Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A long ride.


Did you notice that i wasn't online yesterday?

I was extremely nervous for today's driving test. I drove for the last time last night at around 11+- practise. Parking was okay. Tapi bukit, ya rabii teturun ku g den teberanti. The second attempt barutah tenaik. I thought i flunked. Then after all the tests, i got texts from Bz and K saying goodluck. Mcm akhir kan. Mikin ku ingau. Skali skali dh org atu buat lulus, happy ku banar sampai kan menangis ku di jpd ah. Gila pikir tah fail. hissh. AWU AKU PASSS KAMU. alhamdulilah Weee.

pantun buat K:
inda ku temakan luan uri,
gagaran bnr ku betest tadi,
skali pass very senang hati,
lupa ku makan lagi luan happy.

Thanks for the congratulations wish guys- inda aku malas bah kan drive kan kamu. (i know the meanings behind those wishes.) aku asal belesen bah. Aku lebih suka org drive kan.=p Apa wink wink mr k (refer to this post.) ko drive =p

bwoh satu may atu esuk tu,
jgn ja tiba2 ko test tomorrow,
aku setia menanti kau pass nu,
malas ku drive you know. =p

Inikah dikata saat bahagia?


I was about to blog about my driving test when i saw this. And i believe this deserves to be posted first. Watching this made me cry. Kamu Amal made this vid for us. Ignore the front pics. Bida ah. hahaha. mcm kanak2.

WE LOVE YOU TOO DR A. ='( I wish we were there together, taking pictures with you with your webcam. We had fun at the bday bash, taking picutres and all but all those pictures will always be incomplete without you.

We will always be incomplete without you.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

God help me.


Drove along the hilly area of my village. It was dark and spooky. And there were occasional glimpse of white shadows passing by from the rear mirror. BUT HECK. I really want to ace my driving test.

Yet i can't sleep. In my mind is all, race minyak, naikkan clutch, turunkan handbrake race, race sedikit and jalan. Argh. Its just a simple stuff and yet i can't remember any of that when i panic. Just like just now. But how can i not panic when my instructor is making me so nervous. 'bah bah laju jalan ehh lambat ehh kenapa ya! eh nu nda dpt ne bnyk kerita' stress kali ku ah. Beserabut utak wa ya becakap bgagas ah. Udah tah handbrakenya karas. Kajar2 tangan ku wa megang. Masa naikkan handbrake kai dua tangan ku ah ya jua nyuruh, nda kan time ku nahankan handbrake msa balancing pakai satu tangan ja.

bah pagi dh. I want to sleep. My last lesson is today. Beuri banar ku ni nyanta.

Hopefully, I'll pass my driving test. AMIN.

Monday, April 28, 2008



hujan yang turun bagaikan mutiara.

Hahah i remembered the last time we went kboxing with Cgu M the last day before A left. I mentioned Salam Akhir by Sudirman and she thought i was joking. And perhaps you think this is a joke too don't you?

Just like Mr K with his nostalgic bunga emas, i don't think its wrong to be addicted to such songs. Music is universal. It is an art. Art is ageless. Ageless means classic. And classics are just wonderful. Especially when you start your day with a 3 enjin-mati-atas-bukit-damn-it.

I'll do my memorising after i practise my manual driving. Bukan aku tak cinta by iklim (sbb org atu minta dgni nyanyi. hahah bida jua mun ya gnya siuk sendiri lalak-lalak) and hujan by sudirman. hahah Its in the Kbox list. I know its late for some driving practice- 11pm. Who cares. I need to pass my driving test. AMIN PASS.

All the way in NZ.


Is it just me, or has my darling Dr A lost a few kilos? My Babu looks sexy man. And that is just her first year. Imagine year 5- she'll be a bomb.;p

photo taken from ka mizah K

The photos on Ka M's site teared me up again. Siuk nyamu mal? You look like you had more fun there. She's on her way to become a dentist and we're still here, fighting our insecurities. All we want is just one chance to go to the place we want to just like her. Like him, i'm waiting for these clouds of doubts to dissapear. Maybe one day, we can all take pictures with lakes and winter coats and a size 7 body =p

For Amal

Aku pun kurus jua! =p HAHAHAHAHA. gila suka ku eh effect ah. Nda payah exercise pun kurus jua. Do you think i would be more beautiful in a skinny body or with a little fat under the skin?

Beauty of darkness.


No electricity from 3.40+ pm on Saturday till late afternoon on sunday! Its was so hot that i slept through the night with my skirt lifted. And no internet. This is what you get when you over use electricity: major blackout in Brunei as a substation in Tungku was blown off causing 3 turbines to trip. And each turbine is equivalent to the power of an aircraft engine! A lesson learnt- save energy while you still can.

Saturday the 26th was my little brother's, Dr Amal's future brother in law =p, 10th bday and he spent in in the dark. Don't be surprised if i show up a little more chubbier than usual okay. Since the blackout trapped me in boredom, i did nothing but eat. Orang africa inda makan tani kan menulak rezeki =p hahaha. No seriously, my stomach walls suddenly stretched to such extent that i could stuff some Soto tinis, Pizza, Spaghetti, Honey chicken and fun donut during the pitch black hours. There goes my 3 months worth of gym sessions. Of course, i am currently suffering of the exhaustion of having to go to the toilet several times. ahh life. What goes around comes around what goes up must come down.

I have to say though, if not for the black out, people will not notice the beauty that god created. (referring to K's post) haha There was even NO streetlights, the only light that night was from the moon and glittering stars. lawa lah.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

will always be the little kid you knew.


Everyone has an inner child. We have ours. And we had fun. So much fun indeed. And since my tagboard (at which i gave nisah my bday greetings was gone.) HAPPY BELATED 19th NEES. =p hahahahh. at 20, lets hop on the titanic.


After shower. Haha bergila with the cam. Especially the 'woaaa kurus lah' effect. and and 'woooa big boobies' effect haha. Guys- stop imagining things.

We are all grown ups but we will always be the little kid you knew.

A bunch of cowards watching Congkak.


Sudah ku padahkan arah mu,
hari hari ku sibuk sekali,
nah pantun yang kau tunggu,
aku pun tedapat kali ah darah seni.

Its a rare thing to see Miss T watch a horror movie. The last one was jangan pandang belakang. Haha and we were a bunch of enthusiastic coward watching Congkak yesterday. Seriously, you would laugh looking at our behaviour. B bought the one you used to close your eyes when you sleep (i' don't know what its called). Bz used her long jubah to cover her eyes. Ly was shouting at every possible sound. K sama jua. BETUKUP banar muanya. And i, ofcourse, covered my head and ears. But but don't get me wrong i still saw what happened at every scene. Its just that my vision is narrowed =p and the sound did not affect my eardrums that much =p haha.
adang kau ngucap-ngucap aku,
kau ku liat betukup mua jua,
tapi rugi ko nda mliat billah nu,
betutup kepala macam eskimo saja.

Honestly, i wanted to watch orphanage last time but it always plays at midnight in the cinema. And i can't find the DVD or CD.

Yeps. K and i went kboxing before the movie. He was straining his voice so much i was afraid that his stiches would tear. Bida kali ah ada blood splatter arh kbox hahah. And we went kboxing with the rest after the movie. Seriously, if movie producers were to make a horror movie out of Karaoke-ing, batah nda menyanyi. Regarding to our boys vs girls competition i would say- antara kita tiada pemenang tiada pengalah bah eh. =p

still curious. He didn't continued his lines.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

By 2022, we'll all breath haze not air.


Curious why i'm going green? I have always been into green since my primary years (because fell in love with those landscapes in our geography text books.. haha ketara inda belajar) and no, it is not because of leonardo. I love greens way before i knew he does too. And and, i'm not sure if i have expressed this online, i hate it when people pullout plants from the forest, like what Bruneian joggers always do at bukit shahbandar: pant. sweat. oh my god lawa eh bunga ah. unik. bawa balik rumah eh. cabut. Or how those wild orchids taken from the forest of Labi and sold with great pride at the tamu bunga jumat and ahad. Just as humans have their own habitats, plants deserve to live in theirs. Thankfully, Brunei is still covered with more than 50% of forest. Unlike our neibouring indonesia where deforestation in some parts is way beyond help.

look at the video and you'll see how large the scale is. Palm oil suppliers in Indonesia are killing the peat forest and rainforest of some parts of indonesia to plant palm trees. You may think that there is no problem, that the deforestation is compensated by the palm trees. However, these are the forest are the shelters for animals especially the orang utans. Have you seen orang utans seek shelter under palm trees? Bear in mind that indonesia is the third largest green house polluter behind USA and China. And, WE LIVE SO CLOSE TO INDONESIA. Demand for palm oil is forecast to grow quickly. According to the UN 98 percent of Indonesia's lowland forest will be destroyed by 2022 if trends continue. Remember like the old days, jerebu? By that year some of us will already have kids and families to worry about as greenhouse gases pollution from Indonesia will definitely reach Brunei.

And guess what UNILEVER is one of the worlds biggest palm tree user and they get supplies from suppliers who destroy these forest. Check your soaps and shampoos- dove, lux, sunsilk, omo, percil are all produced by unilever. No, i'm not asking you to boycott these products (because it don't think i can bath if i do-i too use lux and sunsilk) neither does Greenpeace. What we can do is too appeal to companies to stop trading with suppliers who destroy peatlands and rainforests for palm oil plantations, and for those destroyed forests to be restored.

Click on the picture to do your part.

Btw aku baru ingat dulu2 ada Lux buat iklan kan. Yang pasal ya ketangah2 stadium then ya mandi kai lux masa sprinkler atu buka ka or was it masa ujan. My point is. Gila mandi arh rumput. Polluting jua tu.

Tagged by Amsyar and K


Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.

i replaced a question about 'List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you ?' with 'if you could have a characteristic from another person, what would it be?'

1. At what age do you wish to marry?
- 23-26 =p raising the bar since everyone put 25

2. Where will you go if someone sponsor you a tour ticket?
- Europe and stay in Spain longer. Jgn alang2 ani

3. What's your favorite thing to do?
- Expressing my overflowing thoughts.

4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
- No. Money can buy everything you need to make your life wonderful but among all those things 'happiness' is one of the priceless things you could have.

5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
- a home for my family where my kids will not deprive of a beautiful childhood memories, where i can make my family happy.

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
- NO. i LOVE money. I can't swallow stones or drink sand or sleep under the shelter of a banana tree.

7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
- those who are close in my heart.

8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
- i would save some, give some to my brothers, donate some and with the rest go on a cruise ship tour (like i always dreamt about) and tour europe pakai train. Den tour to japan & korea. Haha. With big dreams comes big money honey.

9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
- No. I'm the type of person who makes her last move. change me

10.if you could have a characteristic from another person, what would it be?
- My grandmother's heart of diamond. (beautiful and difficult to be broken)

11. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half?
- honestly, if there is requirements, then love won't be blind. But.. taller than me (so that my next generation will have a tall genes in them hahaha=p) pandai masak and buat kerja rumah (sbb lelaki yg nda pandai atu pikir sanang wah kan buat kerja rumah ani), ofcourse nice and kind and RESPECT me and my family.

12. What type of person do you hate the most?
- those who betray one of their own.

13. What is your ambition?
- to be a successful and happy no matter what i do.

14. If you can teleport once, where would you go?
- my past

15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- the happiness of the ones i love-family and friends.

16. If you could undo doing one mistake in the past, what would it be?
-i would meet my grandfather during his last hours.

17. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
-my over thinking.

18. What music have you been listening to recently?
- rap songs. HAHA. its on my tool bar bah the station.

19. what is your least favourite animal?

20. If one day you couldn't do the things that you are used to doing now anymore, how would you feel?
- sad but life goes on.

malas ku tag org. be greateful =p

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Maybe tommorow, you and i will reach the rainbow.


What? You think I'll just let my old blog become a world wide web debris? Of course not! =p

Okay, my old blog theme (and the wordings) and this one might be very different. However, don't you think that humans are constantly looking and carving a way to happiness? And that in the journey of life itself we get lost a lot of times? What I'm looking for is a way to a better me and a place where i can always make people happy. And when i thought I'm close to that place, i found that I'm still on the ground with my bike next to me and cuts and bruises on my knees.

Then again, we all need a slap in the face or bruises on the knees once in awhile so we won't forget our roots or the people who makes our life a beautiful one. After all, we all need to learn how to stand on our own.

Philosophical much? That's just a tiny piece of chaotic mind sweetheart. You haven't heard the rest..hehehh ;)

Ps- for those who need rewinds or those who doesn't know: i can't access my last gmail account at all. So everything that has to do with that account including broken glass slippers is GONE. yes i am not happy but sigh... this time my password is very long (that its tiring for me to type it all over again if i got it wrong haha safety precautions people)