Thursday, December 24, 2009

Always, and always will be..a traveller.


Tanah jawa, here i come.

See you when the school reopens. Loves T.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Because of you


I like Ga hee/Kahi but ofcourse i like the blond girl (without bangs) voice too. Suka suka. hahaha

You left me speechless.


To onemanga readers, i never knew Bloody monday is an interesting one.

Friday, December 18, 2009

A new dawn.


One: What had past is a lesson for the future.

Two: Whining doesn't bring anything but failure.

Three: Others may talk bad about me, but i must not talk bad about others.

Four: Talk less, give more.

May all these be achieved. Amin. Happy New Hijrah year!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Oh dear.


Oh dear.

She told me "there would be more risks than the benefits". Now, i know what she meant. What torture this will be. If you're not yet.

Ps- I have passed the letter to the HQ. Still waiting for the call.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Drugged and updates.



One thing i like so much about antibiotics is that, that make your skin looks good and the pain is gone. Other than that, hmm i guess i had consumed an unhealthy dose of antibiotics this year (i remember the doctors prescribed antibiotics three times because of my persistent sore throat...ofcourse all at different time of the year) and now 2 more for my gums. In case you're wondering this years birthday isn't the greatest because i endured one week of pain on my gums and jaw during the final exam week and i couldn't even eat anything right. So i googled to see if i should see the doctor. And i did. Turns out i had gum infection and pus was oozing out from the site of my 'difficult extraction' (as quoted from the dentist) and again, i got my injections and they cleaned it out and inserted some bitter thread-like substance in the home in my gum and i'm good with my antibiotics. because i can eat! hmm but at times it still bleeds. i think i lack the right nutrients.

Anyways. THANKS a million to those who greeted. and thanks for the prayers too. I shall remember that. and also to the one who called. =) Thanks too for the gifts.

please do not kiss and tell dear. I 'd rather what i had to say and pour out from my heart stays. I don't want the weather to be more terrible than it is now.
And happy belated birthday Ridha (5th dec) and Nikki (9th dec) and advanced birthday K (11th).

and my music

This also hooked me up! WOWSA. like watching this can make you a lesbian like a while (if you're a girl) haha. I like Kahi (i believe she's the one in the middle from 0.07 and the one with the awesome rapping) After school Because of you.

And my TV
i'M HOOKED with 90210. And still waiting for new Gossip girl. Korean drama- Cinderella man is nice, but i like brilliant legacy (the story line is brilliant!) more. AND city hall is a bit boring at first but seriously, if you just had the patience to watch it until the first few episodes, its actually funny and addictive. And DRAMAS- Japanese drama Kare naru spy is funny (penyeluru lah ceritanya) I'm starting to watch psych too. I like solving-kinda movies okay. And i've been getting fun stuffs from history and geographic channel too. siuk ah haha.Yes i watched all these because i'm a superwoman who has a lot of time to watch TV and not to study.


Gossip girl going manga? Hahah i hope MY chuck bass is still hot even as a cartoon.

exams? no need to ask. I might have errr terkandas 2 papers meaning i hope i'll make it to a passing mark for ODE and for Genetics. AMIN. And algebra too. Okay i'll be MIA for a bit until i felt like i've rested enough. Besides i still don't have wireless at home and with 2 brothers to compete for the internet, i dun stand much of a chance. Loves.


Friday, December 4, 2009

Ed makes charity so sexy.


If there is anything that can un-depressed me, its either jacob black, Chuck bass and everything in between.

ed aka CHUCK BASS makes charity so sexy. So does kellan.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I want to be..... =)


I guess that 4 days training did pay off. I mean, you don't have to remember everything they taught you, nor will you remember all (because the 'moral of the stories' are a lot) but most of the time...when you're nearly 'off tracks', the things they taught us really did come to us.

And its day 2 from the 'ordeal' in dentist. Urgh. The injections are making my jaw hurt right now really bad. we've always taken for granted the nerves and vessels around the jaw and you think one teeth moving just because there is 'less bone support' doesn't hurt. IT DOES. like seriously. They tried to save my teeth with less bone support as indicated after xray (pasal they missed that part) and yet it hurts like my jaw is going to fall off. I mean, when they told me i might go into surgery for that yesterday..i was thinking that might not be bad at all... i won't feel anything anyway, its better that having to open your mouth for almost an hour while two doctors try to save that bit. But now when all the numb is gone, and i still have the teeth they succeeded in saving.. it hurts. The painkiller didn't work that much. =( I hope tommorow it'll be okay. i can talk normally and smile widely. Amin. (yes even smiling hurts)

4 more days to you-know-what and i will be MIA okay. i might even shut my phone off. Because while growing up is interesting, aging is not. And i feel the latter. I don't want you to remind me how old i am. Yes. If you haven't noticed, i have a problem with growing old, because i realize that means i have less time in the world to do the things i have not done. And anti aging cream doesn't usually work that well. Okay bye. Salam

In pain.