Thursday, August 14, 2008


When i can remember that humans are spatial actors.. why can't i remember what is space?

hmm. so the tagboard is not for 'chatting' awwh... i was just starting to have some fun with si barak. hahahaha. gila hahaha baik jua nick name ku buat sna. inda jua di kenali. haha.

and some of the 20 good reasons to date a squash player (as posted by the ubd squash club):

-we like it hard and fast against the wall.

-after 90 seconds we're ready to do it again.

-we're used to performing with minimal amounts of clothing.

-we're always open to new moves and positions.

-we like being video taped to improve ourselves.

-we hit from any angle.

-one word: flexibility.

this advert by the squash club posted everywhere around the campus got us... interested /kirai. haha. squash has never sound this interesting. and there is 20 good reasons and i'm to lazy to type everything. Okay one more: we show off our legs.

and another one (last one): we enjoy doing hard things.

interesting right? bah jadi kamu kan join ani.

ps- rina yg bebau harum. bah. aku layan.. aku ada racket dh utk spanking. ;p u stick with ur vanilla ice cream. banyak g org beguna cpr tu d bio lab ah hahaha.

it hurts to lie to yourself saying that
everythings gonna be alright.