Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Saturday 21st Jun 08- Congress at ICC.

Before i post an explanation/respond blog to that particular (damn) blog =p, here's a post on last Saturday. The BHAVG reps were invited to attend this particular political congress. When Dibah mentioned about the congress, honestly i thought that we would actually be participating in it but it turns out that we were guests. This was our first time being in the opening ceremony of a political congress (though the sight of alat kebesaran kongres, the protocols, ayahanda-kekanda-anakanda-talk, the yelling and most importantly their thoughts freaks me out a lot) so like D said, it is an honor to be invited. I picked them up around 8 +AM then off to ICC for the opening ceremony.

The whole i dunno how many hours of listening to the speeches was interesting. Since i am no economics student, statistic doesn't bother me at all. And despite that, i wasn't at all surprise to listen to it. But what is interesting for me was their proposals which some i don't agree with especially the part where they proposed a raise in bla bla. If their mission is to help develop Brunei into a better Brunei, then why start with money? If we are to spoon people with a raise in money, Bruneians will take everything for granted even more. We have subsidise education, subsidise medical, subsidise oil and no tax...what more do we want? Macam some of their proposals in my opinion tends to lead to a road where bruneians would be more pampered.

But the pembangunan insaniah where they said in speech, 'kita tidak mahu rakyat negara menjadi seperti negara-negara maju yang lain yang mencapai status kemajuan yang begitu tinggi tetapi moral dan akhlak masyarakat nya runtuh, penghayatan dan jati diri negara semakin terhakis' that...i totally agree with .

The political part was interesting.. one don't get to see these kind of stuffs that often in Brunei but yeah since i'm an avid fan of reading Malaysian bloggers trashing their politicians, politics has become part of my daily read. Then again, if i was asked to participate or actually join, i have NO interest. I'd rather do my part in the society and do well than constantly think and debate that the government or the other side is not doing enough. Action is better than words so i'd rather be action than be words. And ideas are not the sama as words. Pedas kata-kata ku? I don't care. I stand by my words.

Anyway, there's the part where the whole speech (except for a few lines) were made in Malay when clearly foreign officials were invited. I realise their whole point for that is so that we can make use of our language more. I heard the ones at front say- 'Japanese, Chinese, Spain, France and many European countries appreciate their own language and prioritises it. Why can't we prioritise Malay too. If speaking english can make us develop fast, we'd already be developing on par with others'. Its true though. So yeah it seems like they want to make the point of prioritising malay thorugh their deep malay speech. i pity the oficials though. They should have been told to bring intepreters ka. During the break, we had a little chat with one of the AJK tertinggi. And after that went to the toilet just to avoid being seen 'excusing ourself'. =p Dibah wanted to buy some ingredients for her dim sum (kamuuu dibah pandai udahh) so we went to Giant. Macam gila giant tplang tani ani ah.

Then off to see the JIS art and design and technology exhibition. Their art student are really great. Love the arts. And love vaining even more. =p cuba liat ne 'jemputan khas' ah ni naah ulah abisdia. vain kan sorang2? =p

The arts. Meliat baju utk kami kawin nnti =p nada ba we were looking at Osveanne's piece. and the waterfall was some other student piece forgot her name but it was beautiful.

We were hungry so we went to Aminah Arif di Batu besurat.

The two pelahap ordered ambuyat set. I ordered pattaya and KERABU ayam. NYAMAN kerabunya banar.

ne naah kejadian nya lapas pelahap2 makan. =p si dibah n byl vaccum nya g tu ba kerabu a. hahaha ganas.

Typical bruneian habit-lapas bejaur makan. Lapas kanyang duduk diam balik. =p I like this pic. hehehe. Mcm nampak aku tu pemandu berhemah =p Bah outs. Salam

Ps- i realise that i have filled my blog with my deep thoughts and opinion. You are welcome to debate or say that its wrong but i will stand by my words. soo. i am copywriting everything i said in this blog. If you are to use any of it... you should atleast mention me. thank you.