Monday, January 12, 2009

School starts. and i am going crazy.

First of all, i'd like to apologise neglecting the CB (i have not read my tags =p) but my resolution numero uno is to achieve something i can be proud of this year and that requires me to do the stuff i had been procrastinating like this one craft work that i have been procrastinating since middle of last year. Lets just say, i enjoy doing those things. i always have and not many people knew i had this hobby. I have finished 3 boxset of Taiwanese and Japanese Drama while doing my craftswork every night/morning and i am 3/4 done. weeee =D

I have been upset lately mostly because i have lost my motivation to study here. The results were out and i have done better than i expect. Alhamdulillah. Its always better than i expect..i guess ben was right when he said just before our exam starts last year, that i lack the confidence. and like Byl always said "ya andang selalu" i worry to much with the little details. I am a perfectionist so i will sulk and get terribly frustrated when i didn't do even the little details well. And honestly, i cramped everything to the very last minute and that is why i didn't expect it to turn out that way. i even thought of changing course if it turns out bad. (i knoww. overdose wah my worries atu) So resolution nemero dos, try to be rajin and nerdify myself and no last minute cramping. I want to achieve something with my effort not luck. NO more good luck. Its good marks okay.

Thirdly, sorrry for the late oscar-speech for sahlan. I promised a speech if i passed maths and i got a C. i know a C is still not a B or an A but when i said i am not confident with my maths i wasn't kidding. Honestly, i failed my course work. Got only 30+ % out of 100 for my maths test and from that to a C, that... i think would be my greatest achievement in ubd yet. Because i spent my one week of revision week studying maths from scratch (thanks to not listening and doodling/eating in maths lectures and never done my tutorials). And thanks to sahlan and Hanis guidance who knew how terrible i was in that one week of starting MA1101 from scratch i.e sets to vectors. i passed. BUT I WILL MAKE A PROPER SPEECH AS PROMISED TO SAHLAN later.

resolution numero tres, finish practicals! HAHA. I knowwwww. I never did finished everything since form 5. I guess its time to change that right?

and finally school starts today and tuesday is my new monday. I just looked at my timetable (see i told you i am not ready for school) I have a stretch of subjects starting with two hours human geography two hours of MIB and an hour of biology from 8 am to 1 pm. then at 2pm until 5pm there's MIB (again) and Computer programming. Shat.


ps- Laps my adik who can read me. =) i knowww. I am sooo faking emo but yeah i guess i still am. you are the greatest google dude.