Saturday, June 27, 2009

come home with me.

You see. In Dunedin, there is nothing to do when its night time. Shops closes at 5pm hence, i, the one who always went out even when its 10 o'clock (hey don't get the wrong message, i still am antisosial.. than you are, sadly =p), feels so bored night time. And it gets dark at 5pm too. And Amal has been very patient melayan aku ngusut malam2. We went for movie twice in a row! because that cinema is the only thing that is open at night.

And last morning was an experience. I can't say much because what happens in Dunedin stays in dunedin. Lets just say, when we got back home, there is something to laughed at and remenisce. (even if its such a disgusting memory) and act what ever happens. Plus, i couldn't sleep but was too tired to take a shower (its cold jus) And even now we're still telling stories and laughed and disgusted about it. HAHAH

Because i couldn't sleep, i texted a few people. be eyeliner2 ku tidor. Today, amal and i went to kadai shopping. SALE BAH SINI. inda ku tahan. and then burger king. halal ayam nya yg di city centre. There was where i recieve a text "kami di koryo" CAPI. Tapi takpe. I went to korea tadi sekajap jua bali barang. hahahah. then bejalan ke steepest street in the world. and tunggu bus. then blek umah. Now meliat2 amal's housemate buat cupcake utk ya esuk. Pandai masak drg ah. And that was when i recieved the message from the family "ika..tani di escapade. lapas ani liat transformer pukul 12 tangah malam."

AKU ALUM LIAT TRANSFORMER BAH;. semua urg jeles kan aku. abis bah ticket sini. aku mau liattttt. Aigoo. malam di sini sangat lah boreng.