Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Scientist are dangerous people.

Chatted with someone. Everything will be fine right? Maybe it'll be okay eventually. And NINA. Have you reached there safely? Contact me.

Since my goal now is to belajar sungguh2.. aha saya serious ne..i present you.. one of the greatest experiments yet to be done. Its a lot of physics. And no i am a biologist not a phycist but still it is understandable that LHC (large hadron collider) is a machine that accelerates particles at very high velocity. bla bla. I do understood what it is about however i am not interested in that. What i am interested is that some scientists argued that if this experiment goes wrong, it could create a black hole on earth that could swallow the earth. They argued that the LHC might be the start of the end of the world. Well a phycist said that if anything goes wrong, it will heat the earth up until the earth explodes. Bear in mind this is a huge experinment.

"The LHC was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), and lies underneath the Franco-Swiss border between the Jura Mountains and the Alps near Geneva, Switzerland. It is funded by and built in collaboration with over eight thousand physicists from over eighty-five countries as well as hundreds of universities and laboratories"

The exoeriment was supposed to be done last week. I think. But it has been moved. Haha. A friend told about this. Her chemistry lecturer told her. For me.. Allah maha kuasa. Only He knows when the end of the world will be but yet it makes you think, that this experiment, colliding particles bla bla could still bring danger. Would you want your life to be risked by something that you have no say on? Just incase.. I love you all. =) aha.

Watch here. here and here.

I just knew that the next maths test will be THIS saturday. And alhamdulilah. I passed the last one. Lucky number 6.