Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Maybe tommorow, you and i will reach the rainbow.

What? You think I'll just let my old blog become a world wide web debris? Of course not! =p

Okay, my old blog theme (and the wordings) and this one might be very different. However, don't you think that humans are constantly looking and carving a way to happiness? And that in the journey of life itself we get lost a lot of times? What I'm looking for is a way to a better me and a place where i can always make people happy. And when i thought I'm close to that place, i found that I'm still on the ground with my bike next to me and cuts and bruises on my knees.

Then again, we all need a slap in the face or bruises on the knees once in awhile so we won't forget our roots or the people who makes our life a beautiful one. After all, we all need to learn how to stand on our own.

Philosophical much? That's just a tiny piece of chaotic mind sweetheart. You haven't heard the rest..hehehh ;)

Ps- for those who need rewinds or those who doesn't know: i can't access my last gmail account at all. So everything that has to do with that account including broken glass slippers is GONE. yes i am not happy but sigh... this time my password is very long (that its tiring for me to type it all over again if i got it wrong haha safety precautions people)