Sunday, October 17, 2010

:(( editted

Won't blog as much maybe. Its been a bad semester for me. Seriously. I missed a few deadlines, a few test and now presentation. Sigh :(

really feeling upset. So i need to get back on my feet. or atleast try to.

Furthermore, its really upsetting how people would say how i look like a mom or so. or when they say "oh you look so pretty today. slalunya si ________ lagi lawa" I mean i know i am not pretty. I know my body size is not as what every men dream of. I am getting older too everyday. I am overall NOT your dream girl. I GET IT. But atleast i am still a girl and you have to think that it does hurt my feelings a lot to hear that kind of thing.

Just hope that i can get back on my feet, try to pretend to ignore these hurtful words and pretend to smile.
