Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Aku mau cuti lagi and gigiku sakit

Hi. I am back from KK and i need to finish my report/Journal about Thailand community work and and and i will TRY to post pictures of my travels on facebook if i;m not too lazy.

AND my jaw and teeth feels sangal. I don't know why maybe its because of the new arrangement of teeth or that my teeth move too much that i have gaps! =/

Look! There's the gap which i previously do not have. If the gap is between the incisors i won't mind, atleast i'd still look like madonna. BUT i don't. can't wait for the next appointment (next week) pasal sangal jaw ku. It feels like its about to fall off if i open my mouth to big.

And it looks like there's going to be a comback for SPECIAL OLYMPICS BRUNEI. talk soon after he replies or the event is confirmed bla bla. tho its at the end of september.