Thursday, September 30, 2010



Very very upset today though volunteering for health screening in the morning was indeed fun. I missed 2 important things this week but sigh. nvm. trying to tell myself this over and over again

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jad (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui"(Al-Baqarah : 216)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Special olympic starts


Today was packed. We had training for SOAPBC (special olympics asia pacific bocce competition) health screening and we get a tshirt this time too! I was assigned to fit feet. menyukat kaki athletes. Then at night, i had my shift for accomodation committee volunteering at Games village. almost all the special athletes have arrived already and are staying at games village. We had to run around and did a few errands under Ka Tini, the accommodation committee. But despite running up and down the stairs, the experience is indeed valuable. I met Nyssa and Martha both New Zealand special athletes. Perhaps, some of you might know that we call people with some degree of intellectual disability as special. But don't be mistaken, indeed they are intellectually slow, but their physical ability sometimes may surpass ours.

What made my day was when Nyssa said "oh look at those big ants. (burung ujan)" and she started screaming because she was afraid of it. and she started talking about these big gecko in her room which might be female with lots of eggs and she was afraid that the eggs burst and give out many little geckos. My imagination went wild and all when she said that and she shouted "OH NO look at that BIG GECKO. oh my god. they're everywhere. hanging in the ceiling"

and i looked at it- it was a house lizard! pikir ku kah gecko berijap mana. haha cali lah, it was fun to chat with them. and she even gossiped with me about an annoying delegate (not the athletes but the coaches) who demanded so many things. ;p

Full week this week and i am tired but all is worth it and the experience you can't get anywhere. Ss mark twain said,

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
-Mark Twain

Saturday, September 25, 2010



Next week would be a busy week. Alhamdulillah we don't have plant eco class on 28th Sept so i could attend the special olympics Bocce officiating course, which is free as i had signed up for volunteering as a linesmen for the upcoming Special olympic Asia pacific bocce competition (SOAPBC). Next week will be SO week and my schedule would be:

28th SOAPBC training at CPSS

29th morning SOAPBC training and SOBD at berakas hall and afternoonhealth screening training at ripas sport complex

30th Volunteer for health screening SOAPBC at Ripas sport complex

1st volunteer as linesmen for SOAPBC games and probably night time too

3rd Volunteer as linesmen for SOAPBC games morning and Pusat ehsan charity bazaar afternoon

Interesting yes? I want to be more involved in SO haha maybe one step at a time :)

I have been thinking lately about what i am going to do in the future. a best friend of mine is a bsp scholar, another got an unconditional offer from Brunei insurance agency. and me? hmm my future is still hanging.but i think i kind of made up my mind about things i want to do in the future. I did told a few that i want to do marine as my final project but mangroves seemed interesting as well so its between magroves and marine. But hmm, i am interested in aquaculture and how it can be used as diversification of Brunei's economy.

So there you go. Don't ask me what i want to do anymore. i made up my mind. as of now that is. unless people came up to me with other interesting things haha

Ps- we should really stop saying the word "retard" its quite offensive to those who are intelectually disabled.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This deserves a post of its own.


Dr Edwards: What is a species and why is it difficult to define?

A species is the only level in the heirarchy that can be defined. Its not something that humans create and so it has a little reality to it. Genus, Family class and the level below it is not real and depends on taxonomist. Why is it difficult to define? Because species are changing while we are looking at it. It is not static but evolves with time. Something that is a species now may be another species in the future. The other problem is, there are a lot of variation in a species.


And we spent one whole hour JUST to define a species. HAHAHA. This is one of what i study fyi. Interesting yes?

2/3 more days to eid.


I intended to do many things this ramadhan : Post a mail to Buzz in China and Kak deena in Yala, South Thailand and more. But work caught me. I don't usually look forward to eid at the end of fasting month. But i do this year because i bought heels. =p Furthermore, my next braces appointment is due during the first eid week and now its hurting again. I can't wait till they close the gaps on my teeth. Tutoring form 5 biology has been splendid but the timetable during ramadhan is quite inconvenient.

Two of my friends who went to Pattani South Thai's article was out in the previous weeks. Read Dean's story about his one month volunteering experience and Azimah's too. Apparently they travelled to krabi and various places while being there. Since each of the 16 of us were placed in different schools in South Thai, we had different experiences. and theirs was probably more interesting than my experience since they stayed for full one month.

And its week 6! we're almost half way done through this semester. lalala. and its 10 weeks closer to vacation in December. Still can't decide to join my family throughout their 2 weeks road trip next December, or join my family for a week and then catch up with my friends backpacking in Northern Thailand for another week. Hmm. Haha i haven't gone through any exams yet and here i am thinking about holiday. Atleast its something to look forward to while studying. Travel photos is in my other picture blog. Why do i have 2 blogs? Apparently blogger is convenient to post wordy blogs but tumblr gives an amazing resolution to photos.

September activities: EID! Open houses. food and cakes. Special Olympics Brunei volunteering.

2/3 more days to eid. Are you ready to leave ramadhan?