Sunday, April 25, 2010

exam heat


The pressure of getting a passing grade and excellent grade is upon us.

And i've been thinking, when i tot hassanal's hair is hotness, Safwan of UBDFM hair is more! like punk rock style, i dig it. Hahaha now for the 3 month hols i want to "change" hahahahaha. in other words, i suppress my self in school, doesn't mean i can't have fun when i am not in school. SOOO. I have been suggested to shave numbur 1. like wat daaaa. AS plang banar. hmm liat la. i love my hair but maybe its time for change. tapi aku malas beusai wah selalu which makes it difficult for me to style up my hair.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Talent underappreciated.


Honestly, hmm i am not a fan of theatric songs sang in a softer tone (as what Teatro has done. It just sounds very odd and i just dislike it in general. Stephen rahman-hughes has great talent. Too bad, he's not done much in UK other than the super successful puteri gunung ledang muscial in Malaysia. If you google his name, not much will come out. Even wiki would not tell much about his details. He's got a great manly voice which i think would be my pick of a hero in any musicals. I think, his talents are under appreciated.

Wish he'd do more theater. So more would recognise such talent. Even in PGL, some comments mentioned of how un-malay he was to play hang tuah because of his looks and even he's name says so. hey, close you're eyes, and listen to the music. He's not stephen in the play, he's hang tuah. No wonder people missed out on such talent, they do not know how to appreciate roles.

Somewhat somewhere, when he sings malay songs, he sounds very lelaki-melayu.

He's still my best singing hang tuah.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Work hard, Play hard.


3 weeks to exam! And hopefully everything in may june july will go well. just got great news for june, something to compensate for bad news for july. But honestly, i really want to be in this. i mean the one for early june. If this thing is confirmed, UVC will have a representative to that activity right =) I realllly want to be in this. Hopefully it will go well, hopefully sampai lah kesana and ke sana in june. AMIN.

But not to forget. Hopefully my exam will go better than previous semesters too so i can get a better result than last semester. And may we all pass with good grades with no supps. AMIN. Let our holiday worth the effort we put into exam. Because this is our last happy-fun-go-crazy-3-months holiday. Next year tani ke Temburong for field ecology 2 and also start buat final project. =//

Test test test test test test test test test. Back to education. salam.

and lastly, old proverbs still do work: bersakit sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian.

Friday, April 9, 2010

I don't want to go without leaving a trace.


Trying to be on hiatus. failed. Haha. I saw pictures from Asuka facebook and saw this pretty sakura. Sigh. Totemo kirei. i want to go to japan. But japan is very expensive and at the moment, i might resort to selling bulu =p

This picture was taken By Asuka Fukutome of Kyoto University but this was at Nara, her home towm. totemo kirei desu ne. She told me that its the first time in decades that sakura was blooming while it was snowing. Now you see how huge climate change can affect us? She also told me that she's now a master student. Just few days ago Shin from Philipines told me she will be doing masters in politics but she wants to work in France since she speaks the language well. Marian from Davao seems to be graduating soon too. Hoai from vietnam will be presenting her thesis in Malaysia this July. And I saw from facebook, ginny from UK will be doing her PHD. Everyone from ASEM knows what they want to do.

And i? I am still struggling to finish year 2 and there is 2 years more. Yet, i still do not know which area to go to. Well i do have two in mind. I am confused. Nevertheless, here's my activity so far.

The start of Poverty Project distribution to KG ayer with Fbeps team, UVC volunteers, HEP people and BIBD people. Hmm somehow after a few houses i've visited, it is quite an eye opener.

Microbiology. melihara bacteria. LOL. Sakit mata ku mengira!

trip to Perikanan. NAIK BOAT siuuuuk

Kena bagi hadiah from an officer from Prince of Songkla university masa Thai culture week. Kesian! and had FUN in thai culture week

Second distribution to Tutong. Durang ani ke lumapas ne.

"concentrating" in Brunei Agriculture research centre YESTERDAY.

and i found a really nice website. on the Somaly Mam Foundation. So who is somaly mam? She's actually a cambodian who was born in poverty and was sold as sex slave by someone who posed as her grandfather. She was constantly forced for sex and one night she was made to see her best friend murdered. Starting from this, she tried and succeeded in breaking free from the trade and now she's helping other girls who had the same fate as she had. She has a twitter too btw. Its quite interesting to see how dedicated she is.

"I don't want to go without leaving a trace."- Somaly mam.

I am sure we too.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A place in the sun, i want.


If stress, think of the white sand, the beautiful vista. the people i am about to see. the culture. think BJBJ and be happy.

This is the only thing that kept me sane while having all those workloads. Officially trying-to-be-on-hiatus till exam finishes. I want to make my holiday worth the money i have poured into it. love all.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

The only thing that kept me going.


I am excited for May June July.

Though there were a few things i have to let go too due to earlier plans and money constrains. Seriously, up until now i am still sad that i couldn't join that community work somewhere in ASEAN country though someone has mentioned it to me. The fact is, i've paid for flight tickets and all to another place. And now my life is back on the happy lane, even if uni life is getting tougher and tougher by the day. Atleast i know that i have a beach/ sea and wonderful ocean life to look forward to in June and July. I want to go to sabah at the end of the year. Its been a plan since previous years but apparently, the family has always changed the plan last minute to a more distant place. Hmm i hope July will make up for this.

And now i am officially tight-on-money. I am not a rich person and i spend much money of DVD's and food. Maybe its time to cut that down. EXAM in one more month and the only thing that kept me sane is the thought of swimming with the fishes. We deserve a relaxing holiday. SO PEOPLE NO SUPPS AH!


Saturday, April 3, 2010



Did not expect that we'd join the first poverty project distribution =// And now my body aches after carrying the sack of rice and other heavy stuff. Definitely, some were an eye opener. Some house perhaps brings in a lot more negative thoughts. Well it would be when one of them sent sacks of basic necessities to houses that has mercedes and BMW parked. (they are on the welfare list though) which is funny. But some really deserve those donations.

nevertheless, they must've have their own reasons. But then again, remember people, as long as you have the ability to work, you can change your "nasib" and make your life as it is.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bsc Reports everyday.


This and that and every thing else. Lotsa thing to do.i try my best not to go online because, i like to waste my time on things other than work. So i figured, if i am not active online, i'd somehow find time to do work and assignments. More work makes tiqah a dull girl? Well not really, i play too when i want to. =p

and if you keep bumping into me i might fall into you. Just a random thought. Nvm. Maybe these works has got into me. Or maybe someone had got into my mind. Definitly its these works and intense one-more-month to exam pressure.

Wake up esok and poverty project first distribution! And check bacteria. Salam dunia.