Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Work hard, Play hard.

3 weeks to exam! And hopefully everything in may june july will go well. just got great news for june, something to compensate for bad news for july. But honestly, i really want to be in this. i mean the one for early june. If this thing is confirmed, UVC will have a representative to that activity right =) I realllly want to be in this. Hopefully it will go well, hopefully sampai lah kesana and ke sana in june. AMIN.

But not to forget. Hopefully my exam will go better than previous semesters too so i can get a better result than last semester. And may we all pass with good grades with no supps. AMIN. Let our holiday worth the effort we put into exam. Because this is our last happy-fun-go-crazy-3-months holiday. Next year tani ke Temburong for field ecology 2 and also start buat final project. =//

Test test test test test test test test test. Back to education. salam.

and lastly, old proverbs still do work: bersakit sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian.