Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I speak latin! Imperata cylindrical!


if you noticed, i haven't really been blogging. yes. We the bio students, our weeks work like this: one week you have all the practicals that drive you up the wall. The next week you have report to worry about, but you still can relax a bit. The other week again, you'll have practical(s) to worry about AND reports to hand in. The latter is this week. I have one more to go. I think i really did badly in my reports this time. The first(s) report(s) of the semester. Very untidy and so incomplete. Aku tulis by hand ah! But i am going to hand it in anyway, just trying to grab any possible marks. huhu. Free marks ka apa asal ada. rather than not doing anything. It looks like m not sleeping tonight. Reports reports reports. Sometimes, at some point, it can make you ask yourself, 'why do i take biology'. Hahah. Then again, something made my day.

My students, both passed their june biology =D and one even got a B. The other one i belum ask grade nya apa. And even when the boy haven't done genetics in school, he did really well in his revision at tuition. hehe. Funnily this is also the reason why they didn't attend my class today! The boy's mum lupa ya ada tuition. The girls mum texted 'ya hepi of her results so ya liat wyg now di mall celebrate sama friends' buleeeh. but i hope they stay until november exams. .

Why do i take biology huh? In the end, that is the thing that made my day.

ps- Hadri got older. So did fizzah emran. Roxine went home today. Mum and the cousins are in Changchun, China NOW. huhuh. Bureng ku all the mamas in china ah.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In the end i am still that leonardo fangirl


someone said a few days ago "channing tatum is hot bebeh" while talking about his stripping video which has been leaked. (tu lelaki GI joe ah) Sekali i said, "but i still like chris pine more" and ya said "leonardo mu?"

"leonardo ofcours number one" =p Which brings me to this.. leonardo is again with another supermodel. And i finally have settled to the fact that he broke up with sexy gisele to be with Bar rafaeli (who is also sexy) and now another new russian model? Baik tah settle down kali eh si leo ani and make babies and pass his acting genes to his children so my children can be smitten with his child's acting skill =p

meet ANNE VYALITSYNA. (hmm just like when ya putus with gisele... now with bar... lawa jua si bar atu. and femes sudah. napa tia alum settle down atu kan.)

Oh and someone tdi said something

SZ: says:
bila th c leo ane settle down ne?
Ans: bila ea bejumpa c tiqah

HAHAHH nice!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

je ne sais pas quoi faire.


If you noticed i deleted my previous post. Because some people marah2 or annoyed (quoted)thinking that i am upset or being negative because of something when its not that (atleast not now).

Somethings in my mind. Kusut ku because of that. And there are people who just added spice to it. making a dolsot bibimbap on a big bowl. Too much to digest that i feel headache when i ate it. Lala. Wow. hehe haha i am so happy.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Meme si tu es parti- Julian cely


(a week's post) ps- i found my 3g phone already.

"In this practical you will be provided with Onion roots from an onion bulb, allium cepa"

Its saturday! and finally.. the last (but perhaps the most challeging of the week) practical on genetics. I slept early (tertidur) and woke up very early and in a few more hours i'll be in the lab again. Wow. these 4 practicals a week has really made me feel like a biology student. Before that, our first practical, on tuesday, was on plant phylogeny: identifying and observing roots, stems and leaves. We finished around 6pm- biasa the usual group yang always finishes the last. We went to MOD, Jerudong, for a bit to eat and tease peifen =p. Thanks peifen for the treat. After that, we went back to UBD for Chak's talk about his 2 months bio fieldtrip organised by harvard kah. That day was the highlight of the week, we have Ummi who overslept missing our animal phylo class, Pandi left his car keys at ummi's car that i had to send him back to his house. hahah cali la.

On wednesday, we attended a seminar on field studies done by our already 4th year students. I like the ants part. I told you, i enjoy studying about invertebrates. It was supposedly a-must-attend seminar but most of us didn't. I MISSED KCC registration. Sheesh. But i did went to IM that afternoon to blurt out ideas on green project.

Next practical was last thursday. We had animal phylo in the morning until 12noon. Then, we had algebra at 12 noon until 2pm and another practical on Biochemistry from 2pm till 6. (yeah biasa the usual group yang slalu lambat buat practical stayed late) No breaks in between. Honestly, i am not satisfied with the practicals i've done so far. I am still slow. And i can't really identify as fast as si M. banar i hate feeling like this. I need to process slowly, then only i can get it. And i am not satisfied that i didn't get to see euglena's movement. Awu i am upset a bit due to that fact but nvm. I slept that thursday with the outfit i wore. I sleep when i am upset haha. Tertidur. Tired jua.

Its saturday and we have genetics in a few more hours. I just read the schedule. i never really do but after a few practicals and slowly processing, i decided its such not a good thing to not read the night before. Its actually quite a simple practical, all we have to do is to prepare a slide of allium cepa meristem and record about mitosis from the slides WE prepared and observe meiosis from the prepared slides. However, thats the thing WE have to prepare it and its such a detailed work that we have to be careful about everything, even the temperature and the timing. i feel that i am not as careful. I have never been careful or fast in practicals. Our slides and observation will be marked by the end of the practical too. That's what frightens me. Huhuh. I hope it'll go well. AWU you see, i really do feel like a biology student now.

I hope i can catch lunch date with Kbuncits at Aminah arif later. Miss those Stpri 5B.

Billah introduced the song Tentang kita sang by a french singer and indonesian singer. i found Meme Si tu es parti (even if you leave) which is the french version of tentang kita by Julian cely, though the title differs in meaning. But lawa.

Friday, August 14, 2009



I can't find my 3g hp yet. So please contact me through the other one. I misplaced it AGAIN. =( No seriously, i am seriously sad now. i still can't find it

And its only just week 2.


One word- exhausted.

I will blog properly once i gathered my energy.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009



Click to enlarge.

hahahahahahah. yatah tidor g patang! Seriously. Bureng jarang jumpa kamu. balum megupi mcm last sem. suaramu melating.

Anneyong. Wednesday activities: KCC reg, Green project brainstorm, Bio talk.



When you watch My Girl, Hello My Lady, Winter Sonata, Autumn in My Heart, Boys over Flower or Coffee Prince(Korean dramas)...did you ever tried copying their words or bits and pieces of their sentences?

When you listen to the Korean songs, did they get stuck in your head like it was playing on repeat until you can't get it off your mind?

Looking back to some movies like princess hours, did you find their cultures interesting and their way of life interesting?

Did you ever feel compelled to talk to Korean tourists and communicate in ther language even though you only know 3 to 4 words?

YOU DO???!!

Well, you will definitely check this club out cause they will open up doors to things that you might never even heard of. Korean fan dance. Yutnori, a traditional Korean game. Different dishes from Korea like bulgogi and jabchae. Korean movie screening (which is rare) and even wearing hanbok, their traditional clothes.

So come one and come all to the registration for Korean Culture Club.

The time: 2.30pm
The place: CLT 1.13
Oh and Brainstorming for Green project is tommorow too
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm Location: IM PBL Baseroom 14 Street: Jalan Tungku, Gadong.

And there is a Biology talk. Krg at 2pm. Dr yati said, Dr charles and the others (his students kali) will have a talk about their findings at Belalong. (mind you i think we're going to take that in our 3rd yr)

I don't know which one to attend. All i know is i have language class at 8am.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Little steps.


Do you want to see them gone? this is a (Leptobrachium smithi) discovered in Assam region. - WWF read more here (and how do i know about these things? easy. FACEBOOK.)

You know you don't need to be an environmentalist to contribute something to the earth. I used to wonder why westerners use paper bags instead of plastic bags for grocery shopping. I mean there is always some scenes in movies where their paper bags tore off and all their apple or oranges rolled down the streets. Such a classic scene. I used to wonder, why don't they use a more stronger material like plastic. Yes, i was that ignorant. And i believe these happen to us still. I still do forget my recycle bag or i still do sleep with my tv on most of the time so i am not qualified as an environmentalist. But think about it...

When you're hungry and you're tight on cash, one of the most famous option (besides nasi katok kaka or warung) is the PMUBD shop. All those mini pizzas and nasi ayam got you tempted that you tend to buy more than one food and a side drink to go with it. The staff at the PMUBD has this working habit of calculating while pulling a plastic bag. A few of my friends and I have been doing this since semester one, so why not you:

"Inda payah plastic ah"

And just carry those food with you. we forget our recycle bags once in a while, i do that too, but there are still little ways in which you can contribute.I believe we still do have that one big hole in our attempt to be green- a flaw. we are afterall human who have our needs or wants. We can't completely turn green in a short while. However, even if its not a big leap, little steps will get you somewhere.

Remember to finish your food too. Be thankful what you have.

Source- WfP

Ps- Alhamdulilah. I hope my courses are settled. All those pressure should now go away.I have 2 courses i chose to add- one is algebra another is a language. Maybe business law next time. I think this is enough. Biology practicals starts tommorow. Brunei Nature society has talk tommorow. We will be attending, inda balik from practical haha. And my wednesday has got to be one hectic schedule. I've got 3 events, i do not know which one to go to. Salam.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

When will i catch up to these people?


"One student plans to go to snow-capped Jilin Province, where the mercury could plunge to as low as -30 C." Read more at 5 students granted scholarship to china

Awu seriously. If i could, i really do want to follow at the end of this month. SIGH. I know i've been saying or hinting to them, well thats because at this point, it seems impossible. Huhuhu. I mean with all the practical schedule and being tight in money. I know i said "no i won't go to China anymore" while being choked by the thick smog last holiday trip. But that has changed. hahaha somehow i miss the atmosphere. =p Besides jilin is further north from the usual cities so that ought to be an interesting travel. Yes. My cousin has been granted a pathology masters degree at Jilin, China. She graduated in human anatomy honours from UWA. And no she's not sponsored by the Chinese embassy but by the Brunei government embassy. (our guess at this moment is that the medical subjects are expensive so Brunei government is paying for it instead of the chinese government.) Its not the masters degree she wanted but i guess this one may open more opportunities for her.

And me too. I mean in terms of travel. =p HAHA hmmm i am too a little broke. All those shoe shopping and plans to buy shelf and cupboard. I need to break that bubble and start saving money again. My cashflow is negative i tell you! Again, knowing people got all those scholarships and all to german china makes me excited and envious. They inspire me. I hope i can catch up to them. I too want to be someone who can inspire and make a mark in the world. Make something worth out of my life.

Aku kan ikut tapi skulahh start udah! practical g banyak tu!! aig00!

ps- Have you played today?

Friday, August 7, 2009

An easy way to fight hunger: Lets play a game! free


You know Bruneians have a habit. They buy what they feel like eating. Apanya orang taisliur. But then once they can't finish it they left it that way. you know when i say "orang africa inda makan" I really do mean it. Don't turn my words around and let me finish your food instead because you're on a diet or something. You have to be aware yourselves that they are people who'd trade everything for a piece of bread or a handful of rice. There are 1.06 billion people undernourished today. Considering that the world has 6 billion children, 1 out of six people do not have access to enough food. Hunger and malnourishement leads to poor immunity against diseases, poor economy and further downfall. Yes there are people in the world who experience this while we eat lavishly and waste lavishly too.

The red shows where high percentage malnutrition occurs. And the grey (including Brunei) shows the least.

Someone who always has everything thought up in his mind once said, "then menderma pulang makanan ke sana" That's a huge leap to take but the most important bit is to understand that we should appreciate food and to remember that 1 out of 6 people cannot have what we have. Lets start slowly:

Help end world hunger

Click to play the game

This is an educational game where there are quizzes. For each answers right they donated 10g of rice through UN world food programme. Once we get one correct answer, sponsor banners will appear on the bottom of the screen. The money generated from these banners are used to buy rice. While we gain something, we donated something though indirectly, atleast we donated our time. Remember there are others ways to donate other than monetary.

Here are some examples of where FreeRice rice has been distributed:

In Bangladesh, to feed 27,000 refugees from Myanmar for two weeks. Watch FreeRice being distributed in Bangladesh.
In Cambodia, to provide take-home rations of four kilograms of rice for two months to 13,500 pregnant and nursing women. And many more. (taken from free
Love food. Hate waste.

Wednesday child.


Monday's child is fair of face;
Tuesday's child is full of grace;
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go;
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living;
But the child that is born on the Sabbath day,Is bonny, and blithe, and good, and gay.

Nursery rhyme.

I think i've mentioned it before. Long time ago i found out in what day i was born. Its mentioned that wednesday child is full of woe and a list of other things. I don't like it. The time i knew about that was the time i had to endure a string of problems in my life. One matter after the other. From quarrel to abuse to seeing police in and out the house trying to handle the matter. From seeing her being betrayed over and over to losing my family to the passing of someone that broke me totally. It goes on. Even until now. I know its just a nursery rhyme but from the nursery rhymes only wednesday child are full of woe. I hated it.

We built our lives only after sometime to be where we are now. Its not much but it was better than before. I know it never shows because some people mocked me saying that my stuffs are always expensive or something like that. I know some of my friends are trying to make ends meet while i have my holidays in far far places. I had a hard time too but yours just started a lot later than mine. I enjoy the finer things in life but i saved something more valuable than money if you can think of what it is.

On another note:

Sorority sisters FB has a new look. But lagging loading nya ah!

What a headache.


The first week is always the most stressful and doubtful of all weeks. You see the thing is we, the bio sci batch, are shocked. Well you can say kami ani segala galanya shocked =p but my point is, from a 19 units total of courses last year (with only 2 biology), we're now down to only 12 units with 4 biology courses and one math! And most of our week are spent on a lot of biology lectures and a 4 hour practical for each bio course- and still 12 units.

We actually added on another math because last year's math was 4 units this year was 2 units, so we added algebra. ODE, the other maths, was already on our green form so we assume that that maths is our maths for this semester. However, from our current timetable ODE clashes with practical and if it is true that ODE has a two hour lecture like i saw on my timetable, then again it clashes with Genetics. And yet ODE is not the one that kami capi capi kan tambah supaya units betambah. I like language so i prefer that i have one more elective which is language but out of everyone in the meeting, only kami the bio students saja cannot attend the classes due to our timetable and the lecturer's schedule.

On saturday, the friends plan to go to shbie because they heard there's a lot of electives. I prefer to take something from fbeps if i can. I mean that'll be so much fun taking something totally out of our fields as extra knowledge. If the friends decide to take PE (sports) as elective or others like i don't know funny stuffs, i would definitely scout for another language (korean maybe). haha saja kan inform kamu

On another note, mum just got back and was surprised at the air condition. Jakarta was better than our air condition now, too hazy.

and i wish i can go too the end of this august. I really wish i could. =(

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Aku inda suka bau jerebu.


It was getting a little old so i decided to give this a new look. Jeles ku billah tukar layout. I know. its still simple, not as cute but i feel so comfortable with this layout. It refreshes me. I get carried away once i clicked on the internet explorer button and i am trying all i could to stop that but i decided to publicise this blog again anyway since friends are reading. I guess i'll just have to fight the devils. Thanks to Sahlan for the help with the codes.

Yes. A new semester has started and the past few days made me feel like a pure biology student; learning plant body, memorising invertebrates body parts (not that i have done so). the past few days made me conclude that my greatest challenge in this new semester would be to stay awake and not to wander off to Africa while the lecturers are explaining (if you get what i mean). I still feel i am a useless bio sci student. i don't even know names of animals like someone does. nevertheless, i am still excited to know new stuffs. but definitely, NOT excited to know that the percentage failure in recent years have been unpleasantly high. And oh. We need to memorise scientific names too. oh wow. the only thing i remembered so much is eurychoma longifolia, the ever famous (among malay men =p) Tongkat ali. From now on i will say that i love to eat musa and the cocos nucifera jelly at huaho is really delicious. I miss the smell of the bio lab. haha.

Mom went to Jakarta last monday, she'll be home tommorow afternoon. i texted her tadi psl aku kusut berabis mikirkan about the language that i registered into. Its a difficult language and i don't know if its wise to increase the already heavy workload. I mean one wrong step will affect the overall grades right. I can't sleep thinking about it.

Its 3.40am and i've gotten carried away again. see!