Sunday, May 16, 2010

A jewel we so often neglect and undervalue.

A ten days of memories. I miss ASEM. And this video really gave that ASEM biodiversity workshop feel. Miss doing the things with them and listen to things related to biodiversity of brunei. I've been emailing them and keeping update and some of them has continued their phd (especially the two chinese) some are continuing masters in solar energy,politics and etc. Sometimes it made me feel like "so where does that leave me?" haha honestly i am not a very dicsciplined biologist. I don't read books that often. I have my own way to deal with things. i play alot. Not a good thing but i hope this is the path i shall continue till the end and i hope i will not regret it. for it has been enjoyable so far.

Tho i will go to Kuala belalong field centre again at the end of my third year with my awesome course mates this time. Looking forward to it! they're crazy fun. You just can't imagine. haha. Exam finished in just 6 days. I HOPE i will pass all of my subjects this time and get an okay grade AMIN. I am very not confident.

This past few days after the exam, we've becamse research assistants helping Fandi's sis collect data for her PHD research. Quite enlightening. We gained insight on the plight of Brunei fishing resources. we always talk about tunas in Japan and whales. But infact, our own coasts is being depleted of resources. Most had complained that some commercial trawlers are "mengikis" the coast of fishes and that in their 20-60 years of fishing experience, the number of fish caught has a huge decrease since then.

And yet when people start talking about plastics, forest, energy they think they're being Green and environmental. Think again. There are more to environmental sustanaibility than just using plastic (for a day) or asking people to save energy.