Monday, April 28, 2008

All the way in NZ.

Is it just me, or has my darling Dr A lost a few kilos? My Babu looks sexy man. And that is just her first year. Imagine year 5- she'll be a bomb.;p

photo taken from ka mizah K

The photos on Ka M's site teared me up again. Siuk nyamu mal? You look like you had more fun there. She's on her way to become a dentist and we're still here, fighting our insecurities. All we want is just one chance to go to the place we want to just like her. Like him, i'm waiting for these clouds of doubts to dissapear. Maybe one day, we can all take pictures with lakes and winter coats and a size 7 body =p

For Amal

Aku pun kurus jua! =p HAHAHAHAHA. gila suka ku eh effect ah. Nda payah exercise pun kurus jua. Do you think i would be more beautiful in a skinny body or with a little fat under the skin?