Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Maths was terrible. I think this'll be my first flunk of the sem.


Cooking demo was fun. I mean fun as in mengenyangkan. I almost forgot how tired i am of a lot of things. Almost. The weather was hot. Then we went to the mall and i had to withdraw a few dollars because i was soo thirsty and i had absolutely no cash in hand =( (robbing me won't bring any benefit) so much for saving up for my plan with NJ this semester break. ( yes i meant the one she mentioned in her blog.) 500+ for 3 days. Lets see if i can collect enough or i'll prolly have to cut my number of stay somewhere or maybe bersama mai di polo club naik kuda saja. I saw the promo from printerku at rano today. One photobook & the second is free. Hmm maybe i'll go tommorow

f (x) = money used power of n where n is the number of days.
Use reduction formula.
go figure.

6 grills were provided and placed at the clt. how cool is that.

tukang masak kami during KCC

Songsaenim UBD

pepper and 1610

NJ- she's single and pandai masak.

Good thing i was too stressed with maths to eat lunch. We had duk gogi with lettuce. For free. Still, i don't care if i don't cook.
loves, cahaya.

Its okay. It will be. hopefully.