Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Early this year, lina left. The three of us were there to send her -Nina, Ridha and i.
Then, Nina left 11 sept, and the two of us were there to send her- Ridha and i.
Today.. Ridha left, and there i was to send her. And now.. no i will not cry.

Keep that green letter yea. I made it myself just for you. You're my sister, i know you're like me in many ways. I know... more than anyone.. that you'll be sad even if you said you're not. Take care when you're there. We will not be around each other anymore during your birthday which is a day before mine. I'll miss how we bump into each other masa bali our birthday gifts. I'm so sure you'll be a great software engineer. Loves you. Loves the both of you. Suruh Nina contact aku a. Mcm i haven't heard any news from her since she left for Notts last week. I hope you'll settle down soon.

Ridha wadiah. My sister and always will be.