Awwww so sweet. Cute g tu.
LMAO= limau (Billah, 2009)
Perhaps someday we can find a way... to serenity.
Posted by
Miss T
4:29 PM
Labels: friendship., fun
One of the places that i love to go is Delifrance. My favourite would be the traditional breakfast, smoked salmon sandwich and our all time, the croissant. Makes me miss Gandin tahap french kiss (not to the point of BJ because i don't want to steal your lime light bj) With just the word 'Aku makan delifrance', someone tadi terus keluar beech nya haha. hahahaha. jeles. That made my day. Actually what made my night was the short conversation with him (someone) which ends with:
and org (some other) yg cakap "okay ko bro?"
Melayan brabis. As if the sky is still brighter than it seems, but i have to say, they paint blue to my sky that night. refreshing.
I talked on the phone with someone (the only one i would call by land line or recieve call). When ya cakap, "sapa sayang mu ani? si ani ka?" and aku jawab "eh bukan ani bukan ani. banyak kali ah sayangku" and ya reply, "awu ah, aku paham tu, scandalous" i just realise how scandalous it might seem to people. I sayang the people who treats me kindly. One would get my time at work and we joked. One would fetch and mengupi or go jalan2 shopping. Another would kidnap in the middle of the night makan pasar malam. One would punch me with a one liner and make me laugh. And when we're down, they would ask "are you okay?". Walau bebulan inda bejumpa, one would reply "megapa ehh?? reply eh??" as if something really bad has happened. Even if the words can't lift everything, but atleast, knowing that they have the heart to even ask how we're holding on, lifts the burden a bit. They are my sayang (s)
Random berabis.
On another note- even if we are different, one thing remains- our friendship (Tiqah, 2009)
On another note- susunya mikin basar (shaqqy, 2009)
On another another note- aku inda sabar kan skulah balik. (Hafiz T, 2009)
On another nota yang random, they've changed and I have changed. So, why bother caring. Just blend in. (farhanah, 2009)
On another note- aaaahhh~ mnmmmm~ creme bruleeee~ aaahhhh~~(Birah, 2009)
Bah i ciao. Main pet society. BTW don't forget! esok RAMBO BIRTHDAY. Parteh arh rumah nya dari 7 malam hingga 5 pagi. Type of event - educational, study group =p
First of all... Alangkah bahagianya esok pagi jika (J0b. B 2009) =p
Second of all, I miss hadri. No kidding. Thanks pandi. =p hahaha.
Yesterday i slept at 7pm and today i woke up at 7am. See..frust ku bah =p My day yesterday started with texting someone pasal i woke up late and he texted back saying, "aku pun baru mandi. Krg sudah ku ambil Shaqqy ku mc" Sekali kan! kul 10 bah ya ke rumah ku (exaggeration). And soon we picked up BJ and my bebeh. Dalam kereta kami iski sudah ne buat card apa "i miss you already hadri" apa. Kan buat video lagi. It was raining and we were running in the rain with our Korea flag umbrella.
Sekali inda sampat jumpa hadri. aigoo. He went already when we got to the airport. So we called him. Thank god his phone wasn't turned off yet so kami sorang2 lah melayan perasaan dalam telefon. Mendangar suaranya pun bari sedih sudah Aisssh. Honestly, sedih berabis kami. as if ya bermastautin (Pandi, 2009) di sana. maybe pasal inda sempat jumpa hadri kali. And kami berkerja keras merubah imej nya hahaha. I know its just 2 weeks and possibly 3 plus quarantine but sigh.
As planned (sehingga aku inda jadi MIA) we went escapading. pasal pandi tsliur, and sepanjang escapade nama si hadri saja kena sabut. And the plan was to bowl again but mendangani si Dayang Billah suping mata sekajap. Inda tia jadi bowling, ke Kbox tia kami nyanyi lagu untuk hadri. 5 lagu, tribute untuk hadri (arah si billah the video). And ummi bebeh and i played the motosikal arh arcade. I win. so i jadi minah rempit tia. ummi bebeh ku manang lumba kereta.. yatah ya jadi car racer tia. hahaha. talur kami main ah. teriak2 mcm apa saja. First time bah eh kami main atu. After that Pandi balik tia pasal kena suruh ke spital. So Sahlan tia antar kami home. We went to Snow cream dulu... pasal hadri hari atu makan sana. Si billah sampai manggil si sahlan "hadri hadri" salah bah. Angau sudah kami. semua kami cakapkan... hadri tia. we also heard some shocking news from my bebeh. Huhuhu. Shock banar tia. Psl sweet bah bebeh ko sama ya.
That's where we berkenalan sama kawan si pandi (since pandi balik ya sama kami tia) Zaim namanya. Its nice to open up our eyes and don't pick friends though. So we've got new friends from bowling last time too. Because its funny really how we "the fun people" are. We just met, and we don't know each other but when we talked... we chat like we've known each other for a long time. I appreciate that a lot. I guess that is how i came to be close to hadri. (tribute bah eh) Pasal ya tempat kami mengusut di kala ke stressan. memberi semangat walau kul 3 pagi. haha.
YATAH BISAI2 DI KOREA. bawa souvenir ah. Lelaki hansem untuk ku. HAVE A JOLLY GOOD TIME THERE. Kami kerinduan kau banar2 ne sini ah. mcm inda sah sampai 10 minit ada tia kena sabut namamu. Meliat org be cap pun si shaqqi ckp "tu hadri hadri" See you soon. walaupunjadi org korea sudah ko blek, jgn lupa ah buat bio report sama kami! (esmosi)
AIGOOOO (hadri, 2009)
ps- thanks pandi for picking us up and thanks sahlan for sending us home.
Posted by
Miss T
8:20 AM
Alangkah bahagianya jika esok pagi...
Or anybody else can do. Aku single ah.. to lelaki yg pandai masak HAHAHA (promosi.) when someone bakes creme brulee, he definitely gained points from me, but when he takes cooking as a choice for career.. wowowowww. Bukan lagi points dia dapat, kalau dia mau i terus pun boleeeh. =p
Wishful thinking. But people. I had my first creme brulee at UBD today and it will certainly last in my mouth forever (esmosi). Next time there is a come2gether bakesale again, try it- its definitely worth the money. Tarus angau lagi makan creme brulee. Why? Because according to sahlan, anyone can bake. Tapi baking with love tah yang payah tu. But i assure you, i can taste the love in the cakes.
And thanks to org yg macm slalukan tani besayang arh msn atu (aka bisnis partner ku) =p org ganya inda tau ah. ahhahaha. On another note, hadri is leaving for Korea tomorrow and i sedih hahaha. kerinduan ku sudah. Awu sedih ku org tmpat ku mengusut (oprah ku) kan blayar ah. Aigoo. Hadri shi... bwa ku lelaki korea ah. Hansem ah. hahaha.
I want creme bruleee.
Posted by
Miss T
1:35 AM
Labels: random., volunteerism
You. Thanks for everything, I owe you alot and probably i'm still going to annoy you for years ti come. I know i made you love this song. So this is for you. And everyone else yg suka this song psl drg dgr dri blog ku =p Awu i suka ini lagu. oh aku suka taylor swift the way i loved you jua hahaha
Posted by
Miss T
2:11 AM
Alangkah indahnya jika esok pagi...I woke up and he (whoever he is) baked me an apple pie and said, "baked with love". He, who understands me, supports me no matter what...inda paksa aku untuk masak, instead ya yg baking with love.
I am sorry.
I think what you said just broke me to pieces. But nevertheless, i am still sorry for what i did if it hurts you.
Posted by
Miss T
11:28 PM
Posted by
Miss T
2:35 PM
Labels: Yasmin Ahmad
My fav Colbie caillat and taylor swift =DD nice!
I see your face in my mind as I drive away,
Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way.
People are people,
And sometimes we change our minds.
But its killing me to see you go after all this time.
Mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
Music starts playin like the end of a sad movie,
Its the kinda ending you dont really wanna see.
Cause its tragedy and itll only bring you down,
Now I dont know what to be without you around.
And we know its never simple,
Never easy.
Never a clean break, noone here to save me.
Youre the only thing I know like the back of my hand,
And I cant,
Without you,
But I have to,
Without you,
But I have to.
Never wanted this, never wanna see you hurt.
Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve.
But people are people,
And sometimes it doesnt work out,
Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out.
And we know its never simple,
Never easy.
Never a clean break, no one here to save me.
Youre the only thing I know like the back of my hand,
And I cant,
Without you,
But I have to,
Without you,
But I have to.
Its two a.m.
Feelin' like I just lost a friend.
Hope you know its not easy,
Easy for me.
Its two a.m.
Feelin like I just lost a friend.
Hope you know this aint easy,
Easy for me.
And we know its never simple,
Never easy.
Never a clean break, noone here to save me.
I cant,
Without you,
But I have to,
Without you,
But I have to.
Sorry (oh) Sorry (mmm)
Sorry (eh eh) Sorry (mmm)
Sorry (eh eh) Sorry (mmm)
When someone does something good, we dun take the time to compliment or praise him. but when that person does one mistake, everyone does their best to condemn him. Hmm and i think WE ate doing that often. so think.. is it wise to just say bad about something when u dunno the whole story?
I too am angry at UBD recent incident. And i am mad at my friends recent emotional battle. I am furious, because i realise that i have been such a bad person in the eyes of some people that they have ignored my existence. Its such a sad world. I know some people talk behind my back for long, or seem to be disgusted at me because i don't exactly fit the devoted muslim frame or that i don't meet their lifestyle. I guess the impression i made in their eyes has been filthy all these while. And i try to smile just like mr happy pills. It hurts to lie to yourself. I appreciate those who never did talk behind my back about me. Thank you. And you are so few. i know. We always talk behind others backs.
Even when we don't know the real story. Why? Because that person is more terrible than you.. so you have a comfort to say, i'm better than that person so its okay. But are you really any better than the person mentioned, when you have no shame to say you are better than him?Something they said in a Lestari activity that i remembered well: "You are not God? Who are you to decide?"
People can judge me in anyway they like. Though at times it does hurt a lot. i know i am a bad person. However, in the end, we still do not know how we are judged during the true judgment. Right? You do things which i don't see. I do things which you don't see. So we still do not know the whole story except God the Almighty. So think... is it wise.. to just say bad about something when you don't know the whole story?
Sometimes.. you just don't realise, people does the most things when they're silent. A prayer is most sincere when its not shown off loudly. We just have to learn how to respect.
First of all, our tuesday will be "thursday tia"- thursday starts at 8am and ends at 6pm with NO break in between, if we have both practicals on the same week (yes, we have 2 practicals on thurday and a two hour long math class. between the practical session. Since, we have 4 biology courses next semester, it is expected that we have 4 practical sessions in a week (well that depends on how the practical will be conducted i.e once in two week or etc). Nevertheless, it still means we have a HELL lot of reports and practicals to do.
Hmm. Now i feel like a true biology student
Click on it.
My language class clashes lah. only one class plang saja but still i wonder if i have to change the language class since one class clashes with one of the bio class (i forgot the codes bah =p). Or maybe we only have 2 hours of language class per week and we can choose kali. Hopefully we can choose la, inda payah tukar language. i like learning languages. Despite the heavy schedule, i need a course that can keep me sane throughout the whole sem. hehe. and one of the math class (which is, amazingly, only one hour perweek) clashes jua! so i think that one have to drop. (i think that's the one yang kami capi2 kan ambil 2 math course in a sem supaya next sem inda payah ambil.)
I whined about holidays- nothing to do and all. Suddenly, the idea of having a rest is not so bad anymore.
Have you read the borneo bulletin. Yeah the front page. You see... i plan to break the news when i got the tickets... Hmm. Mum was suppose to go to Jakarta on a business trip next week. (next few days i mean) and i was suppose to tag along. (cuci mata di kadai suping)
And yesterday mum told me the people in Jakarta called and postponed the trip because two hotels along the hotel we were suppose to stay was bombed. Hmm. Last time i went there (business trip jua), we were a few blocks from the bombed american embassy. There was still fragments and the security in our hotel was so tight. when we entered the hotel... we had to pass throught the scanners..the one macam in airports. awu masuk hotel pun catu. what happened noww?? inda lagi tight kah?? inda smpat ku makan makanan room service.
sigh. I've imagined already.... the shopping and all! the room service while mum is working (her office is just across the hotel). No..our supposed hotel wasn't marriot or ritz. it was the le meridien. near to the bombed sites. SALMON GRILL NYA NYAMAN BA. yeah i am still not over it. I guess mum too. Because she'd rather go now than kerja luar negri masa puasa.
On the bright side... thank god.
ps- i expressed interest in xinjiang before this too. (if you get what i mean) and india last time. why is it that everywhere i like... got bombed.
Posted by
Miss T
12:51 PM
Hmm. Being quarantined by my aunt isn't that bad after all. For three days straight, i have been well fed with my favourite kolo mee seringgit (dari kadai hajma) for my breakfast. I LIKE. Kolo mee itu ada masa pagi saja tu heheheheee.
Posted by
Miss T
10:07 AM
I guess, when you don't turn up for a week or two, people tend to forget you. When you don't keep up your game, you are out of the league. and when you seem to be lost, they put you to blame. Is it really my choice or Is it that the meaning of friendship has changed? Amazing isn't it? How life goes... And i am not the only one who thinks so. Within a a few minutes of publishing this status on FB, people agrees.
hmm. on another note... i feel so mediocre. Still. I realise that other people know so much, they have gone so far or starting their engines to fly to greater heights and yet... i am still here. Still nothing special. Someone said, perfection is impossible, but when you aim for perfection you get excellence. I know, i know, i get that always- 'Don't think of it. you are overreacting.' But i can't help it. =( I want to be someone, who won't fade with time.I want to be someone who i can be proud of. But i can only be proud of, someone who everyone is proud of. Sigh. Let alone laying that eternal foundation, i haven't even started to look for a place to do so. In everything i do, i seem to get the feeling that i have done it terribly. Even what i say to people or my actions, i will think of it seconds after it has been done.
I guess, as time passes by, my seek for perfection seems to have gone from beyond average level to beyond healthy level. In a way its a good thing because no matter how much i have done, i still think its terrible when sometimes its not. In a way it's also a bad thing because no matter how much i have done, i still think its terrible when sometimes its not. You know what i mean? I don't blame you if you don't, because you'll only understand, if you experience it. No its not the i-have-done-badly, kind of thing. Most people would shed it off and say what's past is past though in their heart they are sad and down. it just more that that.
If its up to my choice, i would've picked a better feeling, don't you think?
My aunt has been nagging me (you know the usual aunt who lives with me. the one who nags us more than my mother does) about the self quarantine. As much as i am bored in the house, i have to show my face. If not i'll get my lunch lecture or afternoon lecture at the dining table hahaha. But yeah. I have been escaping especially at night, with mum. =p Mum has been trying to get me out every night while waiting for my brother from tuition. Do don't get me wrong...
I was just ask not to mingle around with friends for a week. I don't want to anyway. Because if anyone of you get sick, i am the one most likely to be blamed. And then we all got quarantined! Huhu. I must not be MOH-quarantined until the next two weeks, for some reason i cannot tell anyone now. This means that i might not be able to go for events. Sorry berabis. Loves.
Oh yeah. I am free next week starting TUESDAY. But i might not be the week after.
I've been listening to Gone to soon over and oba again. Wonderful song. Anyways,briefly- my flight took almost 10 hours from Brunei to Auckland. From Auckland, i took a domestic flight to Dunedin Via wellington. I stayed at Amal's and her house mates were very very friendly. The first three days, we woke up late and went around Dunedin visiting gardens, museums, streets (shops). The fourth day, we went to Larnach castle and Portobello- somewhere along the Otago peninsula.. Amal drove us. I liked the peninsula. Beautiful place, there was blue water every where!
Posted by
Miss T
12:10 PM
Labels: new zealand
I've been back home for a couple of days now. And i haven't adjust my sleeping time. The first day home, i woke up at 3pm because in NZ time, its morning already. The good thing is, now i wake up early everyday. I would say i really had fun in NZ and at some point it feels so sad to go home just because there's a lot of things i have yet to experience. For example exploring the whole Te Papa national museum in Wellington, or watch an Albatross in Dunedin, explore Christchurch more, water rafting or just stay longer in Rotorua. Unfortunately, my full days in those cities aren't as long as it seems. I only had 4 full days in Dunedin, One quarter of a day in Christchurch, one full day in wellington and two full days in wellington. The rest of the days were spent mostly on 6-8 hours journey from a place to another by bus, or train and ferry. Most of the time when we reached a place after a day in the bus (sleeping because we took traveling pills), its already dark. Nevertheless, there were a lot of things worth remembering and i feel blessed to have seen the places and things i've seen.
And i keep on reminding my self, that it is impossible to explore everything in only a day or two. So for the next time in New Zealand, god willing, i need to save up again. When a dish cost 10-13 dollars each, just imagine how much i have spent on food in NZ. i also spent quite a lot on tshirts. I told you i seldom buy clothes but when i do i buy the one i think i feel most comfortable in. Ofcourse, its cheap since its sale season. I wouldn't bother buying clothes that cost 20-30+ one unless i have no choice. But the thing is, its cheaper than in Brunei and the material are so comfortable, that i find it amusing. =p So amusing, that i accidentally exceed the baggage allowance of 20kg. i am confused though. because i have plans for next year for another very far place and it'd take more than a year to collect enough money just to go there. Naah. At this point, i am a bit broke and i don't know how it'll be enough just to go visit my friends at the other end (before i turn 21, my once-a-year-free ticket privilege ends when i turn 21). I guess we'll just see how it goes.
Its impossible to tell everything in one blog post but NZ is not a shopping haven. Surprisingly, when you compare NZ cities even to KL or Hongkong, they are more city-like than in NZ. So its not the skylines or the city buzz that we are after, the the beauty- the scenery, the culture and the people. Auckland was a city though. I particularly like Picton- its so serene like Lancelin, WA. I guess i just have a thing for quiet fishing village with LOTS of water where you could just swim in. And Rotorua too. I do want to go there again, honestly.
Next blog post, i'll tell briefly about the trip. Just briefly, haha psl there's a lot to tell, i can't remember them all.
Posted by
Miss T
11:20 AM
Labels: new zealand
Found. Haha. i love this song a lot. I guess he's one who can just sing all those aaahh and oooh and still sounds good. and one comment said, he's done more than angelina or madonna and yet there were negativities surrounding him. So sad that it took his life for people to notice how much he's done. some other comments said, he is the only singer who sang for love ,children,and nature. Come to think of it.. its true.
Michael Jackson - Earth Song
What about sunrise?
What about rain?
What about all the things,
That you said we were to gain?
What about killing fields?
Is there a time?
What about all the things,
That you said was yours and mine?
Did you ever stop to notice,
All the blood we've shed before?
Did you ever stop to notice,
The crying Earth the weeping shores?
Aah............... Oo...........
Aah............... Oo...........
What have we done to the world?
Look what we've done.
What about all the peace,
That you pledge your only son?
What about flowering fields?
Is there a time?
What about all the dreams,
That you said was yours and mine?
Did you ever stop to notice,
All the children dead from war?
Did you ever stop to notice,
The crying Earth the weeping shores?
Aah............... Oo...........
Aah............... Oo...........
I used to dream.
I used to glance beyond the stars.
Now I don't know where we are.
Although I know we've drifted far.
Aah............... Oo...........
Aah............... Oo...........
Aah............... Oo...........
Aah............... Oo...........
What about yesterday?
What about the seas?
The heavens are falling down.
I can't even breathe!
What about apathy?
I can feel its wounds.
What about nature's worth?
It's our planet's womb!
What about animals?
We've turned kingdoms to dust,
What about elephants?
Have we lost their trust?
What about crying whales?
Ravaging the seas.
What about forest trails?
Burnt despite our pleas!
What about the holy land?
Torn apart by creed.
What about the common man?
Can't we set him free?
What about children dying?
Can't you hear them cry?
Where did we go wrong?
Someone tell me why!
What about baby boy?
What about the days?
What about all their joy?
What about the man?
What about the crying man?
What about Abraham?
What about death again?
Do we give a damn?!
Sigh. Almost cried watching this. I still loved Earth song though but i can't find it anywhere on the internet, even in youtube. and we are the world kali namanya. Thanks for the vid ben.
heal the world, he called. Have we listened?
After buying and weeping over MJ tribute magazines in Rotorua and wellington, strutting down the streets of Auckland and watched my favourite MJ video clip being played in one of the CD store..I realised i am still not over his passing. hmm. And i should have. MJ said he was one of the lonliest person in the world and he missed the part where everyone showed that we all love our king of pop.
And i keep on remeniscing how it felt like when i was a child, anticipating for Michael's performance in Jerudong Park- all the "mana kan michael jackson" while sitting on my dad's shoulder and the cheer that exploded when he sang. Years passed by and i have forgotten which songs were his..until i walked along the streets of Auckland, accidentally passing by a CD store that played a very familiar song to me- a song i knew the lyrics. And it was weird..because i forget lyrics so often. It was MJ's. Turns out that those songs i really liked, were his.
Yeah. I feel sad. Still. I cannot help it but the more i listen to his songs, the more i feel like we lost someone extraordinary. Rest in peace.
I just got back in welligton from rotorua.
We took the transcoastal train ride but our train crashed into something along the way but it was said that 'no one got hurt luckily'. Our ride was delayed and we reached picton late using a coach. We missed out VERY unferry-like ferry at picton. The ferry was more like a cruise and at night it just felt titanic-ish minus the jack dawson. But rotorua was hell lotsa fun. You can say we did crazy things in rotorua- all the adrenaline rush and the thermal bath in the rain.
And on my way to Wellington by the ferry, my mum called and told me that 5 of my cousins were quarantined. 2 went back home from brisbane but they were negative. their parents and siblings were positive. And thank god my mum didn't annoy me with all those wear your mask you'll get h1N1 things. My friends and i know what is happening in brunei- the H1N1 scare and all and it is fucking ridiculuous. Those people who died from it were suffering from other things when they caught it. And now a lot of fucking things were postpone just because of this scare. So i am fucking pissed. Paranoia will paralyse us you see. Everyone here agreed that people back there are ridiculously paranoid.
Just great.
I am at the end of my trip. Sadly. See ya.
Posted by
Miss T
5:02 PM
Labels: new zealand