Friday, May 7, 2010

Brunei is more than just oil and gas.

Bandar Seri Begawan - Brunei has the potential to become a model country with regards to disability development and to achieve this, the country just needs community-based policies in place as well as facilitation and implementation."I thought that Brunei's main resource is oil but I found a resource that is bigger - the cornmunity and the family," said Akiie Ninomiya, the executive director of Asia-Pacific Development Centre on Disability (APCD) which is based in Bangkok, Thailand.

Read more here.

Last week i went to Animal shelter charity bazaar and in one booth they sold paintings. I adore paintings and have quite a collection hanging in my small room. Haha But these paintings sold in the bazaar are rather special. Because it was painted by Orphaned/disabled children of Cambodia. The association is called Orphan and disabled arts association and currently houses around 20+ orphans in Siem Riep Cambodia. It was founded by Leng Touch, also an orphan and an accomplished artist. He passed his knowledge to these kids and these kids and with this knowledge and aqcuired talent, they sell paintings. These money from the paintings support them, hence they do not need to beg. Some of the postcard sized paintings are only sold for 1US which is around 1.50 BND .I find it amazing.

I attended a public lecture on Poverty in Brunei last few weeks (which is a part of the Poverty Project UVC is doing) and a lecturer have said that "We need to be cruel to be kind, not kind to be kind". Interestingly, Bruneians have always been kind to be kind, giving gifts without anything in return. But maybe if we can incorporate this "cruelty" and help those who only wished to help themselves out of poverty cycle/miserable situation, it'd be better. This is what ODA is doing. Children have to learn to do it on their own, feel miserable while studying but in the end, this acquired knowledge is what that can bring them out of their situation and rebuilt lives.

As Akiie Nomiya has said, we have the potential to use our Community network. Why not use it to motivate the underprevilage in Brunei (regardless whether it is for disability or poverty)?

Just a thought. Its exam week and i am thinking things which are exam-non-related. LOL Struggling to keep up with exams. The past papers are terrible but nvm. I wish there is some miracle that can lift my geo and math marks. I hope i can pass all and get a better result than last sem though. AMIN. last sem's result was aweful.