Friday, July 10, 2009

By air, by land, by water- Dunedin to Rotorua (and Auckland)

I've been listening to Gone to soon over and oba again. Wonderful song. Anyways,briefly- my flight took almost 10 hours from Brunei to Auckland. From Auckland, i took a domestic flight to Dunedin Via wellington. I stayed at Amal's and her house mates were very very friendly. The first three days, we woke up late and went around Dunedin visiting gardens, museums, streets (shops). The fourth day, we went to Larnach castle and Portobello- somewhere along the Otago peninsula.. Amal drove us. I liked the peninsula. Beautiful place, there was blue water every where!

Pictures could not be taken inside the castle. Hehe Di luar saja.

The next day we went by bus to Christchurch. I can't remember exactly, but i guess its around 6 hours by bus. It was late in the afternoon by the time we got there and shops were closing -except Starbucks =p

We stayed in a hostel.

Makan maggi. haha desperate. And yeah behind me is a bunk bed.

Anyway, the next day, we headed off to Wellington by train and ferry. From Christchurch to Picton, we took a train, but the train crashed into something or someone, delaying our journey, so halfway through the route, we used a bus. No one got hurt. Especially us. Haha. We were eating and drinking complimentary hot chocolate while complaining about the delay. The complimentary drinks were given because of the delay- they shut us up with hot chocolate. We missed our supposed ferry at picton and they retimed it. Sigh. If we didn't missed it we could see the beautiful waters. But we were rescheduled to take the night ferry. By the time we arrived at picton, it was around 3 + and the next ferry is at 6- plenty of time to go around a bit.

I really liked Picton. It is so serene- i feel so carefree, just like in Lancelin, WA. hehe Like i said, i have this thing for fishing village and water. It took 3 hours for the ferry (hey it was more like a cruise. Huge ferry) to reach wellington. We arrived late in the evening. Again we stayed at a backpackers or youth hostel or whatever you call it. Yea, that means we shared bathroom and toilet and kitchen with other people. We had the whole day to go around wellington, the next day, so we went to the waterfront, lambton quay (shopping place ;p) and Te Papa museum just for a bit. Btw, most of the museums, are FREE. Including their national museum =D

The largest squid ever found-collossal squid. Preserved at Te Papa. Haha cute. They say, it has eyes the size of a football.

The trip to Rotorua took 8 hours from Wellington, by bus. We had 2 full days in Rotorua. That's where we did a lot of crazy things

I like thermal village and Rotorua.

After all, we don't think. Just do it. Haha

From Rotorua, we headed back to Wellington for the night and the next day, the others took plane to Dunedin in the morning, while i took the plane to Auckland. The flight only took 1 hour so i had the whole afternoon to spend, ALONE, which is so boring. My flight was 3oclock in the morning the next day. Apparently, its easy to get to the city (mahal saja). Auckland in surprisingly, a city. Rupanya, according to mum, Auckland is the international gateway of NZ. I decided to go to the sky tower since, it was in the city. spend like 2 hours at the top, the view is nice and watching people jump from 192 m is exciting. Seriously, these people, they like adrenaline pumping activities.

Sky tower.

I ate and went back to the airport by 6pm. Basically, from 6pm till 3 subuh- i try to entertain myself and i ended up falling asleep until 1am. Baik jua tebangun. hehe.

I do want to go there again, because there's still lots of things we haven't done and seen. When you go to some place new, you'll just realize that there is so much to learn and you want to learn it all. When you don't have that much time to do so, you'll want to go there, again. When you see their mirror-like blue waters from above, you'd wish that you stay longer. However, there is just this funny feeling when you see the disgustingly brownish meandering river of Brunei- the feeling of relief that you're home. hmm. Do you get that too?

Thanks god for the wonderful things i saw and experience


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! haha it seems like your holiday has been nothing but fun woman!!! haha.. I really like the thermal village! It looks really cool.. XD lol. Did you need to pay to go there??? =D