Monday, March 14, 2011

Di uji.


A friend said this to me:

if ada orang yang ALLAH uji kau with right now, mesti ada hikmahNYA. ALLAH is the best planner.

And i am greatful for this. It might make me the bad person. I know. It might hurt me. I know. But i what i also know is that i am happy. That's why,regardless of what is to come, i'd like to think that Allah has plans for me this time.

Di uji.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A smile as sweet as honey, i should keep


Read my old blog and here is what i had on July 11 2007

The clocks are spinning and the time seems to shorten by each day. I don't know if its the force of nature or if its the psychological effect A-levels is having on me. And despite the empty jokes my friends and i shared during lunch or break, our laughter are slowly fading away. At times of pressure everyone seem to take joy from others misery and we laughed at their frowns. We continued laughing and smiling but in our hearts, we all knew that its a facade. The visage that hides our insecurities.

And, when the gloom is just about to take the best of me, someone anonymous, unaware of the dark cloud above me, came out of nowhere and say "your smile is one of the sweetest thing i have ever seen" and slowly happiness start to grow and the stress withers.

Beneath the dark clouds, there are anonymous angels whose words may lift you up, there are friends who walked by your sides, there are families who give you hugs and most importantly, there is everyone else who are around us.

Thank you people. And thanks very much to the person who said such words to me.

ika <3

Somehow i've been feeling under the blue these few days. Blame it on PMS i guess but i guess a smile can make wonders.