho masa ku bali. Org bali kasut raya aku bali kasut all terrain. Btw the brand name is New Balance (and i never felt so balanced in my life. Promo. hehe.)

Honestly, i really had fun. Inda jua kerasahan banar puasa atu wlpn skit jua kepala eh gastric udah kan balik ah haha. rugi sapa inda ikut.. =p siuk... I want to volunteer again but hmm still waiting for si Shaky. I wouldn't mind going during raya. But not today. Its still puasa and besides I have some hw to do and its due esok. Bah loves. Owh. and i was thinking..since i don't think i'll find time for rehearsal for the play.. maybe i'll be a tree. Or egrets haha. i want to take part in the bio play bah. bah out for real.

kamu pikir esok raya ka inda?