Monday, August 11, 2008

Lineless fractions

First tutorial (say it with that cute accent) starts at 9am and last lecture finished at 6pm.

Dead beat. And the last lecture was very stressful- i prefer not to say what my last lecture was so those who knew just keep it to your self. jgn gto orang please until i feel like telling others what it is. and like someone said..i don't feel like giving up! haha because its very stressful and i want to take the challenge. (i do enjoy it so much. it's what i love doing.)

I'm sorry for not blogging properly. i am just not in the right mood to do so. and i will blog less often after this. Dr charles was right... it seems that we too will slowly turn mad (just like him). Brown hair will slowly turn lighter and lighter and blonde. anyways i am having problems with my printer hence the title of this post.

bah out. sibuk menyibukkan diri. bah till then.. just listen to that song. No new songs..this is the only one that has been replaying in my ears lately.

Ku coba untuk melawan hati. Tapi hampa terasa di sini tanpamu. Bagiku semua sangat berarti lagi. Ku ingin kau di sini. Tepiskan sepiku bersamamu.

Takkan pernah ada yang lain di sisi.Segenap jiwa hanya untukmu


i miss.