Thursday, April 24, 2008

By 2022, we'll all breath haze not air.

Curious why i'm going green? I have always been into green since my primary years (because fell in love with those landscapes in our geography text books.. haha ketara inda belajar) and no, it is not because of leonardo. I love greens way before i knew he does too. And and, i'm not sure if i have expressed this online, i hate it when people pullout plants from the forest, like what Bruneian joggers always do at bukit shahbandar: pant. sweat. oh my god lawa eh bunga ah. unik. bawa balik rumah eh. cabut. Or how those wild orchids taken from the forest of Labi and sold with great pride at the tamu bunga jumat and ahad. Just as humans have their own habitats, plants deserve to live in theirs. Thankfully, Brunei is still covered with more than 50% of forest. Unlike our neibouring indonesia where deforestation in some parts is way beyond help.

look at the video and you'll see how large the scale is. Palm oil suppliers in Indonesia are killing the peat forest and rainforest of some parts of indonesia to plant palm trees. You may think that there is no problem, that the deforestation is compensated by the palm trees. However, these are the forest are the shelters for animals especially the orang utans. Have you seen orang utans seek shelter under palm trees? Bear in mind that indonesia is the third largest green house polluter behind USA and China. And, WE LIVE SO CLOSE TO INDONESIA. Demand for palm oil is forecast to grow quickly. According to the UN 98 percent of Indonesia's lowland forest will be destroyed by 2022 if trends continue. Remember like the old days, jerebu? By that year some of us will already have kids and families to worry about as greenhouse gases pollution from Indonesia will definitely reach Brunei.

And guess what UNILEVER is one of the worlds biggest palm tree user and they get supplies from suppliers who destroy these forest. Check your soaps and shampoos- dove, lux, sunsilk, omo, percil are all produced by unilever. No, i'm not asking you to boycott these products (because it don't think i can bath if i do-i too use lux and sunsilk) neither does Greenpeace. What we can do is too appeal to companies to stop trading with suppliers who destroy peatlands and rainforests for palm oil plantations, and for those destroyed forests to be restored.

Click on the picture to do your part.

Btw aku baru ingat dulu2 ada Lux buat iklan kan. Yang pasal ya ketangah2 stadium then ya mandi kai lux masa sprinkler atu buka ka or was it masa ujan. My point is. Gila mandi arh rumput. Polluting jua tu.